Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail |OT|


In the off-chance someone else wanted the Omega statue + emote but missed out, there's a re-release coming next april you can pre-order for:

or you can pay way more from the official SE store here:
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Some concept art from 7.1 stuff and a screenshot of the updated Fafnir model in FFXI alliance raid (the Fafnir in Eureka was a generic dragon model IIRC) from Korean Fanfest

  • Rough translation for the field exploration name: "New Moon Island.
  • Field exploration has something to do with Final fantasy 5. Yoshi P was hinting (urging the community) to discuss job(s) from that game.
  • YoshiP talked about the size of the mech. It belongs to the Cosmic Exploration feature. The comparison to the figure for scale next to it: A Roegadyn.
  • The costume is Korean exclusive and can be worn by both genders.
  • The dragon is from the alliance raid.
  • Dawntrail 7.0 Korean Release date: 2024.12.03
  • Team is working hard to include both China and Korea into the global release schedule. Release simultaneously everywhere basically. Chinese client first (most work done, Korean client next). Loudest cheer by far.
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Just hoping they add the last year's worth of PVP stuff available for purchase with trophy crystals. I missed 2 mounts and a minion during an extended break. :( When they first added CC Yoshi said rewards would show up again later, but so far nada.


I think I'm gonna permanently give up on this game. I couldnt get through the story and stuff and just stopped playing at around lvl 94 MSQ quests. Everything is so formulaic and samish. Its like Ive seen it all before.
Just hoping they add the last year's worth of PVP stuff available for purchase with trophy crystals. I missed 2 mounts and a minion during an extended break. :( When they first added CC Yoshi said rewards would show up again later, but so far nada.
I thought he was referring to OLD PvP rewards, like Feast mounts. I wouldn't expect something from the Battle Passes to repeat anytime soon, but who knows...
I think I'm gonna permanently give up on this game. I couldnt get through the story and stuff and just stopped playing at around lvl 94 MSQ quests. Everything is so formulaic and samish. Its like Ive seen it all before.
Don't blame ya at all. Vote with your wallet and maybe the dev team will finally realize it's time to spice things up instead of repeating the same formula ad nauseum. Godspeed. 🫡


I thought he was referring to OLD PvP rewards, like Feast mounts. I wouldn't expect something from the Battle Passes to repeat anytime soon, but who knows...
Infuriatingly no. He's said multiple times he doesn't want to re-release Feast rewards ever and wants them to remain "special" which is pretty BS considering how blatant win trading was back then. You either got rank in the first few days or you were effectively locked out of any change at getting them cause no one queued.
Infuriatingly no. He's said multiple times he doesn't want to re-release Feast rewards ever and wants them to remain "special" which is pretty BS considering how blatant win trading was back then. You either got rank in the first few days or you were effectively locked out of any change at getting them cause no one queued.
Well that sucks. I was under the impression that we had moved past the idea of rewards like that being unobtainable forever, and it was just a matter of time before it was made available again. I've even been turning my excess Trophy Crystals into Wolf Collars for that moment lol

Oh well. Here's hoping the new PvP gear looks nice at least...


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
I think I'm gonna permanently give up on this game. I couldnt get through the story and stuff and just stopped playing at around lvl 94 MSQ quests. Everything is so formulaic and samish. Its like Ive seen it all before.
This game IMO is pretty much done. It basically ended in Endwalker. If it feels like you've seen it all's because you have.

Viper and Picto while interesting for a couple days lose their "new toy" factor really quick that after completing MSQ I quickly dropped and unsubbed.

Story is also very bad. Walking Sim and 7 boss fights is very underwhelming for a expansion.

Valonquar Valonquar Yoshi P won't re-release Feast rewards. But will let you wear the Feast only Hellhound gear in the Benchmark. You love to see it.
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Getting back into fishing achievements now. I am at 1657 / 1707 unique fish caught. 50 left to go. Just caught Cinder Suprise which has an insane 16 day spawn window and is only open for 6 minutes! There's about 6 left that each require multiple other fish to be caught to proc the Fisher's Intution buff in order to catch the legenday fish that I am dreading, including Warden of the Seven Hues, Aquamaton, Sea Butterfly, and Stethacanthus. It's still pretty addictive once you start down the rabbit hole that is fishing in this game.
Wow, I finally won the Cactpot. Was just mindlessly clicking through the results as usual and suddenly I hear a fanfare and this pops up.

brb gonna play IRL lotto
7.1 Live Letter summary:

The Chaotic mounts look awesome... and it's coming out on Dec 24th so we're gonna have a Chaotic Christmas in XIV. Looking forward to it.
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Excited for the FFXI crossover, everything else is so spread thin there isn't truly much content here for the next several months....more time for achievement grinds I guess.
Alliance questline was great - the former XI player in me loved the hell out of it. So many memories... almost makes me want to reinstall it because I still have one expansion to finish up (Adoulin), as well as the new storyline they added a couple years ago. Maybe during the next free login period, cuz I sure as hell ain't paying a monthly sub for it lol

But anyways, they really did a great job with Prishe's model and I can't wait to see more XI characters make the jump. Speaking of characters, I would really like some closure with Iroha since the Maiden's Rhapsody questline indicates she's still stuck in XIV's world. But it seems like the next raid will be Zilart-related shenanigans so I expect a certain red-haired woman to show up instead...

I was also theorizing that Odin might play a part in the alliance story since he plays a major role in XI's overarching story by essentially creating Shadowlord, and because Odin has been AWOL since post-ARR. I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to reintroduce him into the game, but nope... they breezed past his role entirely so it seems like Odin and Zantetsuken will continue to be forgotten in XIV.

Oh and I was right: they DID re-record the SPEEN LISSEN TO ME lines. The new recording is better but still not great IMO. But hey, kudos to SE for giving the VO a chance to redeem herself
PSA: Br'aaxskin maps are selling for a LOT right now because of the new treasure map weapons. Also the weapon coffers themselves but low drop rate so I'd rather just sell the maps for now


°Temp. member
I've been waffling back and forth between jumping in on 7.1 now or just waiting until 7.2 and then playing through both together (to get more value out of a 1 month sub). I'll likely jump on 7.1 either tomorrow or Monday though. Looking forward to watching the Ultimate WF race as well.
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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
I've been waffling back and forth between jumping in on 7.1 now or just waiting until 7.2 and then playing through both together (to get more value out of a 1 month sub). I'll likely jump on 7.1 either tomorrow or Monday though. Looking forward to watching the Ultimate WF race as well.
I wonder if they will cheat again to beat Ultimate first. Will be the most quality content to watch for sure.

Doesn't really matter if you play through 7.1 now or not. It's only 3 hours long for MSQ. Probably 5-6 hours if you do the raid. Very weak patch IMO.


got banned from FFXIV Dawntrail group on facebook

guess why? the moderator suddenly complained that the 'lalafel master race' joke is offensive as it refer to the jews master race mentality.


ofcourse you guys can guess what my reply toward the post is XD

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°Temp. member
I ended up renewing my sub.
I never played FF11 so I'm looking forward to seeing what that part's about in addition to the MSQ.

edit: The MSQ ended just as it was starting to get good :messenger_downcast_sweat:
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°Temp. member
I tried to get the Starbird minion countless times during Endwalker.
Today I heard that they buffed the drop rate with 7.1 so I tried again and got it on the very first attempt. :messenger_open_mouth:
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That minion took me soooo many runs to get back in the first month of Endwalker... that said, I've run Jeuno: The First Walk at least 80 times and still haven't won the roll for the minion. It took about 45 runs before I got the Triple Triad card, and still need like 6 more of the orchestration scrolls. Fortunately there's like nothing else to do except grind this minion, 1 card from the new 4 man, and then grind out PvP rank for a day. Nothing else til Dec 17, not tryin to lose my mind on another ultimate fight. Not sure why they though it would be a good idea to release ult on thanksgiving and chaotic on xmas eve....


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
edit: The MSQ ended just as it was starting to get good :messenger_downcast_sweat:
4 month patch cycle

Small indie company pls understand

Yeah I was disappointed that it got interesting in the last 2 minutes and then it was like see you next time on Dragon Ball Z

My experience after 3 hours.



Final Fantasy XIV mobile announced LMAO

it seems it is indeed same FF14 it just redeveloped for mobile.
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Yeah no thanks. We'll prob play whatever minimal amount you need for the inevitable cross-promo item and then never touch it again.
I'd rather have an official localization to Dragon Quest X. FFXI is perfectly playable as is.
Not saying it isn't. But I'd rather have had XI mobile over XIV mobile.

And yeah DQX would be nice too. Isn't there an offline version that they ALSO didn't bring to the West? Square Enix makes the most perplexing decisions, I swear...


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Not saying it isn't. But I'd rather have had XI mobile over XIV mobile.

And yeah DQX would be nice too. Isn't there an offline version that they ALSO didn't bring to the West? Square Enix makes the most perplexing decisions, I swear...
Serves more a as a prologue to DQX itself and is chibi which is unacceptable. I could go through the Fan Translation process but that involves jumping through hoops and making use of live translation tools and I am not dealing with all that hassle.

All FFXIV mobile tells me is it is going to be a P2W mess. Especially with it going through testing in China primarily. And that FFXI mobile has basically been canceled.

Any MMO that has mobile and Console/PC split always suffers to some degree.

And based on the trailer I can see it being more streamlined and braindead then it already is currently.


°Temp. member
I ran the Jueno raid at least 6 times today and the gloves I wanted never dropped :messenger_weary:
I remember this happening to me last expansion too

edit: finally got it on my 11th run
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°Temp. member
Just bought the golden sheep and now I finally have all three $50m gil mounts.
Never thought I'd see the day but here we are. :messenger_sunglasses:
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Kenny Omega gonna debut new entrance song composed by Soken assisted with Nobuo Uematsu, Koji Fox, Hiroshi Takai with Jason Miller at Wrestle Dynasty.
Finally got my Chaotic Raid clear. Honestly the fight is good fun when people actually know what they're doing. But when we're wiping to towers or swaps for the 50th time.... it gets tiring lol

Here's hoping reclears are smoother. I just want that damn cloud mount!
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