Elden Ring - 1st round of Closed Network Test previews


Gold Member
Elden Ring

Demons Souls on PS3

Man people in GAF take graphic whoring to another level. What the fuck is wrong people these days!?

Well, DeS isn't exactly one of the better looking PS3 games. There are games on that console that look almost a generation better. But no, of course ER doesn't look like a PS3 game. It looks like an average PS4 game. Not too bad, but far behind the best looking open world games of that generation. Which is as expected.
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Can’t Git Gud
Well, DeS isn't exactly one of the better looking PS3 games. There are games on that console that look almost a generation better. But no, of course ER doesn't look like a PS3 game. It looks like an average PS4 game. Not too bad, but far behind the best looking open world games of that generation. Which is as expected.
average ps4 game? What is the metric here?
We are judging only open world games? or comparing to uncharted 4?
What about animations or models? I think Elden Ring at least have some of best animations.
For me, Dark souls 3 and bloodborne look above average compared to other games. This looks very simialar and better on ps5.

Have you people seen proper 4k quality mode hdr recording from ps5 ?! Streams don make it justice. Look at 7:10

The colors, foliage, animations, geometric detail... ps3 game
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Gold Member
average ps4 game? What is the metric here?
We are judging only open world games? or comparing to uncharted 4?
What about animations or models? I think Elden Ring at least have some of best animations.
For me, Dark souls 3 and bloodborne look above average compared to other games. This looks very simialar and better on ps5.

I mean, compare this with Horizon (the original). The difference in level of detail etc is massive.

So yes, I'd say average. There are a lot of worse looking games on the console, but also many that look significantly better. DS3 is also average. BB looks a bit better IMO, partly because it's more focused on a certain art style. Less variety, but what's there is a bit higher quality.
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average ps4 game? What is the metric here?
We are judging only open world games? or comparing to uncharted 4?
What about animations or models? I think Elden Ring at least have some of best animations.
For me, Dark souls 3 and bloodborne look above average compared to other games. This looks very simialar and better on ps5.

Have you people seen proper 4k quality mode hdr recording from ps5 ?! Streams don make it justice. Look at 7:10

The colors, foliage, animations, geometric detail... ps3 game

Have you played the game ? I personally played on XSX and it does look like an average PS4 game, on graphic mode the frame rate is erratic and on "frame rate mode" the frame rate isn't even stable. The textures are not good, the grass is ridiculous, the lightning is also average...

I mean it's probably the game I'm looking forward the most, but technically it's almost pathetic. (I don't talk about the art direction, which is great as usual.)


Can’t Git Gud
Have you played the game ? I personally played on XSX and it does look like an average PS4 game, on graphic mode the frame rate is erratic and on "frame rate mode" the frame rate isn't even stable. The textures are not good, the grass is ridiculous, the lightning is also average...

I mean it's probably the game I'm looking forward the most, but technically it's almost pathetic. (I don't talk about the art direction, which is great as usual.)
I only watched some streams.
I think it looks good and packed with detail... pathetic ?! cmon now.
Looks stunning and coherent for me... let's remember it is a cross gen title and not demons souls.

What is the resolution in performance mode ?
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Gold Member
the hell? I have been trying to get in all day long, every few minutes.

Session 1 - 12th November 2021​

Start Time:
  • North America: 3am PST / 4am MST / 5am CST / 6am EST
  • UK/Ire: 11am GMT
  • Europe: 12pm CET / 1pm EET
  • Asia/Oceania: 8pm JST / 7pm AWST / 10pm AEDT
End Time:
  • North America: 6am PST / 7am MST / 8am CST / 9am EST
  • UK/Ire: 2pm GMT
  • Europe: 3pm CET / 4pm EET
  • Asia/Oceania: 11pm JST / 10pm AWST / 1am AEDT

Session 2 - 13th November 2021​

Start Time:
  • North America: 7pm PST / 8pm MST / 9pm CST / 10pm EST
  • UK/Ire: 3am GMT
  • Europe: 4am CET / 5am EET
  • Asia/Oceania: 12pm JST / 11am AWST / 2pm AEDT
End Time:
  • North America: 10pm PST / 11pm MST / 12am CST / 1am EST
  • UK/Ire: 6am GMT
  • Europe: 7am CET / 8am EET
  • Asia/Oceania: 3pm JST / 2pm AWST / 5pm AEDT

Session 3 - 13th November 2021​

Start Time:
  • North America: 11am PST / 12pm MST / 1pm CST / 2pm EST
  • UK/Ire: 7pm GMT
  • Europe: 8pm CET / 9pm EET
  • Asia/Oceania: 4am JST / 3am AWST / 6am AEDT
End Time:
  • North America: 2pm PST / 3pm MST / 4pm CST / 5pm EST
  • UK/Ire: 10pm GMT
  • Europe: 11pm CET / 12am EET
  • Asia/Oceania: 7am JST / 6am AWST / 9am AEDT

Session 4 - 14th November 2021​

Start Time:
  • North America: 3am PST / 4am MST / 5am CST / 6am EST
  • UK/Ire: 11am GMT
  • Europe: 12pm CET / 1pm EET
  • Asia/Oceania: 8pm JST / 7pm AWST / 10pm AEDT
End Time:
  • North America: 6am PST / 7am MST / 8am CST / 9am EST
  • UK/Ire: 2pm GMT
  • Europe: 3pm CET / 4pm EET
  • Asia/Oceania: 11pm JST / 10pm AWST / 1am AEDT

Session 5 - 15th November 2021​

Start Time:
  • North America: 7pm PST / 8pm MST / 9pm CST / 10pm EST
  • UK/Ire: 3am GMT
  • Europe: 4am CET / 5am EET
  • Asia/Oceania: 12pm JST / 11am AWST / 2pm AEDT
End Time:
  • North America: 10pm PST / 11pm MST / 12am CST / 1am EST
  • UK/Ire: 6am GMT
  • Europe: 7am CET / 8am EET
  • Asia/Oceania: 3pm JST / 2pm AWST / 5pm AEDT


Can’t Git Gud
Is there a way to still get a code? I had no idea there are few sessions
I would love to play this on my ps5 :(
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Well, DeS isn't exactly one of the better looking PS3 games. There are games on that console that look almost a generation better. But no, of course ER doesn't look like a PS3 game. It looks like an average PS4 game. Not too bad, but far behind the best looking open world games of that generation. Which is as expected.
Yes definitely an exaggeration, but it does look rough.

Kinda disappointing for what I think is From's new tentpole franchise.


Gold Member
as this kinda became the OT for the test by accident I've updated the OT a bit with relevant info.

Is there a way to still get a code? I had no idea there are few sessions
I would love to play this on my ps5 :(
I've seen them go for 380 quid today on eBay.

just kidding, I'd keep an eye out on r/ and Twitter people seem to be giving them out on Twitch streams etc.


Tried the preview on PS4 (Pro) and man, it's rough.
Low framerate, low image quality, a lot of pop-up/dithering/flickering here and there and the game froze my console in my second summon attempt, forcing me to reboot the system.

That said, it seems to be something lovely to play on a decent system and with some technical improvements.


About the dash - I see what the manual says but it just doesn't work or something? Doesn't seem to depend on the lock on either. Really weird and especially painful as I'm playing a melee character.
bad translation. dash in this case means the usual running/sprinting.
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The nicest person on this forum
I feel like that proves my point, even considering its cherry picked to hell and back.
I don't how the hell Elden Ring looks like PS3 game? Sure it doesn't looks "next gen" you guys screaming about but god damn you guys sure do love to hyperbole.

Make me question even if you guys play games or just stare at screen and count pixels.
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I don't how the hell Elden Ring looks like PS3 game? Sure it doesn't looks "next gen" you guys screaming about but god damn you guys sure do love to hyperbole.

Make me question even guys play games or just staring at screen counting pixels.

I just don't see a big difference. Not suggesting Elden doesn't look better, it's just extremely underwhelming outside of very specific vistas.


I just don't see a big difference. Not suggesting Elden doesn't look better, it's just extremely underwhelming outside of very specific vistas.

But saying don't look better and saying looks like a PS3 game are very distinct points.
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You don't have to kill them. You can just hit one of them once and they'll stop. Open the chest quick and run away.
Shit, that didn’t happen to until they were up the road when I ran into them later on after I had already opened the chest. They stopped walking and kneeled. I was hitting them as the walked and had to roll and back away from their stomps. Then when one kneeled they stopped moving but I think the second one still stomped.
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Gold Member
Not defending the guy, but this photo was in the dev team PR. Never saw a place like that in the game. Lots has change to match HDR light.

There are definitely forests in the game that look pretty much like that though. And in general a ton of places that look MUCH better than anything we've seen of ER. Which is fine. But some people seem unable to accept that From are not very technically skilled.


There are definitely forests in the game that look pretty much like that though. And in general a ton of places that look MUCH better than anything we've seen of ER. Which is fine. But some people seem unable to accept that From are not very technically skilled.

Nothing like that in the photo. That was a PR screenshot. Have loads of hours in HZD and the DLC, not to mention all the thophies.

There are beauty forests in the game, but nothing like that SS.


3AM UK time for network tests is uncool Bandai-namco.
I'm staying up for it. But still...not cool.

3am till 6am lol I might have an hour from now 1:50 am.

I wonder if it restarts from where I left off or I have to start again?

I don't mind either way.


Gold Member
Nothing like that in the photo. That was a PR screenshot. Have loads of hours in HZD and the DLC, not to mention all the thophies.

There are beauty forests in the game, but nothing like that SS.

The claim was that BB has higher geometric detail in the environments than Horizon, which I called BS on.
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Can anyone tell me how to 2-hand my weapons? It used to be hold Y, but doesn't seem to work anymore. Have they removed that feature?

EDIT: Ofc they didn't remove it :messenger_sunglasses: Hold Y/Triangle and then RB/R1
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I just played it on Series X, and holy shit the framerate is ATROCIOUS... I had to set my Xbox to 1440p 120hz for this to widen my VRR window below 48hz... this game constantly drops down to 40fps during that first boss on the horse.
I think this will be another FromSoftware game that I'll be playing on PC and not on console. that was also the right choice for Sekiro... I shouldn't have expected anything else from FromSoftware tbh... they might have som genius game designers over there, but their engine is pure trash

but I think there is more to that than that in the case of the Series X version. Seems extremely unoptimized

Hold Y, then hit R1 to 2 hand right weapon, L1 for left I think.

so you hold an XBox controller and hold Y on it, then take a Playstation controller to hit R1 or L1? that is a weird button combo
white teeth troll GIF
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I've tried but I just can't seem to enjoy this at all. I played on PS5 by the way. I think I'm done with Souls games in general, the formula is becoming stale IMO and the open world aspect somehow makes it worse for me. No my cup of tea anymore unfortunately. This is coming from someone who loved Bloodborne to death.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Played another 3 hours this go round. Beat two more "mini-bosses" and one "major foe" or whatever. Leveled up to 30, prioritizing strength and vitality. Still pretty much whomping anything I find although there are a few things here and there that still get me.

I got freakin stuck in the castle area - not really sure where to go or how to proceed. There's a giant spider-man boss in a dark room that's seemingly a dead end...


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

How hard is Elden Ring? Is magic overpowered? We took to your twitter questions to answer as many questions surrounding the Elden Ring Closed Network Test as we could, based on our 15 hours of play with the preview build.

00:00 Intro
00:25 Do You Have to Grind to Progress?
02:17 Is Magic Overpowered?
05:28 How Guided is the Gameplay Experience?
07:04 Can You Save and Load Like in Skyrim?
07:31 Does the Open World Content Feel Like Filler?
09:13 How is the Difficulty Scaling of the Open World?
11:32 How Hard is Elden Ring Compared to Other Souls Games?
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Played another 3 hours this go round. Beat two more "mini-bosses" and one "major foe" or whatever. Leveled up to 30, prioritizing strength and vitality. Still pretty much whomping anything I find although there are a few things here and there that still get me.

I got freakin stuck in the castle area - not really sure where to go or how to proceed. There's a giant spider-man boss in a dark room that's seemingly a dead end...

The giant spider-man boss in the dark room drops a key to the door down below. Although, you'll be disappointed once you've entered :(
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