Lmfao who have you been talking to.This has been said over and over. We're waiting for MS to prove us wrong.
I am convinced that nobody outside of the current market for console will pay $10/month to play AAA games on their tablets or phone. But even among the console crowd, a gamepass model is a niche because there's only small gaming population that can play all those games. For most people it's not worth it.
Gamepass is already a hard sell among the gamer crowd. Among the casual crowd - it's as good as dead.
yep, you tell those dirty fanboysOH GOD the humanities, first you guys ban Bodomism and now my brother Bryan? You guys are banning the best fan boys! Stay safe out there @Bo_Hazem and @Ass of Can Whooping!
Lmfao who have you been talking to.
I know more folks with Gamepass from work/ school than own a PS5 at this point
Yeah PS users are happy because the PS Now and PS Plus services looks like they're going to be combined into one service.Really... Cus I've got nothing but praise for gamepass in terms of games it offers, quality and amount. If PS is finally going for it with their service then we'll done to them and PS users are in for a massive treat.
However, if anyone is losing their minds, it's not xbox fans. Gamepass has been absoloubtly slated by PlayStation users on GAF, but now they are happy. How's that not warrioring.
Totally.if they combine it make sure they dont raise the price or we have the option to decline ps now.
Again, you're wrong. PSN and PS Now don't run in any network, they are networks themselves. Sony has their own infrastructure and many related patents.A whole wall of text practically saying Sony indeed doesn't own the infrastructure PSN and PSNow runs on, which was my point from the begining. PSN and PSNow is theirs duh, nobody said otherwise as far as I know but that's besides the point. The network that it runs on - the serverspace they're renting are owned by others and as far as I know you do agree with that it seems when reading your post. You don't seem to realize that Azure has huge datacenters on practically every continent which in fact are owned by Microsoft themselves. While others indeed need to rent them to keep their services up and running Microsoft owns the infrastructure needed to have their services up and running at all times.
Sad to see you permed.A very simplistic take but simple is what you do best and what you are...
Again, you're wrong. PSN and PS Now don't run in any network, they are networks themselves. Sony has their own infrastructure and many related patents.
Sony owns their own servers and have their own datacenters, but obviously like most similar companies in the world -being Microsoft one of them-, have many of their servers in 3rd party datacenters (obviously operated by Sony remotely). Datacenters are only buildings with a lot of refrigeration full of servers with staff taking care of them 24/7. These servers can be owned by the datacenter company or by their customer (in this case MS or Sony) hiring space for their servers there. This customer can hire virtual or physical servers, or to bring their own physical servers (as it happens with PS Now or XCloud).
Many apps, websites or services run on traditional servers, which have PC hardware and can share their resources between different services and apps from different customers who rent space there. A single of these computers may be hosting at the same time stuff from Youtube, Netflix, Azure, AWS, Facebook, Uber, internal corporate stuff, Spotify, a random website or a console game's multiplayer dedicated server and many other things, each one on its own virtual server. A physical server rack can host multiple virtual servers or a single virtual server can use multiple physical servers at the same time.
But this 3rd party datacenter company -same goes for Azure servers and datacenters- can't run in their own servers PS Now, because PS Now doesn't run on the traditional PC based hardware servers they use: PS Now server racks use a special hardware that are PS3 and PS4 hardware modified to run for streaming. Sony puts in this datacenter their own PS Now physical server racks. Xbox copied this strategy when they copied PS Now to make XCloud: XCloud server racks use Xbox hardware modified to run for streaming.
Regarding Azure having datacenters yes, they have datacenters. And Sony too (but way less because Sony only hosts there their own internal corporate stuff and services). And like Sony, MS also hires many 3rd party datacenter companies and operate their servers remotely.
Yes, when you get Azure they can give you server space for your website/app/service. In the same way some ISPs can, or some related companies like GoDaddy, Wordpress and so on. All these companies operate servers in many datacenters, some owned by them and som owned by 3rd party datacenter companies. MS (same goes with the 3rd party datacenter companies) can't offer Azure's servers to host PS Now there because only Sony makes and owns the PS3 and PS4 physical servers that PS Now uses. So either if located in datacenters owned by Sony, MS or 3rd party datacenter companies, PS Now always will use Sony's PS Now server racks because they are the only way to run PS Now.
It isn't mandatory to use MS servers or MS datacenters when using Azure, AWS or similar. In the same way it isn't mandatory to use Godaddy or wordpress servers or datacenters for your personal website. Because many customers -like in this case Sony- have their own physical servers, have their own datacenters or hire 3rd party datacenters or server space elsewhere.
TLDR: Sony and any other companies -like MS- host many of their servers in outsourced 3rd party datacenters because it's the cheapest option and more expensive ones don't offer anything special that justify it, so it's better to cut middleman costs. Same goes with Azure as software to remotely manage servers. It doesn't offer anything special, probably Sony switched from the market leader Amazon AWS to Azure because as part of the deal between Sony and MS to share game streaming R&D they offered a cheaper deal than the one Amazon was offering Sony, or Sony was interested in some patent MS may have.
Organic growth isn't bullshit, it's what they are doing: all their gamedev studios are highly increasing their headcount and they are acquiring studios who previously did work for them during a lot of time in many games. They said that will continue doing that.
And Sony said multiple times they won't put their games day one on their game subscriptions. In fact, Bloomberg also says Sony won't put their games day one there.
When 'I said studios who previously did work for them during a lot of time in many games' I obviously meant people who made many exclusive games, mr. Putin.Nearly every dev has worked with every platform holder. So using that logic, any acquisition should be considered organic growth.
They made $25B in revenue and growing year after year. They make most of this money from games sold. PS4 is the game that sold more games in gaming history and seems PS5 has a bigger engagement per user. While a tiny part of their revenue comes from game subscriptions even if they have had way more subscribers than any other console game subscription and less $1 or similar deals. If they achieve their FY goal PS5 will be back to be the best selling console ever outselling the current record holder -their previous console, PS4- launch aligned. Their 1st party blockbuster games are selling more than ever, hitting over 10 and in a some case even 20 million copies.Things change, and when Sony are the position to, I think that they will go day one with their games on their service. We will see what they do in the next few years
This reads like a pr piece lol joke. It is undeniable that they are doing really well.When 'I said studios who previously did work for them during a lot of time in many games' I obviously meant people who made many exclusive games, mr. Putin.
They made $25B in revenue and growing year after year. They make most of this money from games sold. PS4 is the game that sold more games in gaming history and seems PS5 has a bigger engagement per user. While a tiny part of their revenue comes from game subscriptions even if they have had way more subscribers than any other console game subscription and less $1 or similar deals. If they achieve their FY goal PS5 will be back to be the best selling console ever outselling the current record holder -their previous console, PS4- launch aligned. Their 1st party blockbuster games are selling more than ever, hitting over 10 and in a some case even 20 million copies.
They are breaking gaming history records and growing many records with their current strategy. To put their games day one on a subscription service would destroy it, it's a suicide idea that doesn't make any sense from a business side, specially considering game budgets increase every generation and already are too high and too risky. So they will continue sticking to their current strategy with only minor tweaks from time to time.
You'll be missed.A very simplistic take but simple is what you do best and what you are...
Game subscriptions (specially with streaming) aren't more profitable than to sell games. They will continue focusing on selling games because it generates more revenue and profit for them. If something they may put there day one only a few of their games, small ones or focused in MP GaaS.But you just explained why they will do it in the future (the bit in bold) and why they will go day one pc at the same time. The cost of making games is not getting any cheaper, a subscription model takes away a lot of the risk as the subscribers are heavily subsidising dev costs. Maybe even fully paying once you have enough subscribers. Plus all those pc sales will help too. Those that don't subscribe still buy games. It won't have the apocalyptic effect that you are imagining.
As this is a few years away, we can agree to disagree, and revisit this in the future. Bookmark this post though
I still don’t get what that means can someone explain?Enough with all the fucking green rats the mods need to act![]()
A hardcore Sony fanboy had a meltdown and called Xbox fans green rats in his last Post.I still don’t get what that means can someone explain?
If it will be released in Spring, I expect it to be announced maybe a few weeks before in a random State of Play. Who knows, maybe they mix it with the PSVR2 full reveal and choose 'the future of PlayStation' or something like that as the theme of the stream.Have a question.
This will not made oficial in the next the game awards, this deserve a proper Spotlight. When PS made this oficial will be in proper and great sshowcase, so in that showcase will be a big game announcements. My question is will be a great game announcements in the game awards?
Companies especially public ones are run on growth and future potential. Companies aren't run the way fans think they should be run, sitting and resting cause they're "number 1" and reacting after something negative happens.Game subscriptions (specially with streaming) aren't more profitable than to sell games. They will continue focusing on selling games because it generates more revenue and profit for them. If something they may put there day one only a few of their games, small ones or focused in MP GaaS.
And they make most of their money selling games for their console, and they need to have (at least timed) exclusives as selling point to sell consoles so forget day one PC ports (outside a few potential F2P/MP GaaS exceptions).
There are many things that should happen -at least many of them- to see them putting their games day one on a subscription:
-Their first tests with GaaS/F2P games are successful and decide to slowly migrate to a GaaS/F2P focus for most of their games. If it happens, this transition wouldn't be complete until at least PS7 launch (I think won't happen, I think they will have some traditional games and some GaaS games)
-The add-ons (DLC/IAP/season passes...) part of their revenue keep growing and game sales end representing a very small part of their revenue (this may happen but the size wouldn't be enough until PS6 or so
-Sony's subscription skyrockets and its revenue -including related DLC- becomes a bigger part than games sold -from sales+DLC-(I think they'll continue growing but will continue representing a small % of their revenue, so they won't focus too much on it)
-Game Pass outselling Sony's game subscriptions (won't happen, Sony is too ahead and I think Spartacus will increase the distance)
-3rd party PS game sales go down a lot (won't happen, keeps growing year after year)
-PS5 tanks in hardware sales (won't happen, it's breaking records and if were able to build more would destroy them)
Pretty much the same for almost the same reasons with having their games on PC day one, they may end being released quicker than over 2 years after release in PS but that's all.
I still don’t get what that means can someone explain?
What companies want is to generate as much revenue, profit and growth as possible, and to get as much market share as possible.Companies especially public ones are run on growth and future potential. Companies aren't run the way fans think they should be run, sitting and resting cause they're "number 1" and reacting after something negative happens.
By the time those things in your post would happen they'd be fucked, they'll get these services out and try to stay ahead of the curve.
This stems for gamepass, which is Xbox fans treasure (green rats). The idea of sony doing this service, is similar to gamepass, which most people where melting down, from the thoughts of this service. And since Sony is now thinking of doing a similar service, they are becoming part of the green rats. Spartacus is gamepass like service. And people who hated gamepass, will now have to embrace this service.I still don’t get what that means can someone explain?
Doesn't matter who is first, the implementation matters most. They don't need to destroy anything to expand their services offering, which let's be honest aren't the best atm.What companies want is to generate as much revenue, profit and growth as possible, and to get as much market share as possible.
With their current strategy they are excelling in all these areas and keep improving. Regarding to invest in future potential markets, out of the console makers Sony have been the first to seriously invest in modern VR or game streaming markets. Their current strategy also considers entering mobile and PC and also to keep iterating it with some next gen tweaks every generation. They have the market numbers and looking at their super successful results in the recent years seems proved they aren't dumb and know how to analyze the market.
As long as this strategy continues dominating in many areas they will continue with it. They won't destroy their main revenue sources and switch to a suicide business model just because a few forum users ask them to do so.
Companies dont have a say in that. If you want your company to last long, you need to adopt to the market. That is what gives you growth, in which in return gives you profit.What companies want is to generate as much revenue, profit and growth as possible, and to get as much market share as possible.
With their current strategy they are excelling in all these areas and keep improving. Regarding to invest in future potential markets, out of the console makers Sony have been the first to seriously invest in modern VR or game streaming markets. Their current strategy also considers entering mobile and PC and also to keep iterating it with some next gen tweaks every generation. They have the market numbers and looking at their super successful results in the recent years seems proved they aren't dumb and know how to analyze the market.
As long as this strategy continues dominating in many areas they will continue with it. They won't destroy their main revenue sources and switch to a suicide business model just because a few forum users ask them to do so.
For all your walls of text(putting in some serious work in this thread. You doing this for free?), one little point you overlook that brings it all crashing down in flames.Game subscriptions (specially with streaming) aren't more profitable than to sell games. They will continue focusing on selling games because it generates more revenue and profit for them. If something they may put there day one only a few of their games, small ones or focused in MP GaaS.
And they make most of their money selling games for their console, and they need to have (at least timed) exclusives as selling point to sell consoles so forget day one PC ports (outside a few potential F2P/MP GaaS exceptions).
There are many things that should happen -at least many of them- to see them putting their games day one on a subscription:
-Their first tests with GaaS/F2P games are successful and decide to slowly migrate to a GaaS/F2P focus for most of their games. If it happens, this transition wouldn't be complete until at least PS7 launch (I think won't happen, I think they will have some traditional games and some GaaS games)
-The add-ons (DLC/IAP/season passes...) part of their revenue keep growing and game sales end representing a very small part of their revenue (this may happen but the size wouldn't be enough until PS6 or so
-Sony's subscription skyrockets and its revenue -including related DLC- becomes a bigger part than games sold -from sales+DLC-(I think they'll continue growing but will continue representing a small % of their revenue, so they won't focus too much on it)
-Game Pass outselling Sony's game subscriptions (won't happen, Sony is too ahead and I think Spartacus will increase the distance)
-3rd party PS game sales go down a lot (won't happen, keeps growing year after year)
-PS5 tanks in hardware sales (won't happen, it's breaking records and if were able to build more would destroy them)
Pretty much the same for almost the same reasons with having their games on PC day one, they may end being released quicker than over 2 years after release in PS but that's all.
Please, don't cry.For all your walls of text(putting in some serious work in this thread. You doing this for free?), one little point you overlook that brings it all crashing down in flames.
PS owners bought over 1700 million PS4 games, and a shit ton of DLC for them. Exclusives aren't the only games that make money for them, but they are main (not the only one) or one of the main selling point to buy the console where later users buy the other games. These first party games also generated billions of revenue and nice profits this generation.Not every ps owner buys each and every exclusive.But not only that, this “record breaking revenue”doesn’t come from first party games alone does it.
Sony doesn't need to make all their games GaaS, and they won't make all their games GaaS because with their current strategy, KPI and growth they will generating more and more revenue and profit in the following years. But the % of their game division's revenue that comes from DLC/IAP/Season Passes keep growing thanks to GaaS and AAA games become more and more expensive every generation, so they will end needing extra revenue sources to make their projects less risky.Why you talking about gaas? Sony doesn’t need every game to be on. It is not the type of game that counts, it is the amount of content that does
Sony is the best who adapted themselves to the market if they are the ones breaking records selling consoles, selling games for their consoles, selling add-ons (DLC/IAP/season passes) for their consoles, selling game subscriptions and generating revenue for their consoles. Plus their exclusives are the more awarded in the last decade and sell more than they ever sold.Companies dont have a say in that. If you want your company to last long, you need to adopt to the market. That is what gives you growth, in which in return gives you profit.
Sony porting a few several years old games to PC from time to time to get extra revenue isn't a desperate move. They aren't desperate when they have been dominating console sales, console games sales, add-on sales, game subscription sales, their 1st party games selling better than ever, generating more revenue than any other console maker in gaming history, etc. It's only another secondary revenue source to secure that the rising costs of AAA games don't end being too risky.MS making gamepass, to have incentive to their console, Sony ditching console exclusive, and start porting to pc, EA getting in to steam. These are desperate movements, and signal to market change.
Yes, mobile gaming has more players and generates more revenue than console and PC together. This is why Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft and basically any big console publisher started to show interest on mobile gaming. Regarding F2P, after watching many hits on mobile and PC and seeing that in the gaming overall market (console+PC+mobile) F2P generates more revenue than paid games, they started to bet on it some years ago and shown interest to increase their bet or to start making F2P games.Mobile is bringing huge change to gaming landslide. We are seeing more f2p games with mtx. This wasnt a thing in the past. And the amount of money mobile makes is much bigger than what AAA games make. Current industry cant combat to cash cow industry like that.
"TiMi Studios, the Tencent-owned developer of huge mobile hits Call of Duty: Mobile and the MOBA Honor of Kings, earned a staggering $10 billion in revenue in 2020, according to an April 1st Reuters report. Reuters' article says those earnings make TiMi the “world's largest developer,” according to its sources.Apr 4, 2021"
How the hell do you deal a market like that, if you use the normal profit system?
You may not like them, but their services are the best performing ones atm so their implementation is the favorite of most users.Doesn't matter who is first, the implementation matters most. They don't need to destroy anything to expand their services offering, which let's be honest aren't the best atm.
Yes, Sony is the best perfoming one in most areas but always there's room for improvement. Regarding to the number of their quality exclusives, they are aggresively hiring in all their gamedev studios and acquiring more studios, plus also making a bigger effort than they ever did on the 2nd and 3rd party exclusives side. It's cutting it for now, and in the future they will release more games per year so will gonna cut it in the long run.A company can be "first" and still have room for improvement. Popping out a God of War caliber game once or twice a year ain't gonna cut it in the long run.
Also what's this suicide business model you speak of?
“Please don’t cry” what are you talking about?Please, don't cry.
PS owners bought over 1700 million PS4 games, and a shit ton of DLC for them. Exclusives aren't the only games that make money for them, but they are main (not the only one) or one of the main selling point to buy the console where later users buy the other games. These first party games also generated billions of revenue and nice profits this generation.
Sony doesn't need to make all their games GaaS, and they won't make all their games GaaS because with their current strategy, KPI and growth they will generating more and more revenue and profit in the following years. But the % of their game division's revenue that comes from DLC/IAP/Season Passes keep growing thanks to GaaS and AAA games become more and more expensive every generation, so they will end needing extra revenue sources to make their projects less risky.
At the same time, they have around 50M subscribers in their game subscriptions and this number will grow with Spartacus, specifically due to the 2nd tier if as I think will be available worldwide and it's a PS Plus + huge collection of downloadable PS4 (+PS5 in the near future) games, probably the PS Plus collection and all the PS4+PS5 games included in PS Now. And will grow a bit more once it gets released for mobile and smart tvs, and a bit more in a few years once 5G+wifi 6 routers become a bit more popular. But games included there don't generate a lot of revenue, something it can be improved if they are GaaS with many DLCs/IAPs/Season Passes/etc.
This is why they are making a few GaaS games, and if they work in the future will make some more (but at the same time they continue making AAA games without DLC/IAP plus smaller games like Sackboy, Astrobot, remakes, etc).
We have this earlier rumor. (timestamped)
We have this earlier rumor. (timestamped)
It mentions of possibly two separate services:
1. A more robust PS Plus - latest rumor points to this
2. A Sony Entertainment Pass - this is probably still in the oven, needs more planning and backend preparation
We're hearing now about Sony's plans for a more robust PS Plus by basically combining PS+ and PS Now. We're also hearing that PS Now will probably be phased out. Will Sony replace it with this rumored 'Sony Pass'? Note that Netflix is also now adding gaming into their value proposition. A Sony Pass has bigger potential to be mainstream than a pure game streaming service.
Netflix has 200M subs, while Disney got 100M subs in just a year. Sony doesn't need to challenge these streaming giants head to head. They could target a more modest number of subscribers (say 30M - 50M), and adjust their budget for exclusive shows and movies accordingly. Although 30M-50M subs may seem small compared to other streaming giants, that number can never be attained by their current strategy with PS Now.
*Casuals defined. - One who wouldn't naturally buy a gaming console or PC, but wouldn't say no for a chance to play a game or two from time to time.
- Sony has thousands of movies both vintage and new that they can shuffle in and out.
- Sony has a lot of successful shows they sell to TV and streaming apps. 'Sony Pass' will be a new customer except for shows paid for by a client to be exclusive.
- SIE paying Sony pictures will cost Sony $0. It's basically a matter of accounting adjustment.
- They can make a few exclusive original shows for this service. (This is where the majority of operating cost will come.)
- Crunchyroll
- Playstation games are not day 1 (Sony games still earn hundreds of millions of dollars on their own, so coming to the service is basically free). It's just a way for Sony to trickle the value of gaming to casuals*.
Do these guys live in a made-up world?
"Sony can't have anything like Gamepass because they only release 1 or 2 games a year. They can't support it, they'd need a lot of venture capital!"
I just disregarded their shenanigans.
For whatever it's worth, I think that the Sony Pass idea is a genius move.
The "people who game on Playstation" should not be part of the venn diagram. It should be for people who love movies and shows and anime. The service will introduce gaming to them while also being one of the reason to say subscribe if gaming eventually become one of the hobbies too.I just don't know if the overlap between "people who game on Playstation" and "people who watch Sony movies and Anime and are willing to pay another service beyond Netflix/Prime/Disney+/AppleTV/HBO" is that big.
I agree. They will have to put up a fight. But they have a fighting chance considering that many great show on different streaming services are made by Sony Pictures.The competition among streaming services is getting brutal.
I think they need to do that - combine Plus and Now. And it looks like they're doing that.I just think Sony would do better at unifying Plus with Now and getting better and slightly more recent games in the service. PS Now's library is incredibly lacking IMO.
All the rumors about Sony's plan all point to them not reinventing the wheel whether it be the tiered PS Plus or the rumored Sony Pass. The only possible exception are the MP games that Sony is cooking right now. Those will most likely be GaaS and monetization heavy. I could seem some of them releasing on the higher tier PS Plus service day one.Hopefully it will not include the first party AAAs day one. I dont want to see more game as service bullshit as I'm fine with 15-20 hours singleplayer and sometimes multiplayer
I am confuzed. The guy he was replying to was lumping together a bunch of strawmen that he called Sony fanboys, and saying the only possible reason they don’t want a Sony gamepass is that they don’t like value. What could be more simple-minded than that? And how does JR get banned, and not this clown? Only one I saw “console warring” was the other guy. Serious question.RIPBryank75 , we'll miss you but that last post wasn't a good idea.
Microsoft owns Havok Physics engine. They already profit on Sony and many other game companies.It's funny knowing that Microsoft indirectly profits from Sony's new plans.
Microsoft owns Havok Physics engine. They already profit on Sony and many other game companies.