Cutty Flam
I'm pretty stoked to play this game, this is going to be my first playthrough of Final Fantasy VII. I figure that this is probably a top 25 game of all time without question judging by all the years I've heard others speak about FFVII or reference it on the web, so I'm making this LTTP thread to pay homage to the game's greatness during the journey and for fans of the game and FF series to gather and post if they'd like. By sheer luck, I managed to avoid basically all spoilers of this iconic game so I'm going to do my best to continue this blind playthrough through slightly unorthodox methods. I'll be purposely avoiding reading most of the comments on the game unless directly quoted, at least until I finish the game, which might take me (maybe) 3-6 months, give or take. My goal is to take my time and enjoy this once in a lifetime masterpiece to its fullest, and not take anything for granted. I also wanted to thank all the posters that helped in guiding me towards which games to play in the Final Fantasy series; for taking the time to teach me about the FF series I still remember all that so thank you. Here is to a fun playthrough playing as Cloud Strife 

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