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‘Overwatch 2’ Has Lost 99% Of Its Twitch Audience In A Week
About a week after the record was set, Overwatch 2 has lost 99% of those viewers. At the time of this writing, viewership is down from the peak of 1.5 million to 15,000.

The Overwatch 2 beta launched last week, a pivot of the original plan for the game which was going to be a grand release of both a multiplayer overhaul and single player content. But Blizzard has decided the multiplayer revamp needed to be pushed live sooner so the game can go back to getting updates again, and for a moment there, it looked like Overwatch was set to have a massive resurgence in popularity.
But a week makes quite a difference, and gamers have a short attention span if they’re not kept engaged. Overwatch 2 absolutely shattered records with 1.5 million concurrent viewers on Twitch, boosted partially by people wanting to check out more or less every big name streamer on the platform playing the game, while others were motivated by beta access drops that were going on during streams, so they could get in themselves.