i'm not arguing with that, though

6700xt and 6600xt is also close to each other, only separated by a small %14 margin on average. %14 is a small change, but they're different models regardless, hence named differently. ps5 is closer to 6600xt, and series x is closer to 6700xt. but people refuse to accept / acknowledge.
some people are so defensive on ps5 that they cannot even accept that there can be a correlation between ps5 and sx performance that amounts to a %10-25 difference (mind you, if a game is compute heavy, it is very normal for series x to have a %20 difference. since console games lock to 60 fps and use DSR all the time, they became more geometry bound, which helps PS5 more than Series X. On PC, you can just unlock FPS and fill all the shaders that RDNA2 can provide to games, and you can see that 6700xt can fly high. series x gets that chance with VRR unlocked modes
i'm not trying to say that %8-10-12-14 is a huge difference. i'm just matching consoles with their counterpart GPUs on PC. i originally gave that example to put series s in picture, and i said that it would be more cool if it was racing with a rx 6600, instead of a 6500xt (mind you, 6500xt is gimped by pcie 4 only and 4 gb vram, therefore it will have misleading benchmarks. but it does not change the fact at its core, its a 5.7 tflops RDNA2 GPU, and purely it is %35-40 faster than series s on equal terms. yet someone also ignored that and refused to accept it. on desktop, most people are overloading the 6500xt with ultra textures and settings and the GPU just buckles down. 4 GB is too small, it should at least had 6 GB though)
for a more honest and fair comparison, we need games that have VRR uncapped mode on both consoles. I hope DL2 gets a PS5 unlocked VRR cap mode so we can see the actual difference between sx and ps5 there aswell
as a matter of fact, I said in this very same topic that PS exclusives tend to have better graphics overall. I don't even know why people are so defensive of PS5 when it comes to hardware. you already have the best software, better games. PS exc developers will end up create games that push PS5 to its boundaries that Xbox SX won't have a chance to run. i'm not saying this difference is meaningful or means anything, I don't even consider this difference as a
choosing factor between consoles. i'm just saying it is
there. i firmly say that i have no preference over both consoles, i'm just an outsider that analyzes the data. and data tells me that sx seems stronger than ps5, between %8 and %23 (if the game is compute heavy, as i've said again).
data also tells me that sx is akin to 6700xt and ps5 is akin to 6600xt
literally, sx is a 12.15 tflops rdna 2 GPU (peak). 6700xt is a 13.2 tflops rdna 2 gpu.
literally, ps5 is a 10 tflops rdna2 GPU (peak), 6600xt is a 10 tflops rdna 2 gpu
why would i say sx is closer to 6600xt. it is closer to 6700xt in terms of pure, raw specs. and it shows.
I have a 3070. i use xbox series x equivalent settings WHENEVER I can. And I can testify that the performance I'm getting is very close to what series x provides. forza horizon 5, halo infinite, ac valhalla, you name it.