Unknown Soldier
Ah yes, a Todd Howard game.
???People keep talking about Skyrim being justification for being hyped as if that wasn't released almost thirteen years ago.
I look forward to the day when people stop using Skyrim to give Bethesda unlimited free passes.
If Starfield doesn't release this year I'll take my water gun and shoot my series x.
Posted in the other thread that Starfield is in trouble and needs another year as I was told
The original release is very limited. What needs to happen is PSVR2 compatible with PC so we get modded Skyrim VR with better image quality and eye-tracking for quick aiming with bow and spells.Meanwhile, I would love rerererererelease of Skyrim for PSVR2.
I can't believe I asked for a new Skyrim release.
Oh it's gonna sell. But I doubt it's nearly as good as people thinkEh. Cyberpunk is a MASSIVE success and that’s despite the abysmal reception and media lynching of CDPR. Imagine if that game shipped in a polished state. And Starfield is a new IP from the makers of Skyrim and Fallout. It’s going to do well. There shouldn’t be any doubt here.
It’s a new big space RPG by one of the industry’s biggest RPG developers, for genre fans it’s going to be awesome even if it’s rough, there really aren’t anyone else doing these types of games. Closest alternative would be Bioware if their A team make a new proper Mass Effect or Obsidian’s The Outer Worlds 2 but that would be years away.Oh it's gonna sell. But I doubt it's nearly as good as people think
Don’t forget giving Fable to a dev that have no ideas of making that kind of game.Allow 343 7 years to make a Halo beta, allow Rare to reboot Everwild 3 times, restart development on Perfect Dark with a new studio - rush Bethesda to release their mega game months before it's ready.
Red dragon is the leaker?"The Red Dragon" LMAO that idiot is a notorious pathetic sony fanboy loser
You guys fall for fake rumors so easy lol
He's not the leaker. He was spreading the leak.Red dragon is the leaker?
He Certified PS fanboy. Who dedicated his life to bash Xbox
Starfield also had a release date. A release date doesn't mean the game doesn't have issues. Like Halo Infinite or Driveclub.Red Fall got release date.
So obviously leaker trying to create FUD
I’m fairly certain this will be my game of the generation. This is exactly the game I’ve been waiting for. Even Cyberpunk for all its flaws had more going for it than 90% of modern AAA games.Oh it's gonna sell. But I doubt it's nearly as good as people think
Starfield is already being tested out in the wild and the feedback is that it's amazing.
It’s a long generation but yeah it’ll be up there for sure. Going by what we know about right now I think it’ll be a competition between Elden Ring, Starfield, The Elder Scrolls VI and Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. I especially think Zelda is going to surprise everyone again, only thing holding it back is the aging hardware, hopefully they have an updated version ready for their next console.I’m fairly certain this will be my game of the generation. This is exactly the game I’ve been waiting for. Even Cyberpunk for all its flaws had more going for it than 90% of modern AAA games.
They said H1 2023 so I don't think that's stating the obvious. I think what's wierd though is the idea that they lost a lot of money on Azure. How is that true? Didn't they have massive growth.
Where is Azure losing tons of money?
Theres been enough games that have been hyped although their preview and alpha build were in rough state only to receice massive backlash on release due to its rough state on release.Starfield is already being tested out in the wild and the feedback is that it's amazing.
People looking to hate will believe in just about anything.This is ridiculous. When the "leaker" tried to use MS losing "tons and tons" on Azure as the reason to push unfinished games out he immediately lost all credibility. Microsoft had an net income of 72 billion in 2022, on 198 billion in revenue. Those are the kinds of margins that 99% of the world's large companies would kill to have. Picking on Azure was even dumber. AWS and Azure are both thought to have 25-30 operating margins. Microsoft even pointed to Azure as the main reason their cloud gross margins increased so significantly. This is from their 2022 Annual report "Gross margin increased $9.4 billion or 22% driven by growth in Azure and other cloud services". I guess Microsoft is just lying to shareholders![]()
Yep, there are some morons out there for sure.People looking to hate will believe in just about anything.
Especially the one's who believe that Azure had losses and Xbox can help offset those losses.They wouldn't be abandoning last gen systems for all their upcoming exclusive games if they wanted to make the most money.Think people think.And stay away from people like The red clown.Yep, there are some morons out there for sure.
Anyone who could ever think that xbox could even make a dent in microsofts cloud arm of the business is a crack head and can not be trusted.Especially the one's who believe that Azure had losses and Xbox can help offset those losses.They wouldn't be abandoning last gen systems for all their upcoming exclusive games if they wanted to make the most money.Think people think.And stay away from people like The red clown.
Pretty much.Azure is massive and is pretty much responsible for Microsoft present success.Anyone who could ever think that xbox could even make a dent in microsofts cloud arm of the business is a crack head and can not be trusted.
Starfield will launch with bugs.There is zero chance of a game with that massive scale and complex systems to launch in a polished state.People need to stop comparing them to linear games.What I've learnt from the other threads and Internet over the last few days is that if starfield and redfall are in bad shape then it has nothing to do with MS and the fault only lays with Bethesda because MS have nothing to do with Hi Fi Rush being s good game as its all Bethesda as they operate independently of their owners Microsoft.
This imo is not true snf if starfield and redfall release and they are buggered its MS fault as they should have delayed them and taken the bad rep hit for that. As long as the games are the best they can be then so be it.
Starfield will launch with bugs.There is zero chance of a game with that massive scale and complex systems to launch in a polished state.People need to stop comparing them to linear games.
Yep exactly. Bugs will happen. I expect them. They are not gonna find every single one.Starfield will launch with bugs.There is zero chance of a game with that massive scale and complex systems to launch in a polished state.People need to stop comparing them to linear games.
Bethesda studios only shows gameplay just few months before launch.We only get to see this much because of a delay.No gameplay since last showcase
I believe that's what was said about Halo Infinite by the same people.Starfield is already being tested out in the wild and the feedback is that it's amazing.
Halo Infinite had a great launch.Issues started when they failed in live service part of their game.I believe that's what was said about Halo Infinite by the same people.
Halo infinte was amazing though. Only need to work on adding gaas content.I believe that's what was said about Halo Infinite by the same people.
Bethesda didn't fix known bugs that existed in two separate games. You would be lucky they even fix the bugs they know existed.Yep exactly. Bugs will happen. I expect them. They are not gonna find every single one.
??? Are you saying Bethesda don't release patches to fix bugs...Sorry I don't understand you.Bethesda didn't fix known bugs that existed in two separate games. You would be lucky they even fix the bugs they know existed.
Tango just made a game WAY out of their wheelhouse and it's a legit banger and an instant new IP, not to mention a Goty contender.Don’t forget giving Fable to a dev that have no ideas of making that kind of game.