Microsoft / Activision Deal Approval Watch |OT| (MS/ABK close)

Do you believe the deal will be approved?

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If they're not bluffing here and they are really not considering internally a plan B with more concessions than the 10 years deals they want everyone to sign, they're going to crash badly against the CMA at the very least.
Todays pr comes across as a screw you to the CMA, will be interesting to see if the CMA bite.

I still think sony shouldn't accept anything from MS and drag this out to the end. In the end regulators if they do approve will want to make it look like they did their job and will get out as much from MS as possible, they won't offer something less if MS already offered something better, it would look bizarre.
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Gold Member
In a recent interview on The Verge's podcast Decoder, Spencer claimed that Activision was primarily bought for its mobile juggernaut, Candy Crush.

Everything they say is a lie.

Well let's look at this logically. This is a deal that was announced around the same time as the Activision one:

If they really wanted to buy themselves into the mobile space there were cheaper and easier (from a regulatory stance) pathways available at the time.

But we all know it has fuck all to do with mobile.


Gold Member
I can picture how it went.

Ms: we will bring limited GP to playstation and you get 30% cut of the subs
Sony: sweet, where do i sign
Ms: but we get to keep all mtx/dlc, in return we will host all of your cloud needs
Sony: you can go kick rocks

Why would Sony accept a 30% cut of GP subs when they can get a 100% cut of all PS+ subs? I don't know why they would ever want GP on PlayStation.
I can picture how it went.

Ms: we will bring limited GP to playstation and you get 30% cut of the subs
Sony: sweet, where do i sign
Ms: but we get to keep all mtx/dlc, in return we will host all of your cloud needs
Sony: you can go kick rocks
that would be such and insult.


Gold Member
I don't think it's just about COD but rather getting everything that was supposed to be a part of the deal in the first place. Of course they're going to want COD. Just like they're going to want blizzard and king and the rest of everything that's supposed to come along with Activision. They're fighting to keep everything they purchased, wouldn't you?
They’ve already been told they can’t acquire COD though. Doubling down on COD is a risky move.

CMA right now.
Cat Reaction GIF


Remember how big Nintendo was in the 80's? (maybe you don't) These are the type of moves that move you from the top if you make the wrong move! Nintendo created Sony in the game space by making the wrong move. If MS gets ABK Sony has a lot of sucking up to do to not only get COD but, any Bethesda titles. (Sure Sony has MS by the balls on COD for now. (Not really) Because MS controls ALL of Bethesda!) I'm sure MS would be willing to make a deal with Nintendo for those Bethesda titles because A) Nintendo see's an opportunity to get back what they've lost. Let us not forget many have wrote off Nintendo as a player for years. (Your see it now on that chart.) Nintendo is one Merger away from being a big fish in the pond and I'm sure like MS they would like to be a big fish! Thinking about the BIG PICTURE, your suggestion screws Sony out of a lot of opportunities they might just need! That's the thing about the Videogame industry just when you think you've figured everything out someone comes in and screws you game plan up.
You realise everything you just described is why regulators have an issue with the deal right?
After Microsoft acquires ABK they should be more aggressive in getting third party timed exclusives. They will be saving at least 3 billion. Spend some of that to get GTA 6 exclusive for two years. Only available on Xbox. This should increase their hardware sales tremendously.
😆 no. MS is spending a lot of "we are the good guy" just to be able to buy ABK. If they change their tune in a slipt seconds it will be catastrophic. But Playstation is going to be even more aggressive; this acquisition is giving carte blanche to sony to justify any kind of defensive/offensive move.


Did they really expect Microsoft to pay 70 billion and just give away the Call of Duty IP?
Activision with the Call of Duty IP isn't worth 70 billion. Microsoft are overpaying. Activision without the Call of Duty IP is worth a lot lot less.

Microsoft should just forget about Activision and go after another studio... Take-Two?
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What exactly is preventing ABK from reaching those 150m people today?

Does he mean Nintendo? Who are they trying to convince us they’re trying to save here?

My fucking argument all along! All this bullshit about bringing call of duty to more gamers. They don't need Microsoft to do that. They're one of the biggest and just successful third party publishers in the world. They can do what they want!!!!


So because Activision isn't putting their games on subscription services day one, or making them available for cloud streaming, You think Microsoft isn't going to put their games on Gamepass, post purchase?

Make it make sense.
No, they aren't going to put their crap on Nintendo.


They haven't been told they can't acquire it, all i've seen is that it is a "potential remedy" ... not "mandatory remedy"
Yeah makes sense

Brad Smith fantasy land:
Microsoft "we have proposed a 10 year deal as remedy"
CMA: "we want structural remedies such as divesting Call of Duty or behavioural remedies on the same level, and that the 10 year behavioural remedy isn't adequate because of potential loop holes"
Microsoft: "10 years take it or leave it "
CMA: "ok sir"


Kind of an amazing proposition when that is likely 2/3 of the appeal of the entire acquisition, that would be like buying Nintendo but not their IP.
I actually think MS/Xbox's focus on COD, rightfully so, the attempted guarantees, the contracts, and the refusal to "sell" off COD might actually be working against them. Their hyper focus on it really underlines what I think those regulators aren't liking about this deal.

Side note, I really don't care much about the deal. I think it's clear, at least right now, that MS/Xbox might need this purchase to keep up with GamePass let alone Sony/PlayStation. They have to crank out a lot of games and deals to keep up with GamePass. I think they're seeing it now, what this subscription service might need to thrive and grow. Unfortunately I think they've come to the conclusion that they can't really do it with their current studios. So it's either buy one of the biggest 3rd party publishers ever or start making more deals to secure games.
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