Reverse groomer.
I think it says something when i can remember most of the levels I've played. The only other Mario game i know remotely structured like a 2D one where that was the case is probably 3D world.Totally agree. It’ll be interesting to replay these stages a few months from now to see how well the Wonder effects age, though. From what I’ve played, I’d say about 50% of them are pretty standard quality Mario gimmicks that I’ll probably get tired of after a while (which is fine since they’re optional anyway), while the other half are seriously some of the most creative and fun twists I’ve seen in any platformer, let alone a Mario game.
I bet there are a dozen indie studios right now salivating at how they’re going to take one of the better Wonder mechanics and flesh out a whole game with it.
(Wonder effect spoiler)
The effect where the player switches from running on the normal ground to running on the wall of the background is so brilliant. Someone is definitely going to turn that into a full puzzle platformer game at some point.
There aren't many new levels where they fit into standard typical Mario archetypes. And if they do, there's enough being done with them to make something new. It certainly helps that pretty much 90% of the enemy list is new, prevents everything from getting boring when even the new enemies are something to look forward to.
another thing, I LOVE how the progression is now based on Wonder Seeds rather than linear. You can approach any world in any order if you please, no need to defeat a boss or trudge through levels you don't give a shit about (Not like there will be many) to get to the next more interesting area. The nonlinearity of the 3D titles and Zelda is seeping into 2D mario and it's wonderful.
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