Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Possibly whatSo why is Insomniac doing so well, considering what you guys said about Spiderman 2?

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Possibly whatSo why is Insomniac doing so well, considering what you guys said about Spiderman 2?
"Annoying fuckin prick addicted to his own flatulence and the sound of his voice" has an opinion.
But now we have to trust you, instead of every other piece of verifiable evidence. Why would "WE" do that?
SM1 is actually more diverse because it has police officers and even Jewish Neighborhoods, both seemingly removed from SM2.
I miss the days when rats and ponies complained the other companys' game being too grey and brown.Take the green and purple neon out of all my games
Exactly this.I too like to dig holes and then pretend like everything's fine when I can't climb out of them.
As I've said before, there's a very big difference between diversity and forced diversity. The latter doesn't feel genuine, it feels like pandering and tries too hard to appeal to a certain audience.
I'm not white and even I feel annoyed by it, a multi-billion dollar corporation trying to pander towards me in the sake of me buying their product.
If diversity is done right and in a way that the developers actually visioned the game to be, then it can be great. But when you have a DEI company telling them "hey this character needs to be race/gender swapped" then it shows and most player see through the bullshit. It's why no one complained about Overwatch's diverse cast, yet everyone hates Concord's cast. Diversity doesn't mean "alienate white people out of the game" either.
Exclusivity isn't Diversity. Its Exclusivity.
But they will figure that out one day.
And male asians, as proven by new Assasins Creed.Diversity is just another word for brazen hate of white cis people.
Thats why we gotta hit them where it hurts, in their wallets, so far we doing great job, gotta keep going and we will have more games like stellar blade, and not saints row rebootDEI is just capitalism, and Im pro capitalist.
When publishers see that pokemon or mobile dota game with a 30-50% female audience theyre salivating. Thats what they want. They dont actually care all that much about feminism.
DEI is funded and incentivised by ESG, which would be categorized as textbook Socialism if it came from a public entity directly. Supply and demand have absolutely nothing to do with this.DEI is just capitalism, and Im pro capitalist.
It's okay to be a cuck I guessDEI is just capitalism, and Im pro capitalist.
When publishers see that pokemon or mobile dota game with a 30-50% female audience theyre salivating. Thats what they want. They dont actually care all that much about feminism.
Just let all the games, movies and TV shows with too much DEI crumble, lose money, and they lose their jobs. The market will dictate what people want. If it's accepted by the masses, then they'll do well. If not, it'll fail.
They seem to completely ignore those groups, lets not even get into ethnic, cultural and religious groups inside those regions. When have they included the multiple cultural groups in europe as well? the Baltics, hungarians, finnish, swedish, Portuguese, italian, turkish etc. All these people live in America as well.Diversity seems to mean only black people. Where are the Chinese and Indian people, who make up 1/3 of the world's population ?
Sounds fascist.She wants someone to come and physically fight for having a differing opinion! What could go wrong!
You have to feel really comfortable to make a statement like that to the world. Sean Strickland can probably do something like that, but If someone takes her up on that offer it will turn into a big issue and become a victim of her own making.Sounds fascist.
Almost like she is afforded all that comfort and privilege and not a "victim."You have to feel really comfortable to make a statement like that to the world. Sean Strickland can probably do something like that, but If someone takes her up on that offer it will turn into a big issue and become a victim of her own making.
Or played the victim saying she is getting "threads online."Christ she's so fucking hideous. Smug cunts are the absolute worst.
Im assuming she's gotten plenty of offers to get her ass kicked, but she's just either ignored or blocked them. Or contacted their wives.
And of course will play the role of the victim if anyone actually takes her up on her asinine invitation. They win either way.She wants someone to come and physically fight for having a differing opinion! What could go wrong!
Schrödinger’s FeministAnd of course will play the role of the victim if anyone actually takes her up on her asinine invitation. They win either way.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizesAnd of course will play the role of the victim if anyone actually takes her up on her asinine invitation. They win either way.
"Diverse" just means certain collectivism checkbox demographics. Like the good bigots they are.No there isn't diversity in the western designs, where are girls like eve or lily or juliet starling in the western AAA games, in games design by shift up, they really got girls of all types and all skine colors and skin tones, from ugliest to hottest, check out how truly diverse from their nikke game. vs. the western AAA ones.