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I believe that a QUAKE reboot should be a Horror FPS, much more like DOOM3, and you?(let's talk)


I read never able to care much about either Quake or rival Unreal until they became MP Arena Shooters, so to me, okay, whatever...

I don't rely think of Quake as horror though. It's got gross characters, but it's a battle franchise. (Doom was an uncomfortable fit as horror in Doom 3 too, but they found a way to make it work. )
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What exactly are you asking for?

Just horror elements cause quake already has those?

If you mean survival horror or limited ammo then fuck no that would ruin the gameplay fans exspect?

If quake played like doom3 then it isnt quake.


Nah, definitely not. Quake, and the first one in particular, is famous for three things: fast paced, arena-style gameplay, multiplayer deathmatch, and Trent Reznor soundtrack. Slowing it down to Doom 3's pace or making it into a strictly single player horror game is an all around bad idea.

For the campaign portion of it, I'd much rather they keep the intensity and speed but expand on the original ideas of pushing it into more of a dungeon crawling RPG territory but in a fast paced shooter format. Ditch the glory killing, character action style of gameplay because that's Doom's shtick now, and Quake needs to stand out with something more straightforward but still satisfying. The original was kinda slapped together at the 11th hour so a lot of it feels disjointed and unfinished, which means that this would be a perfect opportunity to make the game into what it was originally envisioned by John Romero, minus the hubris and rockstar lifestyle of the Ion Storm/Daikatana days. It has to stand out from the Doom reboot and I think that would be a decent direction to go in.

On the multiplayer side of things, it would definitely have to have a much stronger vision behind that doesn't try to copy stupid trends like lootboxes and hero shooter aesthetic, otherwise it will be just another Quake Champions.
I liked Doom3 and Quake4.
I don't like Doom 2016. Horror-ish, with fast movement does not work for me.
Doom should be a slower paced, frightening experience, desn't need to be slow af zombies slow, but hell and its monsters, horror needs stretches of silence to built up anything otherwise it becomes a constant dysfunctional jumpscare and Quake should be the fast one, in a space sci fi setting.


Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
The original Quake should be seen as a template for a new iteration.

Eerie, fast, minimalist.

A dark and desaturated game with an otherworldly appearance. Fast paced. Maze like, interchanging levels with simplistic geometry.

A simple premise to set me up and as less exposition for a story as possible.


Not the YouTuber
Uhm, what about Quake Champions?
Have you tried matching with players on that and getting active numbers? It’s shocking at least in SEA/Oceania region and we would wait for 20 minutes at a time and just reque with the same people.

I feel it wasn’t pushed or advertised at all and momentum wasn’t kept up, also launched at the same time as Fortnite and PubG for a complete death blow.

A new solid title, a new solid push, seasons, constant updates to keep the normies interested, maps are extremely easy to make and keep flowing some fine tuning and I think they’re onto something which would have relative low upkeep compared to CoD and Fortnite for the DLC dollars they could get out of it.
Nahhh, dump all that Strogg shit and give me the medieval castles, lava demon, and interdimensional lightning-throwing space-bear. Quake 1 is peak Quake in theme and gameplay.


Random thought: Romero originally wanted Quake to me a melee kinda game instead of an fps - What if id did their take on a Dark Souls in the Quake universe.

A Souls & Quake fan can dream.
The original Quake with its gothic overtones was always my favourite in the series. I always thought the switch to space marines and aliens in the second and fourth game was very odd and while they were very enjoyable games in their own right, they never quite matched up to the original in my opinion.


Well it does need to be meaningfully different from Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal, obviously. But how exactly? Those games are Campaign tour de force focused, with the multiplayer being an afterthought by comparison. Makes me think the Quake reboot will unsurprisingly be a multiplayer focused affair. Hope I'm wrong though (just 'cause I'd like to see ample effort put into both this time).

Whatever that balance, it's gotta be fast and intense. The gameplay loop probably has to be fundamentally different though. Maybe they won't do the "glory kill" thing in Quake, but find another way to keep you pushing into the action to maintain health/drops?
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ChatGPT 0.001
How do you explain this?



I have been designing a Quake-alike for a couple of months. Unlikely to ever go anywhere but I figure it’d be fun to post here 😂

Plot Synopsis

An alien race from a distant planet in a parallel dimension invade Earth during the late Iron Age, using pre-historic slipgate technology that had been uncovered in Europe. The hordes are beaten back into the void and the known slipgates were sealed, but not before the xenos had acquired a swathe of weaponry and kidnapped legions of human warriors, priests, and smiths. Corrupted by a plant-like parasite queen that had already subjugated large numbers of the native fauna in the parallel dimension, the humans were put to work, building weapons and fortifications from which to launch future incursions of Earth and other worlds.

1500 years pass on Earth, hundreds of unexplained massacres and disappearances; technology, flesh and minds ripped from our world; the Queen’s vast invasion force is almost ready.

The parallel dimension operates a wide range of simple to advanced machinery: water, clockwork, steam, and electronic computation power. All bastardized to serve the aliens barbarous needs.

In 2157 a military installation conducting investigative research into ancient gateways found at a subterranean archeological dig site goes silent. You are Raider. You and your team have been sent to secure the base and identify the sudden loss of communication.

You arrive to find that a hostile inter-dimensional force has taken over the facility and is in the process of kidnapping personnel, stealing research and materials, and transporting it through the gateway to their dimension.


Purge the base of the monstrosities and secure the slipgate.

Travel through the gate to the Outerlands. Fight through wooden keeps, primitive stone castles, dungeons, swamps, forest's, caves, and mines, to reach The Damned City.

Enter The Damned City and fight through the prison, temple, factory, sewers to reach the Slipgate Complex.

The invasion of Earth has begun. Find a way to destroy the alien base and close the gateway.

Trapped alone on an alien world, descend into the dark caverns of the Beneath to confront an alien god and end the madness.


1. PDW - Useful in the early game but gets progressively less effective as more resilient and armoured enemies are introduced. 3 round burst fire. 42 round magazine.

Relatively weak starting weapon that remains useful against unarmoured and flying enemies. Early game will see players combo the PDW and Incinderary Pistol against most enemy groups. Higher tier enemies may need to be weakened with the Grenade Launcher first.

2. Incinderary Pistol - using white phosphorus canister munitions. Round detonate 2-3 metres from the target and separate sub-munitions spread out like a shotgun blast. Projectiles set fire to enemies.

Homage to Blood’s flaregun. Fires a round that explodes 2 metres from the target and spreads like a shotgun shell, impacting enemies with white phosphorus pellets, setting fire to enemies hit.

3. Grenade Launcher - Short barreled hand portable grenade launcher that fires bouncing high-ex grenades.

As close to Quakes Grenade launcher as possible. Useful against high tier and armored enemies.

4. High-Calibre Ripper - Similar in design to the Quake 4 Nailgun with a P90 style transparent magasine, but fires 45-70-like rounds.

5. Double Double - Double-wide double barreled over under shotgun. Fires titanium slug-shot using rectangular shell cartridges.

Effectively 4x power. Good for stripping Armour or gibbing enemies. High power/low spread/medium range. Each barrel fires separately.

6. Plasma Rifle - A rapid firing plasma ball rifle. Plasma canister ammunition (think Doom 3). Rough around the edges. Overheating slowly damages player. Very powerful.

Similar in design to the Plasma Rifles from Doom 3 and Prodeus

7. Rocket Launcher - Point and shoot. Slower fire rate than the Grenade Launcher but longer range and much higher damage.

Design like the Q2 rocket launcher. 3-rocket magazine.

8. Lightning Gun - Battery powered man portable tesla rifle. Chain lighting, fires in a straight-ish line and sends a higher DPS surge every half second.

9. Air Fuel Canister Launcher - Designed to burn everything. Impact disperses flammable gel liquid droplets into the air and then they all ignite simultaneously. Incinerates most enemies caught in the propellant cloud, sets fire to the rest in the impact zone.


Possessed human soldiers in multiple varieties.
Ogres with Morningstars and Crossbows
Armored Ogres with Flails and Grenade Launchers
Armored Ogres with Broadswords and Flamethrowers
A variety of medieval knight
Arcane blood magic wielding priests
Armored Blunderbus Goblins
Spear Goblins
Invisible Clawed Goblins
Armoured Gastornis Terror Birds
Chained Gigantopithecus

Quake 1 movement. Ambient sound only, no music. No ADS. No upgrades or unlocks.

If id are working on a Quake remake, I want something simple that focuses of straightforward combat and key finding. No bloat, a simple HUD, no unlocks or upgrades. I don’t need cutscenes or collectible lore. Give me brilliant level design, buckets of atmosphere, and amazing sound design. I definitely don’t want Strogg. I want a brutal and unforgiving (souls-esque in terms of difficulty) shooter that doesn’t have a bullshit ammo/ability economy like Doom Eternal.

Either that or I’ll just make my own version 😂

I would be open to what somebody else suggested too. A more horror focused Doom 3-type game.
As long as they do a proper MP, not this crap we got with new DooM games. Death matches, team deathmatches, capture the flags etc. Whenever I hear the name Quake or Doom I think of MP, the fact that they dropped the ball so bad with that part, even that burito Diego who said...nobody plays deathmatch anymore so they wont include it....wtf. Even though COD still has single and TDM to this day, not sure what he was smoking.
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Doom 3 was a refreshing game in the series but I absolutely HATED the idea of surprising (and scaring) the player by spawning the monsters out of nowhere. It got old really fast. At the end of the day I liked Doom 2016 more - action-focused arena shooter without overcomplicating combat like in Eternal.

I'd be okay if Quake Remake was a boomer shooter with higher production values. Nothing more.
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Well after the uhmmm lukewarm reception of Quake Champions (cough mostly developed by Saber Interactive cough) Id should probably do something different. The Doom reboots were fun and all and had a bunch of tech that showed how you can make a state of the art FPS game, for me personally I don't know what direction they will go, butt we shall see at quakecon


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Was playing Quake 2 the other day and one of the things that struck me was the sound design. Guns had a satisfying meaty thud to them, the enemys growled and reacted, environments had depth and sounded realistic. The whole audio soundscape made you believe you were there. Very satisfying.


Gold Member
Some of you, might think I'm crazy, but remember the fact that we already have Wolfenstein and DOOM as traditional 90's FPS games!
Well, I really want to see QUAKE being a kind of Horror FPS game... I don't know about you guys, but QUAKE 4 was amazing and near to a horror game.
Not like DOOM 3, but near as well...
I don't want to see another FPS like DOOM again! I'd like to see QUAKE exploring other type of games.
I know the first QUAKE was not a HORROR game, but what's the problem? DOOM 3 was a horror game even being originally a FPS...

What do you think? please, let's talk guys!
And that's why you were banned


When I said in the other thread that Quake needs to be Quaker, it wasn't a joke.

Quake must change.

People rejected Quake 4 because it was like Quake 2.

People rejected Quake Champions because it was like Quake 3 Arena.

Perhaps Quake could be rebooted as a co-operative shooter in the vein of Left 4 Dead.
A Quake 1 sequel, in that style, but made to make sense. The second half of the story introduces the Strogg and the Lovecraftian horrors decimate them so we don't ever have a game with them ever again, and Quake becomes about fighting cosmic horrors and delaying the inevitable destruction of our dimension by them.

I'll take 20%, Stratton and iD, cheers.


I loved the weird, Lovecraftian theme of Q1. I was super disappointed when Q2 and it was a stupid space marine shooter to the point that I didn't even play it.

I did play it just recently for the first time from start to finish and actually really loved the gameplay but the story and aesthetic belonged to another game. If they reboot Quake, bring back the style of the first.
You are correct the last boss was Shub-Niggurath. A lot of enemies got their design from the monster book to the pen and paper call of cthulhu Rpg. The shamble and the spawn for example.
psych GIF

Personally if they would do a reboot of the series with the whole Slip Gate thing all over again, that would imo be pretty cool. But then again, thats also the plot to the doom games basically.

I would not mind a game where humanity encounters the strogg on their foray into space travel or something and then its a fight to survive against the threat or something. Perhaps a first game in the reboot could be the first encounter and the game culminates with the Strogg making its way to earth or something. Add the horror-esque elements to discovering their presence as you make your way thru the ship or something.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
When I said in the other thread that Quake needs to be Quaker, it wasn't a joke.

For me Quake has that look. The architecture being very industrial and brutal. The Strogg are a fantastic enemy, lots of horrific mechanical/biology fusions with guttural barking speech.
An awesome metal soundtrack. Not a huge list of weapons but the ones that are there are meaty and effective.
I don't mind the squad stuff either as they tend to keep out the way.

These are the elements that make it a Quake game for me. Very direct with simple goals and objectives. What do you mean by Quaker?


When I saw Doom Dark Ages I had to let it go. I've wanted it for years. Hell we never even got a proper Quake 3 campaign. It's just not meant to be. There's some respite in the boomer shooter genre, but I don't think MS is ever gonna greenlight it when they could always just crank out another Doom and guarantee better sales.

I'd love Epic to cash in on that free $100,000,000 by letting Cliffy lead a new Unreal release (not Tournament, actual Unreal)
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I have been designing a Quake-alike for a couple of months. Unlikely to ever go anywhere but I figure it’d be fun to post here 😂

Plot Synopsis

An alien race from a distant planet in a parallel dimension invade Earth during the late Iron Age, using pre-historic slipgate technology that had been uncovered in Europe. The hordes are beaten back into the void and the known slipgates were sealed, but not before the xenos had acquired a swathe of weaponry and kidnapped legions of human warriors, priests, and smiths. Corrupted by a plant-like parasite queen that had already subjugated large numbers of the native fauna in the parallel dimension, the humans were put to work, building weapons and fortifications from which to launch future incursions of Earth and other worlds.

1500 years pass on Earth, hundreds of unexplained massacres and disappearances; technology, flesh and minds ripped from our world; the Queen’s vast invasion force is almost ready.

The parallel dimension operates a wide range of simple to advanced machinery: water, clockwork, steam, and electronic computation power. All bastardized to serve the aliens barbarous needs.

In 2157 a military installation conducting investigative research into ancient gateways found at a subterranean archeological dig site goes silent. You are Raider. You and your team have been sent to secure the base and identify the sudden loss of communication.

You arrive to find that a hostile inter-dimensional force has taken over the facility and is in the process of kidnapping personnel, stealing research and materials, and transporting it through the gateway to their dimension.


Purge the base of the monstrosities and secure the slipgate.

Travel through the gate to the Outerlands. Fight through wooden keeps, primitive stone castles, dungeons, swamps, forest's, caves, and mines, to reach The Damned City.

Enter The Damned City and fight through the prison, temple, factory, sewers to reach the Slipgate Complex.

The invasion of Earth has begun. Find a way to destroy the alien base and close the gateway.

Trapped alone on an alien world, descend into the dark caverns of the Beneath to confront an alien god and end the madness.


1. PDW - Useful in the early game but gets progressively less effective as more resilient and armoured enemies are introduced. 3 round burst fire. 42 round magazine.

Relatively weak starting weapon that remains useful against unarmoured and flying enemies. Early game will see players combo the PDW and Incinderary Pistol against most enemy groups. Higher tier enemies may need to be weakened with the Grenade Launcher first.

2. Incinderary Pistol - using white phosphorus canister munitions. Round detonate 2-3 metres from the target and separate sub-munitions spread out like a shotgun blast. Projectiles set fire to enemies.

Homage to Blood’s flaregun. Fires a round that explodes 2 metres from the target and spreads like a shotgun shell, impacting enemies with white phosphorus pellets, setting fire to enemies hit.

3. Grenade Launcher - Short barreled hand portable grenade launcher that fires bouncing high-ex grenades.

As close to Quakes Grenade launcher as possible. Useful against high tier and armored enemies.

4. High-Calibre Ripper - Similar in design to the Quake 4 Nailgun with a P90 style transparent magasine, but fires 45-70-like rounds.

5. Double Double - Double-wide double barreled over under shotgun. Fires titanium slug-shot using rectangular shell cartridges.

Effectively 4x power. Good for stripping Armour or gibbing enemies. High power/low spread/medium range. Each barrel fires separately.

6. Plasma Rifle - A rapid firing plasma ball rifle. Plasma canister ammunition (think Doom 3). Rough around the edges. Overheating slowly damages player. Very powerful.

Similar in design to the Plasma Rifles from Doom 3 and Prodeus

7. Rocket Launcher - Point and shoot. Slower fire rate than the Grenade Launcher but longer range and much higher damage.

Design like the Q2 rocket launcher. 3-rocket magazine.

8. Lightning Gun - Battery powered man portable tesla rifle. Chain lighting, fires in a straight-ish line and sends a higher DPS surge every half second.

9. Air Fuel Canister Launcher - Designed to burn everything. Impact disperses flammable gel liquid droplets into the air and then they all ignite simultaneously. Incinerates most enemies caught in the propellant cloud, sets fire to the rest in the impact zone.


Possessed human soldiers in multiple varieties.
Ogres with Morningstars and Crossbows
Armored Ogres with Flails and Grenade Launchers
Armored Ogres with Broadswords and Flamethrowers
A variety of medieval knight
Arcane blood magic wielding priests
Armored Blunderbus Goblins
Spear Goblins
Invisible Clawed Goblins
Armoured Gastornis Terror Birds
Chained Gigantopithecus

Quake 1 movement. Ambient sound only, no music. No ADS. No upgrades or unlocks.

If id are working on a Quake remake, I want something simple that focuses of straightforward combat and key finding. No bloat, a simple HUD, no unlocks or upgrades. I don’t need cutscenes or collectible lore. Give me brilliant level design, buckets of atmosphere, and amazing sound design. I definitely don’t want Strogg. I want a brutal and unforgiving (souls-esque in terms of difficulty) shooter that doesn’t have a bullshit ammo/ability economy like Doom Eternal.

Either that or I’ll just make my own version 😂

I would be open to what somebody else suggested too. A more horror focused Doom 3-type game.
Oh I'm in, but I think a flechette shotgun fits in there somewhere.

Ultra Donny

psych GIF

Personally if they would do a reboot of the series with the whole Slip Gate thing all over again, that would imo be pretty cool. But then again, thats also the plot to the doom games basically.

I would not mind a game where humanity encounters the strogg on their foray into space travel or something and then its a fight to survive against the threat or something. Perhaps a first game in the reboot could be the first encounter and the game culminates with the Strogg making its way to earth or something. Add the horror-esque elements to discovering their presence as you make your way thru the ship or something.
What do you mean you have heard it both ways?


Gold Member
How do you explain this?


God I loved Quake Wars for the short time it was alive. An Asymetrical objective based shooter with classes that could build defences and open up side routes by building a bridge for example.

It's main issue is it took a pretty beastly rig to run for the time. I actually used to go to the local LAN cafe and play with my mates, everyone loved those days, so much fun...

I wish more FPS games would try a focus on large scale assualt/defence as there main mode. Ironically it's one of the reasons I play a game called "Hold Fast" which while being one of those take 60 seconds to reload your musket per shot games, focuses on assualt and defence for many of the maps.

I'd love a Quake Wars 2, especially with the opening battlefield has left for a large scale shooter currently.
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Don't worry. They are going to turn a Quake remake/reboot into some goofy, every color vommitted across the screen, brightly lit shit. It's definitely not going to be horror.

AAA doesn't do things like old Id anymore.
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It depends which branch of Quake they're gonna make a sequel to.

If it's Quake 1, it's gotta be lovecraftian horror and the things they could do with that now are endless, let's be fair.

Quake 2 & 4 needs a solid twist to be something special, otherwise it's going to be just another cinematic alien horror shooter. But I know they would make it stand out and be something special. I loved 4 when it came out.

They won't make a proper Quake 3 sequel but if they did it would need to be done with respect. AAA production by id themselves, with nothing but twitch gameplay and community based maps etc. I don't know what they were thinking with Champions.


I'd like that, a lot.

Edit: I believe that id Software weren't fond of the whole Lovecraft thing. Didn't Quake actually start life as a dark fantasy game, with swords, etc?
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