Visions of Mana demo now available or PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series, and PC


I want to get the game but it's going to get squeezed out. I just know it. So I'll try the demo to at least see it.


From my own experiences and reading this thread, it seems that the demo has had the opposite effect to what it should have. I still stand by the statement that they picked a really awful section of the game to turn into a demo. Should have been a later game focused combat area where you have more classes and combat options opened up and no big open empty zone to ride around with impunity on wolves.

That said, I obviously haven't played the full game yet, but Trials of Mana was a fantastic game once it got going, so I have no reason to believe this won't be as well.


The nicest person on this forum
From my own experiences and reading this thread, it seems that the demo has had the opposite effect to what it should have. I still stand by the statement that they picked a really awful section of the game to turn into a demo. Should have been a later game focused combat area where you have more classes and combat options opened up and no big open empty zone to ride around with impunity on wolves.

That said, I obviously haven't played the full game yet, but Trials of Mana was a fantastic game once it got going, so I have no reason to believe this won't be as well.
It doesn't help the class the MC has in the demo is (kind of) MH style great sword which is slow and now everyone is assuming entire combat is slow.

Its like when GB Relink demo came out and if the only character you can play as was Ghandagoza.

For me after messing around with combat and trying few Class you do have, I see potential in its combat, so I'm still excited for the game.
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How old are you? I've noticed that it's overwhelmingly people in their tweens who say this kind of stuff. When people reach their thirties they tend to stop screaming "teh childishnezz!" and just enjoy things they like without caring what others think about it.
Normally I would agree with your statement, but I think this game has the case of how both shows Trollhunters and The Dragon Prince went from being family oriented to overly kiddy. Thankfully The Dragon Prince dialed back on being offensively immature and juvenile. With Visions of Mana, it isn't due to it having a colorful aesthetic and cute characters, but everything from the voice acting, dialogue, and the story seem to extremely childish in a way games like Dragon Quest XI and Ni No Kuni 1 and 2 weren't despite having similar aesthetics and tone.

I think part of it has to do with the character designs and the demo starting at a random spot. It just seems too childish and I'm a big fan of Nintendo and bright colorful games.


I enjoyed the demo but I agree with the sentiment that it was probably a bad segment of the game to use. It's clearly trying to throw a bunch of stuff at the player at once, without adequate time to let it breathe.

I think RPG demos can be kind of a tough sell to begin with, especially when they're short. So much of the joy of an RPG is in settling in and properly thinking through your character builds and getting invested in your party composition and gear. It's hard to get that from a tiny disembodied chunk of the game.

The combat feels a lot like it did in Trials of Mana, but with slightly more polished game feel. Most of the problems people are discussing were also present in Trials -- i.e. too much chaos onscreen, etc. -- and weren't really things I took issue with in that game once I acclimated.
this plays the same like trials of mana? that game is ass. I feel like i got scammed buying that game
It had a demo that carried your save to the full game. That demo is what sold me on the game! It's a fun JRPG as expected.

However, I am copying your folly and buying Visions completely blind. Not playing the demo this time. I am hoping it is like Trials is many aspects.

I enjoyed the demo but I agree with the sentiment that it was probably a bad segment of the game to use. It's clearly trying to throw a bunch of stuff at the player at once, without adequate time to let it breathe.
This is why I am skipping this demo. Tales of Arise demo was like this. Throws you into a full party with a bunch of skills. Too overwhelming and you are just an observer. That demo almost made me skip that game.
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Hows the Performance on ps5 ?
Game has Shader issues on PC?
Got the c.e. for the ps5. Not Sure of i wanna open it. Maybe ill just buy another copy and keep it sealed.

Wont play it this year anyway.


It doesn't help the class the MC has in the demo is (kind of) MH style great sword which is slow and now everyone is assuming entire combat is slow.
Yea agree. After messing with the menus and finding out you could swap classes for the characters, first thing I did was switch him up to the "tank"spec. He was a lot more fun to play in that one. Despite being defense focused, his attacks felt way better with the lance/shield moveset. I also liked Dancer dragon girl, but the fans felt really weak and stubby vs. the kraken. Vs. everything else she was fine though. That Kraken boss was probably a really bad one to put in the demo altogether, now that I think about it. You're clearly meant to have more long ranged options by the time you fight it, and it ended up being really tedious because of the limited attack options.
Its like when GB Relink demo came out and if the only character you can play as was Ghandagoza.

For me after messing around with combat and trying few Class you do have, I see potential in its combat, so I'm still excited for the game.
Yep, same here. It looks like you can equip those ability seeds to use cross-class skills so there seems to be quite a bit of flexibility in party composition. I really like how you're not "locked in" like you were in Trials, so you can swap stuff around as you see fit at any time.


Rodent Whores
After playing the demo, my verdict is... it was okay. It's been a while since I played the Trials of Mana remake, but the combat seemed a little more clunky and unresponsive in the Visions of Mana demo.

The mounts were especially annoying with how long it took to mount and dismount.

The interactable elemental objects in the world like the time stop and the wind column seemed shallow and one-dimensional.

No double jump in town. Why? lol

Notorious boss monsters in the world were fun to fight, as was that one elemental challenge.

Overall - it doesn't convince me to buy it day one. Maybe I'll get it on sale. Maybe.


The nicest person on this forum
It's been a while since I played the Trials of Mana remake, but the combat seemed a little more clunky and unresponsive in the Visions of Mana demo.
I’m currently playing Trials of Mana Remake and no Vision of Mana combat is much smoother. The difference is in the demo MC is using two handed great sword which slower than his starter class.
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Rodent Whores
I’m currently playing Trials of Mana Remake and no Vision of Mana combat is much smoother. The difference is in the demo MC is using two handed great sword which slower than his starter class.

The great sword dude did seems slow, so I actually switched to the furry looking dude because he's faster. I spammed his charge attack which has homing properties and made fights pretty easy after doing the critical hit buff.


Gold Member
I couldn’t play it for more than 10 minutes. I don’t particularly like the art style, the combat, or the poorly presented slow time mechanic. Don’t even get me started on the voices.


I went back and played both games back to back.
I’ve narrowed down the issues I find Visions now:

-The camera movement is very slow and clunky. Even at max speed. Maybe this will be different in the real game, but in Trials you have full range of the camera with consistent speed.

-The general movement feels inconsistent, which is especially more annoying in the open area. Even with autorun on, the movement speed is constantly shifting whereas in Trials it feels more constant and doesn’t get in your way.

Both of these issues I suppose you could get used to.

-The default zoom is a bit annoying. Game feels much better zoomed out max and even improved the feel of the battles and world transversal (only downside is how made the character models look. The lack a certain amount of sharpness imo).

-The battles are not that bad especially with the camera fixed it more or less comes down to the weapons you have equipped but the knock down recovery time is awful. Trials has this too, but you can recover much quicker. Being able to jump and dash gives Visions an edge in a way.

-While the battle tracks I have heard so far and the menu music may be some of the series best and the general mixing is very good, the field music is very bland and uninspired and I feel like it’s that way because of the constant character shouting and noise. Turn off the voices and see what I mean. I would personally prefer more rhythmic upbeat music in areas where you fight monsters with less voices. There’s a lack of oomph in the audio department in that regard and that actually brings down the combat for me. The trial battle music is amazing though. Very rhythmic. Hopefully later areas and dungeons will prove me wrong.


I finally got to play the demo after finishing Trails Through Daybreak today, I really liked the flow and overall feel of the combat and cosidering the demo barely touches the class system it's easy to assume it's going to get even better, performance could be better but ehh whatever, I ended up playing 100+ hours of Dragons Dogma 2 before the patches... I'll endure.

I also just realized there hasn't been a single month this year were I hadn't played a new JRPG and they have been really good for the most part, it's crazy to think we still have REfantazio, Mario & Luigi, a few other smaller JRPGs and whatever else gets announced on Gamescom and Tokyo game Show.

Everyone else: "Worst year ever in gaming"

Meanwhile JRPG Fans:


We eating good boys.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Bit late but finally managed to play the demo on PS5 today as well, having player it earlier on SX.

I think I'm gonna stick to the SX version here, cause the PS5 version in Quality mode drops out of VRR range far too often and it doesn't feel smooth at all. Compared to that the SX version's VRR makes it feel smoother in Quality mode pretty much all the time.


Bit late but finally managed to play the demo on PS5 today as well, having player it earlier on SX.

I think I'm gonna stick to the SX version here, cause the PS5 version in Quality mode drops out of VRR range far too often and it doesn't feel smooth at all. Compared to that the SX version's VRR makes it feel smoother in Quality mode pretty much all the time.
I'm really hoping the performance gets a boost in all platforms on release. It was pretty awful for what it is all around, from what I've been seeing. PC version was very choppy and the cutscenes being locked to 30fps was extremely jarring.


Demo was updated yesterday on Steam to add shader pre-caching, which should help with some of you guys' issues.
I still had it installed so I just updated it and ran around in the field for a while. HUGE improvement just from that change (and whatever else they did). Cutscenes still stuck at 30FPS though, which is weird, they're using the game engine, not pre-rendered, so why the 30fps limit?
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