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Now that the honeymoon is over, how does Super Mario Wonder really rank?


I'm going to buy Switch or Switch 2.
How difficult are those Mario games normally?
Do they target casual or hardcore gamers?


One of the better 2D Mario's for sure. Not on the level of SMW or 3. The platforming itself is sublime but for me it's unfortunately lacking in the difficulty department. Most of the difficult levels rely more on gimmicks than actually tough platforming. That said I do play a lot of SMW romhacks these days so I'm probably expecting too much from an actual Nintendo made Mario game.


One of the green rats
better than most games out still. Its a true GAME through and through were as ever other AAA game is just a movie wannabe.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Very surprised that people are criticizing Wonder's easy difficulty and then praising World in the same breath. Aside from some late-game levels, World is ridiculously easy and forgiving.
A lot of people in my circles (internet wasn't much of a thing back then outside of BBS stuff) thought that Mario World was too easy / casual to be taken seriously. Unlike previous entries in the series where you lost all of that world's progress if you ran out of extra lives, this game had generous checkpoints (! switch levels, ghost houses, mid-level mini-dungeons) that meant you'd never lose more than 2-3 levels of progress for losing all of your extra lives. And because you could re-play levels like the first ghost house (which takes 40 seconds to beat if you know what you're doing), that's like the same as having a "save anywhere" menu button, just with extra steps.

Add to this that there are several levels where you can earn x100 lives easily, and it was definitely the most forgiving Mario game to date at the time.


Targeting terrorists with a D-Pad
Too messy and actually not all that fun to play. Dropped it rather quickly.


Presentation was great and I love how Wonder looked, but the game itself is like modern Pokemon games. They're so easy, it's kind of boring now. I'm not even the best platformer. I grew up on PC games with some NES. I beat Super Mario games over the years and I always look forward to them, but I'm not even going to pretend I'm a wizard at these games. But Wonder? I feel you'd have to try to actually die. Odyssey is the best Mario Switch game, followed by Bowser's Fury. Fight me.

While I think Wonder is fine, I think Super Mario Wonder should be ranked more of an 8 out of 10. Lots of charm, beautiful looking, fun, but there's just no challenge for adults.

On the bit with Odyssey, I recently started that half a year ago and just lost interest. It just feels too much for me. Like with Mario 64. There was a decent number of stars, and each star was more unique and there was a little story if you go in order.
With Odyssey I guess there's a small story in each world, but with so many, it just feels not as special, like what there's like 800+ stars or something? I don't want that many.

Astral Dog

Personally i was slightly dissapointed with how easy it is, and i don't like how the controls feel i guess im used to the NSMB 'physics'

There is an actual effort to evolve the formula and presentation, but beyond that it falls short of a masterpiece like other Marios and other 2D platformers like the DKC series


3rd best 2D mario after SMB3 and SMW

the difficulty and disappointing boss fights hold it back, but it is well designed, plays well, has a great style and a fun gimmick with the wonder seeds.
I wasn't digging it from the looks of it, but everyone was raving and I eventually get these games so I made a purchase as they never go down in price (no use waiting for a sale).

I didn't and still don't like the elephant, damn thing takes up too much of the screen. I prefer more varied and numerous power-ups. SMB3 was king with the tanuki, frog , racoon, fireball, etc... Followed by SMW.

I never beat it. I actually got new smb U a few months back, a game everyone called "Boring, more of the same, dumb, kiddie, etc..." and I actually enjoyed that game a ton more than wonder, and its tougher at times. (maybe because i never played any other nsmb games except for the one on the ds).
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
It is a fun game, and it has a lot of heart in it. But it is not better than SMW, or SMB, or SMB2 or SMB3. But it is better than many modern Mario 2d platformers.


Maybe I’ve grown out of 2D platformers because I haven’t been compelled to finish the game.

The last 2D platformer that I really fell in love with was Rayman Legends.


I'll put it this way: If I could boil down the one reason I'm here today and why I play video games, it's Super Mario World which I first played in 1991. After hitting puberty in the early 80s and losing all interest in video games all through my high school and college years, that was the game that pulled me back in. Lord only knows how many times I played it from beginning to end, erasing my save files and starting over, 100% it every time. 2D Mario is embedded in my soul.

But I've never been one to get stuck in the past. So when Mario went 3D, I couldn't give less of a fuck about any new 2D Mario after that. To me gaming has always been about going forward and evolving into the future. That said, I still couldn't resist buying whatever new Mario platformer pops out, 3D, 2D, whatever. But I never finish the 2D ones. I just dick around with them until I get bored, which generally happens around the time I finish all the levels in the first world.

But Super Mario Wonder was different...

I kicked that boring crap to the curb after like four levels. Whatever 'wonders' awaited me after that, pfft.
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I'm going to buy Switch or Switch 2.
How difficult are those Mario games normally?
Do they target casual or hardcore gamers?

current mario games are designed in a way that only optional stuff is hard.
the main levels (especially if you aren't trying to 100% every level) are really easy.

their bonus levels however can get really hard, not as hard has the hard parts of Super Meat Boy, but harder than you'd expect at times.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Play the post game world and tell me Wonder is easy. It isn't.

Play the normal game without Stamp abilities and tell me it is easy. It isn't.

Sure the normal game can be made easy by using the right abilities to make the levels a cakewalk but that postgame world. Oh boy that's where the fun/frustration is.


Gold Member
It’s great, but the people saying it’s the best 2D Mario since World - or even better than World, at that - must put down the drugs.
It definitely suffers from Nintendo wanting every kid and granny to be able to unlock the final world. You can argue that Odyssey had “too many” moons but, in the context of a 3D quasi-sandbox game, it wasn’t a bad thing. Those 15-second challenges and those friend plazas in Wonder, on the other hand, are just too short and too easy. Conversely, the final stretch of the final extra level isn’t a challenge, it’s pure trolling.

People have been shitting on the NSMB series for more than 15 years, but it’s easy to see that, if you forgive the generic artstyle and the (frankly innocuous) wah-wah OST, those games had fantastic level design and perfect gameplay. Wonder is consistently good, but its highs are clearly lower. It’s a solid 8/10 and a must-play, but not anywhere near the top of the chart.


Play the post game world and tell me Wonder is easy. It isn't.

Play the normal game without Stamp abilities and tell me it is easy. It isn't.

Sure the normal game can be made easy by using the right abilities to make the levels a cakewalk but that postgame world. Oh boy that's where the fun/frustration is.

but that's like saying "play Mario World without powerups and tell me it's easy"

Wonder is easy, unless you go for 100%


I’m a total Switch hater, but Mario Wonder made me feel the Nintendo magic that I haven’t since probably the first Mario Galaxy. A total joy. It’s not better than SMW, but it’s certainly better than any 2D Mario game after it. I couldn’t believe how good it was.


Suffers with mild autism
It's pretty average. The novelty of the Wonder segments wears off quickly because it's so predictable that one's going to show up in every stage and have some sort of different mechanic that you marvel at for a few seconds, but that ultimately doesn't change much. Then you go back to the normal platforming, which is fine, but presents absolutely zero challenge. The creative mechanics should've been woven more deeply into the levels than just the small, fenced-off segments where they appear, and they should've pushed the player to actually utilize those mechanics with a bit more challenge.
this is my main complaint: I fundamentally hate the concept of time-based "wonder" segments

I want the entire level itself to be the be of creativity, not some special event inside it. It only annoys me when the wonder kicks in.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
It’s great, but the people saying it’s the best 2D Mario since World - or even better than World, at that - must put down the drugs.
It's in between SMB3 and SMW for me. It did give me that Nintendo Charm from old Mario games so there was that. Characters are so expressive.


Gold Member
Play the normal game without Stamp abilities and tell me it is easy. It isn't.
… but it is.

I honestly think most of the stamps are useless, detrimental even.
Many pins in Yoshi’s Woolly World were actual cheats. In Wonder there’s maybe one or two that can make your life a bit easier, but everything can be done without them and without breaking a sweat. Mario 3D Land and World were way more challenging than Wonder.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Mario 3D Land and World were way more challenging than Wonder.
3D plane does add a bit of challenge. It's funny you mention these since I think to date my favorite platformer in Mario series is either 3D World or Galaxy 2.

Didn't care much for Odyssey. At times it felt like I was playing Banjo Kazooie.


I thought there was something off with the controls. I can’t put my finger on it, but it doesn’t control as well as a 2D Mario should.


For me, Wonder is a very good video game in general, but only a decent Mario game. The innovations such as they are don't really IMO serve a "Mario" game, but it does serve a modern video game. So it's a tough question.

I enjoyed Wonder, but it plays more like a very polished 2D Mario experience rather than a "great" 2D Mario game. The changes make things too easy, the difficulty or exploration factor just isn't there. And that needs to be a part of the best Mario games. to me.

I enjoyed it, but I haven't felt a reason to re-visit... unlike many of the other 2D Mario games.
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Sits below the GOAT, Super Mario World and the next best, Super Mario Bros 3, but after that it's right there. I wish it was harder and had more worlds/levels but who am I to complain? A new 2D Mario platformer is a dream come true for fans like me so bring on more of them please Nintendo!


always chasing the next thrill
Best 2d mario yoshi’s island
2= 100% completion mario world
3 Mario wonder
4 Super mario bros deluxe gbc remake


It’s up there with the best of the 2D games. Doesn’t mean I don’t have issues with it.

It’s up there with SMB3 and SMW for me. The could improve the boss fights and have more power ups IMO. Badge system was fun though.

I would have preferred Yoshi to have some fun power ups and not just be a Nabbit or Funky Kong type character.

Mario’s model and animations are more expressive and lively than the NSMB series we have had for years.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
this is my main complaint: I fundamentally hate the concept of time-based "wonder" segments

I want the entire level itself to be the be of creativity, not some special event inside it. It only annoys me when the wonder kicks in.

Yeah, that's the word for it - annoying. It felt like a distraction, and I was actually kind of disappointed when it was time to do another Wonder segment as I got towards the end of the game.

The frustrating thing is, Nintendo figured out how to do this more than 15 years ago with Galaxy. Different planets in any given level would have some sort of unique gimmick that - like Wonder - changed up how the mechanics worked for a brief period of time. The difference, though, is that Galaxy's planets flowed much better with level as a whole, and they didn't just turn the game into some bizarro kaleidoscope thing for you to marvel at for a bit - the challenges fit the overall game's mechanics instead of trampling on them.


Loved every moment and had the hugest grin while playing the entire time. My one and only gripe if I had to complain was the challenge could be increased, perhaps DLC? Fingers crossed


It was a pleasant experience but I can agree that it was a bit simple. I will say though some levels did offer a challenge and the revive system is one of the best online things they've done. I would not have beat some levels first try without it lol.

Also the simultaneous player ghosts made for some really fun moments online.

I yearn for the next 3d mario game though. I think Odyssey is the peak of Mario's mechanical movement. So many little options. I will be sadded when Cappy doesn't return for the next one. He added a lot of depth to Mario's gymnastics.
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Gold Member
I remember enjoying it quite a bit. I understand the difficulty complaints but this was done in the vein of the New Super Mario Bros. style so I understand the lack of difficulty. Not the best 2D Mario but definitely top 5.
Doesn't rank high for me.

I feel like the gimmick where you get the wonder seed and then rush to the end of the level like you're in a sonic game kinda ruins level design.

I also think badges are one of the worst ways to do power ups. It would be much better to get powers from suits or from items in the field the way you do in previous games (for example, Kuribo's shoe in mario 3.)

I also hated the ultimate final challenge centered around badges. Like there's a room where you gotta make a series of jumps while you're invisible because you gotta wear the invisibility badge. So you gotta judge timing and distance while not being able to see where you are. That was super annoying and very "un-Mario" in my opinion.

I did like some things, like a level with coloured platforms that disappear and reappear in time with the music and as the music gets faster the platforming gets more hectic, but overall I don't think it stacks up very well against the great mario games of the past.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I said at the time it was overrated. Honeymoon period only is a thing for morons.

Its still a very fun game though. Better than the "new" 2D games at least. Very gimmick heavy though.
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Personally, I’ve found every new mainline mario since the Galaxy series extremely underwhelming and way overhyped.


Neo Member
I dropped off somewhere in the post-game for various reasons, but I need to go back. It's a tremendous game and really opens up after you complete the main story.

I remember folks saying that Mario 3D World was too easy, but they clearly didn't get to the post-game as Champions Road is one of the hardest obstacles I've faced in a game, and the levels preceding it are nothing to sneeze at either.

Additionally, I remember feeling pure joy and elation when first playing Wonder. It had been a while since a game made me feel that way. One of the best Mario games out there IMO.


it's fine, much like most modern 2d marios, it's certainly a good playable fun game. but like it also didn't change my life or anything and i haven't really thought of it since or have had an aching to go back to it.

however, I'm a sucker for the 3D platformers. to me they are master pieces, even sunshine and i'd play them every couple of years.
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Gold Member
I really enjoyed it, I do wish they had more of the final challange maps and maybe a secret character like 3D world, I am kind of surprised they didn't make a Super Luigi Bros U style expansion with more challenging levels.
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