Path of Exile 2 - THE Game to Save Gaming


Loves his juicy stink trail scent

Stfu. This is it boys. THIS is the reason video games were made.

From pong, to this. Gods purpose on Earth for man kind.

The gamers game. Go throw your money at GGG.

Grab a snack, a drink, and watch this whole first video of everything they covered. Watching the smaller video below doesn’t do this nearly the justice.

Blown away. $240 version for me. Praise be. Video games hobby saved for me.

December 6th.

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never play the first game, is PoE2 f2p? If yes, I don't mind spending any money if it's fair. How is the gameplay compared to diablo series?


never play the first game, is PoE2 f2p? If yes, I don't mind spending any money if it's fair. How is the gameplay compared to diablo series?
The Early Access costs 30$ but it becomes basically free 2 play once it reaches a certain milestone (idk which one maybe version 1.0)


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
never play the first game, is PoE2 f2p? If yes, I don't mind spending any money if it's fair. How is the gameplay compared to diablo series?
Diablo is just pick up and play, generally do campaign, and you’re done. End game is shallow and more of a chore than challenging or fun.

PoE is a vastly deep, extremely engaging game that you can play for thousands of hours and never come close to seeing all it truly has to offer. Epic hard as shit bosses, unique loot, large customization of skills and lots of trees, and more and more.

Watch that long video and join us in the “d4 bad” meme community.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
The reason games are made…for $480 and gold micro transactions? 🧐
None of which you have to buy? That’s for the giga hardcore fan boy.

You want to play early access? $30. Supports the devs.

Don’t want to pay a dime? Wait till release then it’s f2p.

Unlike PoE1, the armor here is waaaay better and unique plus bad ass. Plus any micro transactions from PoE1 carry over to PoE2.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Did they simplify some of the mechanics or did they just complicate things more?
The unnecessarily complicated systems were a huge turn-off for 1.0.
Basically a whole new game. Still complex and deep but far vast changes to skill gems, end game currencies, etc. Way better IMO.

But if you’re looking for simple try D4.


I've been waiting for this since it was announced (beta poe1 player here) - it looks amazing - just two more weeks to get in.


I really want that artbook, but shipping price plus VAT on top of the 480$ pricetag is way too much.

Other than that - straight into my veins, baby!




The amount of content in this free to play game is fucking insane. I dont even mind the mtx, get your money.
I might buy the early access pack.


PoE is always the game I bring up as prime example how you do f2p/mtx right in videogames. There is zero pay2win (okay, maybe the stash tabs) and its free2play and the game is that good, people throw just money at it out of pure joy. What else can you wish for. 🤷‍♂️

Cinematic trailer looks dope! Still need to watch the long vid.
PoE is an absolute monster. For people with very limited playtime like me it`s just too much....
But damn, does it look cool. Like what D3/D4 could have been if Blizzard hadn`t sold out to Activision.
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The content is completely insane. I didn't play POE 1 so I'm a bit weary how they can offer this much for free without having annoying pay to win MTX?
There are whales/streamers who support this game with ridiculous amounts of money and people like me who just play one season a year (this game is too addictive and time consuming)....but when I play, I always buy a supporter pack for 30 or 60 bucks.


Really impressed with what I saw and will grab early access.

In the QA did they mention if they will have more story/cutscenes? That's what really sucks about POE1, world building and characters were kinda non existent unless you really went looking for it.


I got the $30 pack, lol. Glad my stash tabs from the first game carry over. Poe1 is a great game but my complaint with it was that the combat itself never really felt all that punchy or great. Poe2 looks 1000x better in that regard. It looks like an absolute blast!
I got the $30 pack, lol. Glad my stash tabs from the first game carry over. Poe1 is a great game but my complaint with it was that the combat itself never really felt all that punchy or great. Poe2 looks 1000x better in that regard. It looks like an absolute blast!
My two biggest complaints about POE1 were the following:

Your damage depended on getting lucky on having sockets on your weapons or armors. I hated this, as much as I like gambling and luck, I hated this mechanic in POE1, there's too much chance and items required to try and recraft the gears. POE2 removes this, which I'm happy about, because you have less chance to brick your items

The second one is the combat endgame results in just the character being sort of static, standing in one place and the screen becoming a mess due to the huge amounts of monsters. Too much clutter and you ended up dying due to this. POE2 slows this down a bit , but who knows
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