Path of Exile 2 Early Access |OT| An Exile like ARPG.


Gold Member
Just got to act 2, lvl 17/18?? Mercenary. No idea what Im doing, which stat I should be investing in, just selling all shit thats not for my class. Upgrading my skills with those stones, but I feel like im not doing enough damage. I do have almost all yellow items but they might suck. Gear doesnt really drop for your character does it? Been getting shields and hammers and shit like that

What am i doing halp


Rodent Whores


Rodent Whores
No idea what Im doing, which stat I should be investing in

At that point in time, just invest in the stats you need to equip your gear and your gems and support gems.

Upgrading my skills with those stones, but I feel like im not doing enough damage. I do have almost all yellow items but they might suck.

Most important thing for damage for you right now is the phys damage on your crossbow (I assume you're using crossbow skills).

Gear doesnt really drop for your character does it?

The NPC vendors have great items for sale sometimes. Their inventory refreshes after each level up, so go check them.


No Silksong? = Delivering the pain.
Cashed out all my divs for ingenuity and a crisis fragment and beat Arbiter of Ash on my monk. Feels good. That was my goal for early access. I think I’ll take a break until the next big update. I’ve been absolutely blasting, two level 93 characters.

This game is insanely good. Can’t wait to see the next changes and updates to the game.


Played this game a shitload, but I think I'm done with it for now.

Currently a lvl 84 Blood Mage with chaos dmg/crit build (hexblast/contagion/bone cage/Meteor), but I seem to have hit a wall irt progression.
Compared to how easy my son can map with his Invoker monk, chaos-focused blood mage seems very underpowered, imo.
Or maybe I just suck.🤷🏾‍♂️

Anyway, for now, endgame has become too time-consuming for me, so I think I'm going to put this game on hold until the first league starts (or whatever a season is called).


I yessh, I got to the final Act 1 boss and it's absolutely destroyed my desire to play any longer. This is the worst designed boss I think I've every encountered in a game. Straight up trash.
Man if you can't even get past that scrub, then you'll get rekt by the rest. Clearly this game isn't for you and that's fine.


Man if you can't even get past that scrub, then you'll get rekt by the rest. Clearly this game isn't for you and that's fine.
Actually I got pass him finally and up to Act 3 now, haven't had any issues boss wise since him outside a boss on a quest in Act 2 that kept poisoning me.


got tot the end game and started "mapping" the game just got hard.
though i had good gear.. i mean i mean i melted the Aztec guy and his mech.
now regular mobs are fucking me up, funny enough when i map Vaal anything i die the most.
haven't leveled up in like 3 days..


Thinking about how it works, eye of winter might be useful too.
I'll try. I've got some mighty meta skill jewels but not sure how to get more crit chance in there as I've already broken everything else beyond comfort :D (Trying Killjoy gloves as well so missing a lot of stats using 4 uniques).

EDIT: Couldn't come up with anything with survivability in higher tier maps, so went back to cast on minion death x2 & kept 1 cast on crit. Dropped the amulet for fireflower so no greater lightning bolts (which I think are likely key to the stuff in the above video working to the degree they do). But, on a T15 map boss it did manage to chunk 600k off in one hit, and with my CoMD build being amazing at clear but terrible at bosses without loads of adds around, that at least offers something to play around with (and had just decided to stop playing for a while before that video dragged me right back in, lol).
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Gold Member
Got my Stormweaver to 91 last night and grabbed a 55% Ingenuity. I have Spark dealing 80K on tooltip, with a crit build on top of that. I'm squishy, though, and I get stunned incredibly easily. I can clear out T16 maps super quickly, but bosses get hairy. If I can't burst something down before it acts, I'm in trouble. I also tried the Energy Shield variant, which is a lot tankier and doesn't get stunned as easily, but it cuts my DPS in half.

I'm at a point now where any improvements to my build would be 10+ divines apiece (if not considerably more). I'm eyeballing some 75% Ingenuities, which run 25 divines, and I also kind of want the Melting Maelstrom mana flash, which runs 15-ish divines. I might just have to accept that new gear improvements are going to take a while.


Gold Member
I was considering trying to farm that one myself, but expedition is so random.

The endgame activities feel really bad across the board. I recall reading that part of the point of POE2 was to remove the cruft that accumulated over the years in POE1 and make things more accessible, but stuff like Expedition feels exactly like a D-tier seasonal mechanic created deep into the life of a previous live service game. (My understanding is that most of the endgame activities in POE2 actually WERE ported over from POE1, which is super weird given their mission statement of simplifying things).

Mapping is fun when you're actually IN maps but all the juicing and waystone stuff is finicky and boring. Expedition is boring. I think Breach is actually pretty fun. Everything is poorly explained.

It takes forever to get to the meat of anything -- I'm level 92 and I just got enough splinters for my first breachstone, and that's only because I prioritize doing Breach whenever I see it. So I beat Xesht and now I finally have my first two Breach atlas points. So NOW the game will let me properly engage with that system. And I'm still ages away from seeing any of the other pinnacle bosses.

I know, I know, early access. I hope they're able to shore this stuff up by 1.0, because the core game feels SO good and is so fun that I'm still not sick of it.


Anyone else playing on PS5 Pro? I saw a patch yesterday and checked it out. It seems they updated PSSR? It's trademark instability seemed way less pronounced to my eyes.


Was bored being poor, sold 2 stellar amulets for 140 exa. :messenger_tongue:

I bought myself this little toy for 40 exa:


It's pretty good (I only had to change 1 ring to get max resist back and I use CI):



What's the plan for when the new "season" begins? I've seen people mention the economy reset and stuff, but not coming from PoE I have zero idea what to expect. What goes and what am I left with?


What's the plan for when the new "season" begins? I've seen people mention the economy reset and stuff, but not coming from PoE I have zero idea what to expect. What goes and what am I left with?
If it follows POE, you'll have a permanent league with your old characters and the new league where everybody starts fresh (only keeping microtransactions, stash tabs, cosmetics).
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Rodent Whores
What's the plan for when the new "season" begins? I've seen people mention the economy reset and stuff, but not coming from PoE I have zero idea what to expect. What goes and what am I left with?

My plan is that I'm going to test out any new content, which is most likely a new class, and level it from scratch.

I'll also try to get as much stuff as I can to add to the guild stash since it'll be empty on a new league start.


Gold Member
My plan is that I'm going to test out any new content, which is most likely a new class, and level it from scratch.

I'll also try to get as much stuff as I can to add to the guild stash since it'll be empty on a new league start.
Wait, what happens when a new league starts? Your stash disappears?


Gold Member
any loot tips for a beginner? I am in act 3, but i feel like i dont know what exactly im doing with my gear, and have a hard time knowing if something is better.
any loot tips for a beginner? I am in act 3, but i feel like i dont know what exactly im doing with my gear, and have a hard time knowing if something is better.
Get all elemental resistant to 75% energy shield is king.

should show your dps next to the skill….while sometimes this doesnt matter it can be a gauge on whether a weapon is better or not.
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Rodent Whores
any loot tips for a beginner? I am in act 3, but i feel like i dont know what exactly im doing with my gear, and have a hard time knowing if something is better.

If your build uses a weapon that attacks, physical damage on your weapon is probably the best thing you can get. In terms of defenses, get your resistances maxed out, and your evade and energy shield as high as possible. Armor is also okay-ish, but in the current balance kinda sucks compared to everything else.

If your build is a magic caster, get as much mana and plus skills as possible, as well as +damage affixes on your wand or staff. Stack up as much energy shield as you can get.

During the campaign, drops can be hard to come by, so rely on the NPC vendors for gear upgrades. Their inventory refreshes every time you gain a level.

If you're really struggling for gear, join the guild so you can have access to our gear library. If you like having a challenge and figuring it out on your own, keep on trucking.


Your current characters and items will be transferred to a separate eternal league so you can still continue there.
Ok, this is what I was still struggling with. Help me out here to see if this how it will go should they continue the existing practices from the first game...

First time this happens we effectively get a snapshot of what we have now dumped into an ever-present duplicate of our current stashes. We could consider they just stay as they are now and a new league appears with a fresh blank slate this first time.

Once future leagues begin we'd be able to export stuff into this zombie league for collection purposes or whatever other reason might make sense, including actual characters levelled from scratch during the new league?

What I'm still not sure of is how this would happen after the next season - would anything such as currencies just automatically get thrown in with the ever-present collection or would it vanish without manual action. I'm thinking stuff like uniques here and other stuff that might not have capacity in the eternal stash. Makes sense if we have to physically dump it in there before another season begins.

I'm sure it'll all make sense at the time and there won't be any real risk of losing anything, it's just difficult to see the whole picture when a lot of what is posted is based on an experience of POE with a deep understanding of how it goes down.

But I've also seen mention of a "wipe" as it's early access/beta and there has been, and continues to be, potential for a lot of broken/exploit stuff to distort the baseline. So the serves just get sent back to day 1 in terms of what we have in gear and characters - is that possible/likely in these unique early access days before a real league begins?


Rodent Whores
Once future leagues begin we'd be able to export stuff into this zombie league for collection purposes or whatever other reason might make sense, including actual characters levelled from scratch during the new league?

Once a new league starts, everything gets transferred to the zombie eternal league, and the new league is a fresh start for everyone that wants to play it. Eventually, a new new league will replace it, and all your stuff will again be transferred to the zombie league.

What I'm still not sure of is how this would happen after the next season - would anything such as currencies just automatically get thrown in with the ever-present collection or would it vanish without manual action.

None of your stuff vanishes. It just gets transferred to the eternal league.

But I've also seen mention of a "wipe" as it's early access/beta and there has been, and continues to be, potential for a lot of broken/exploit stuff to distort the baseline. So the serves just get sent back to day 1 in terms of what we have in gear and characters - is that possible/likely in these unique early access days before a real league begins?

I highly doubt anything will be permanently deleted, unless there is a really good reason for doing so.


Gold Member
If your build uses a weapon that attacks, physical damage on your weapon is probably the best thing you can get. In terms of defenses, get your resistances maxed out, and your evade and energy shield as high as possible. Armor is also okay-ish, but in the current balance kinda sucks compared to everything else.

If your build is a magic caster, get as much mana and plus skills as possible, as well as +damage affixes on your wand or staff. Stack up as much energy shield as you can get.

During the campaign, drops can be hard to come by, so rely on the NPC vendors for gear upgrades. Their inventory refreshes every time you gain a level.

If you're really struggling for gear, join the guild so you can have access to our gear library. If you like having a challenge and figuring it out on your own, keep on trucking.
oh shit theres a guild? lol ill look for you guys! appreciate this

Get all elemental resistant to 75% energy shield is king.

should show your dps next to the skill….while sometimes this doesnt matter it can be a gauge on whether a weapon is better or not.

Thank you!
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damn.. they have unique jewels!!!?

Some are pretty obtuse like Heroic Tragedy Timeless Jewel, depending on the description you get a different bonus:
  • Vorana causes Strength to grant increased energy shield instead of life
  • Medved causes Dexterity to grant increased armour instead of accuracy rating
  • Olroth causes Intelligence to grant increased evasion rating instead of maximum mana
That one costs an arm.


Damn... I didnt know i played this much DOTA.. but yea i think this is the game until Monster Hunter Wilds is out

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