“Neil Druckmann is a video game god,” says the actress who plays the protagonist in Intergalactic

Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you, Neil Cuckman, the video game god*

*of hell and the hack that takes credit of every ND game ever released
His reward would look a little bit different:


The toes made my piss my pants.
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With how much time yall have to talk about him, how would it not go to his head? Who really is the cuck here...😂
The fanboys who defend his ass like if their lives depend on it... :pie_roffles:
His reward would look a little bit different:


The toes made my piss my pants.
Ngl, I'd take mutant feet but with head full of hair than the game alternative :pie_roffles:


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.

And to think the most difficult tasks of his career was menu screens on Jak X: Combat Racing ...
But later wanted to be moved to game design but was refused a position because he lacked experience.
Only to later be put on the game design team of Uncharted because they had to meet a deadline and it would give him the experience he wanted to further his career
He later due to his positive relationship with Amy Hennig requested to work alongside her to gain experience in writing on Uncharted 2.
Although he was put in charge of Game Design the majority of it was spent with Hennig
Showing promises he was put on another project to continue his experience with Bruce Straley, but this time be credited as Co-writer while production of Uncharted 3 began.
That project was The Last of Us.
What the lead creators at Naughty Dog didn't realise when naming the title was they where referring to themselves.
By Uncharted 4 Neil wasn't the young intern wanting to learn but the one going against Amy Hennig and later Bruce Straley.
And then finally being Studio President by elimination of other core members.
Truly a Gaming God.


This isn’t saying much. The actress that was casted for outlaws also had good things to say, even despite ubi completely butchering her character model.


He wasn't the game director for TLOU1, that is probably why it was not ruined.
He was the creative director, and once he got to be the high-level director of TLOU2, it ended up being a much better *video game* compared to the previous title (though also thanks to Anthony Newman and Kurt Margenau, both credited as game directors, which I can see as necessary for a project of such scope).
I don't know why people pretend that TLOU as a whole isn't Neil's baby.


One of the green rats
A company built off the great work of Andy Gavin and Jason Rubin . Druckman didn't start there until the late ps2 era but he gets to plaster " from the studio that brought you crash and jack and daxter! " all over the place. How disgusting ..

lol not really disgusting just thought it needed a big edgy ending! 😂


There's only 1 videogame god.
His name is Shigeru Miyamoto Sama
Neil Cuckmann will never come close to his rotten pinky toenail.

The Fartist

Gold Member
Naughty God

She's obviously just drunk on the attention she's getting lately thanks to Neil, and being just a tad hyperbolic. I couldn't do his job, but I'm sure at least half of GAF can.

Am I Right Tonight Show GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon



And to think the most difficult tasks of his career was menu screens on Jak X: Combat Racing ...
But later wanted to be moved to game design but was refused a position because he lacked experience.
Only to later be put on the game design team of Uncharted because they had to meet a deadline and it would give him the experience he wanted to further his career
He later due to his positive relationship with Amy Hennig requested to work alongside her to gain experience in writing on Uncharted 2.
Although he was put in charge of Game Design the majority of it was spent with Hennig
Showing promises he was put on another project to continue his experience with Bruce Straley, but this time be credited as Co-writer while production of Uncharted 3 began.
That project was The Last of Us.
What the lead creators at Naughty Dog didn't realise when naming the title was they where referring to themselves.
By Uncharted 4 Neil wasn't the young intern wanting to learn but the one going against Amy Hennig and later Bruce Straley.
And then finally being Studio President by elimination of other core members.
Truly a Gaming God.

That Amy vs Neil conflict was deemed fake by everyone involved as far as I remember.


I don't think it's like that. Take Naughty Dog away from Neil Druckmann and let's see if he’s still a "god." Honestly, he’s really lucky to have a studio full of talented people who were there before he even showed up and are ready to do their best technically.


He wasn’t involved in Lost Legacy much if I recall which is why Nadine wasn’t portrayed as the indestructible Hulk

While the portfolio has had success, I would argue there are much more influential people in the industry that have pushed it in not only one fold, but multiple.

I am personally indifferent to Gabe Newell (and for most of my gaming years had a somewhat negative opinion of him), but to deny his immense and wide importance to the industry would be insane. I am not sure you can find a better modern figure for the industry.

Going back, Yamauchi and Miyamoto paved the console gaming landscape we have come to know.

Shuhei Yoshida was a part of the craziest come-up of all time with Playstation and showed intensely awesome loyalty to the brand to make it the giant it is today.

So, idk. I guess it is how you weight impact.
Typical case of narcissism.

Whether Neil Druckmann likes it or not and whether he's even aware of this; the prideful dude's on thin ice from Sony Japan. They are not happy with the amount of controversy that DEI/Wokeness that is permutating on their Western counterparts such as Naughty Dog, Insomniac Games, and - most recently and unfortunately - Sucker Punch Studios with the Ghost of Yotei debacle that Endymion's video about it discussed it.

You can plainly tell Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet started production in 2020 when Wokeness was at its peak. By the time 2024 rolled in, wokeness is now facing such a severe backlash from gamers than anyone with a rational brain such as Sony America, realizing that their support of DEI is now biting them in the ass, knows that they're facing hard times ahead. It's too late to consider delaying these games to remove the obvious DEI in these games because they put so much money into these projects that they're desperate to get any of that money back.
  • Jak 3
  • Jak X
  • Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
  • Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
  • The Last of Us
  • The Last of Us: Left Behind
  • Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
  • Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
  • The Last of Us Part II

Truth Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
Oh, right. Act like fucking, Straley had nothing to do with it, if not, more so...
I knew that fucking sabbatical he took would lead to something bad...


I don't think it's like that. Take Naughty Dog away from Neil Druckmann and let's see if he’s still a "god." Honestly, he’s really lucky to have a studio full of talented people who were there before he even showed up and are ready to do their best technically.

yeah, used to be ND fan, not anymore since everyone left and cuckman take a lead, i was baited to buy TLOU2, but that my only mistake, not gonna buy anything from ND as long as he still around

dude seem more interesting in making movie than video game, just kick him out and see if he can stand on his own legs


Gold Member
He's still pending to do something I can consider above average and full of creativity before I even look at him as something more than "that guy from PS that says cringe stuff from time to time".


90s PC games to me, their makers are closer to God. In the 00s Japanese game makers took their place with few exceptions from western game makers. In the 10s we've got mixed bags, in the 20s we've got remakes but I'm still optimistic.
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