STEAM announcements & updates 2012 Thread - Summer sales usually last week of June

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My problem with the game is that I have no idea what to spend gold on. I could figure everything else out by playing a lot, but it's hard to start if you have no idea what to buy and when to buy it.

I've started installing DOTA 2 again, although I have no fucking idea on how to play, I checked the OT and there was no link for beginners who are new to LOL/HON/DOTA on how to play the game :|

Start with this video - DOTA 2 in 4 min- This will cover objectives and the general layout/mechanics of the map.

The often quoted - Welcome to DOTA - You Suck guide should also be good prerequisite reading as well.

From there, more Purge stuff...specifically his learn about DOTA vids (for starters)

How to Spend your Starting Gold

Purge Gives an Item Summary- Goes through shop layout and items one by one

Purge Talks Trilane- You most likely won't ever trilane as a beginner but this video explains some ganking positions as well as proper areas to stack/pull during the laning phase (two things that you will be doing no matter what)

Purge Talks Lanes- How the laning phase works

and his Purge plays as (insert hero here) series on how to specifically play certain heroes.


You can spectate matches, might want to try that until you feel comfortable.

Alright, lets see what did we do last time. Oh yeah INSTALL SKYRIM! get to it.

SFxT pre-orders are coming soon. I'm excited to see how badly Capcom prices this. Check the stuff on the side, they may help a bit.

My problem with the game is that I have no idea what to spend gold on. I could figure everything else out by playing a lot, but it's hard to start if you have no idea what to buy and when to buy it.

I'm pretty newbish myself, but pick one of the easier characters that goes well with your tastes (both aesthetic and gameplay-related), play a few matches against bots (I dunno if there's bots in Dota, though) to try out the skills and see what items you can buy, then hit and just read the most upvoted guide for your character.

Then join a few matches, ask the other players which lane to pick and defend it while getting the ropes of your character and the game. You'll lose a few matches but you're meant to, since mastery of the game's all about experience.

This might be useful too:

thanks for the help, I'll probably play offline for a bit, my other friends play LoL so i guess I could get help from there.


Start with this video - DOTA 2 in 4 min- This will cover objectives and the general layout/mechanics of the map.

The often quoted - Welcome to DOTA - You Suck guide should also be good prerequisite reading as well.

From there, more Purge stuff...specifically his learn about DOTA vids (for starters)

How to Spend your Starting Gold

Purge Gives an Item Summary- Goes through shop layout and items one by one

Purge Talks Trilane- You most likely won't ever trilane as a beginner but this video explains some ganking positions as well as proper areas to stack/pull during the laning phase (two things that you will be doing no matter what)

Purge Talks Lanes- How the laning phase works

and his Purge plays as (insert hero here) series on how to specifically play certain heroes.

cool, that's helpful, thanks!
Purge videos suck because he takes 40 mins to explain something that shouldn't take more than 5. It's a basic overview. It's not like he's even being thorough, he's just painfully slow and repetative. Seasame street is great for the right age group, not for ours though, and yet that seems to be his basis. And he is terrible at in the head math, he constantly gets basic arithmatic wrong.

Don't get me wrong, they're helpful, but reading almost any guide, or just playing is probably a better use of time.
Purge videos suck because he takes 40 mins to explain something that shouldn't take more than 5. It's a basic overview. It's not like he's even being thorough, he's just painfully slow and repetative. Seasame street is great for the right age group, not for ours though, and yet that seems to be his basis. And he is terrible at in the head math, he constantly gets basic arithmatic wrong.

Don't get me wrong, they're helpful, but reading almost any guide, or just playing is probably a better use of time.

It's a good supplement. You need all three (Play, watch and read). His vids give a good real time representation of how to play. My biggest problem with guides is that they're good for builds and best case items but they always work under the best case scenario assumption without really telling you how to get into that position.


Mount and Blade Warband update

Is this real life? From 64 players to 200. Holy fuck! Even more epic castle warfare.
I've owned Mount and Blade games forever and not experienced the madness. I can only imagine how much madnesser it is now!


I got it for Devil Whiskey which is pretty awesome. Haven't tried Black Market yet.
Devil Whiskey is fucking terrible. It's a potentially good game marred by a shitty, cumbersome ui and no mouselook.

They should have done a Grimrock update of the system and maybe I would have enjoyed it.
Mount and Blade Warband update

- Maximum number of players in a multiplayer match has been changed to 200.

Is this real life? From 64 players to 200. Holy fuck! Even more epic castle warfare.


Holy hell.
I'm sure I'm late to the party, but Beat Hazard is pretty fucking cool. Only done one song, but Rainbow in the Dark with the lights out and speakers blaring was fucking amazing.


Yeah been trying to download it now for about 2 n half hours, had the download and it just suspended, been like that since.

Steam is down for a lot of places. There was some planned downtime but that was about to be 10 minutes, not several hours.

Sucks, think I'll catch up on some sleep I guess and try again tomorrow.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Either way, the single-player game is much better.
I played all the way up to completely demolishing another kingdom but by then my guys were completely worthless to defend shit on their own so it was waaaay too much running around. Even when you knocked the leaders out in battle they'd still escape and run away super fast so either you leave the new place you just won to get them, or let them get away and hopefully not come back to bust up some other place. It was supremely annoying. Meanwhile, multiplayer is medieval deathmatch awesomeness.


Street Fighter x Tekken preorder is up:

$49.99 regular with a 10% discount for preorders.
...there is no mention GFWL.

Is this real life?
Here's the thing:

- GFWL is blocked in my region. That means I can't buy any of the newer titles (Bulletstorm, SSFIV, Dirt 3, Arkham City, etc.). I can't see the store page of any of these games either, it's like they don't exist for me.

- I pre-ordered SFxTK just fine. I can see the store page and everything.


I'm not saying it won't use GFWL, but I find it very strange that I was able to buy it. Maybe they'll add the GFWL description (and region blocking) before release.
Here's the thing:

- GFWL is blocked in my region. That means I can't buy any of the newer titles (Bulletstorm, SSFIV, Dirt 3, Arkham City, etc.). I can't see the store page of any of these games either, it's like they don't exist for me.

- I pre-ordered SFxTK just fine. I can see the store page and everything.


I'm not saying it won't use GFWL, but I find it very strange that I was able to buy it. Maybe they'll add the GFWL description (and region blocking) before release.

That's intere-

Gamersgate says it's GFWL


I hope you won't run into any problems, Dizzy :-/
I really do have to wonder why some of these companies insist on using GFWL. Is it in any way easier to implement than something like Steamworks? In the case of Capcom, maybe it's because they already have the programming expertise and knowledge of the system from their previous games?
I really do have to wonder why some of these companies insist on using GFWL. Is it in any way easier to implement than something like Steamworks? In the case of Capcom, maybe it's because they already have the programming expertise and knowledge of the system from their previous games?

It's easier to port the netcode and the other Live stuff (cheevos etc. I guess) from the 360 version.


I really do have to wonder why some of these companies insist on using GFWL. Is it in any way easier to implement than something like Steamworks? In the case of Capcom, maybe it's because they already have the programming expertise and knowledge of the system from their previous games?

Didn't someone mention that it makes porting to/from the 360 easier due to XBL and GFWL being similar? Seems plausible.

edit: Beaten by less than a minute.
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