Steam Summer Sales 2012 Thread: we still like you Tony

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That got patched the first week. The game didn't play right for some people cause ati released the wrong drivers day one.

Thank god. I don't feel like I've truly gotten a new ID game unless I spend an hour tweaking a million different settings to get it to run perfectly.

I have no answer to your question, but I really wanted to say that your avatar is the very definition of epic.
Thank you!


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Is Street Fighter Arcade Edition worth getting? Sucks that you have to buy all the costumes separately it seems. Where is the complete collection?


I have to say, it's incredibly smart of them to structure the sale this way. You're basically making people constantly think about the steam sale, when the next deal is going up, how much time is left on the vote or a flash, and the more they do that, the higher the chance of them buying a game

Even though I get it, it's still working on me, last sale I would just check the dailies in the evening but now I'm checking all the time


I love it more than Super Meat Boy. Great crazy power ups. I love how it unlocks new power ups the more you play. I was seeing totally new items my 20th game. Is a fantastic "appetizer game" and doing "just one more run" is addicting.

I also adore the aesthetic. I get that some people dont get the dark twisted humor. I dont care. I love it. Its extremely fresh. No other game with that aesthetic/sensibilities.

I love dark and twisted, but BoI is just fucking hideous to look at, for me. Hate everything about the art. It certainly is.... unique, though!
Happy birthday to me, I got Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition and Alan Wake American Nightmare from a friend.

Instead of thinking "meh, these are fucking cheap gifts" it's "he could have saved money if he waited for the daily deals!"

Happy birthday!

Mine's on sunday! I'm excited. I think my mom got me a steam giftcard :p
Is Street Fighter Arcade Edition worth getting? Sucks that you have to buy all the costumes separately it seems. Where is the complete collection?

Complete collection of all the costumes is slightly down on the page. It's called the All-In costume pack. Costs 7.50 right now, it's 50% off.


Can I hope for Garry's Mod to show up as a daily deal? I'm checking steamprices right now and it seems it often goes for 2.50 ish. Did it appear as a daily deal during the winter sale? Anyway I don't mind paying the 5 bucks for it. I just want to tinker a bit with it :p


Did they actually fixed the texture stuff and optimized the performance of Rage on PC?

Also, I'm really sad that something bad as Assassins Creed Revelations won. :(

AC Revelations while not as good as AC II was FAR BETTER than Brotherhood!


What's holding you up?

When I attempt to create an account, I get this error: "There was an error creating the Windows Live ID, please try again later." Been at it for about 30 min now, still nothing

Sonic worth it ?

Absolutely. Console version is great, PC version is better. There's an active modding community adding in all sorts of stuff as well. The game itself is really good.
Yeah, it still sucks that it is almost as much as the game. Are they worth getting?

You're talking to a guy who's bought this game multiple times and now all the costumes TWICE.

I'd say of course, the costumes are fantastic. But I'm a total whore for fighting game extras like this, so, yknow.
Assassin's Creed Revelations won the vote?!!!!



Yeah, it still sucks that it is almost as much as the game. Are they worth getting?

Realistically, you don't need them at all. And if you end up only playing 3-5 characters, then most of them are worthless. That being said, there are some pretty great ones. It still really comes down to character choice though. I play Dudley and don't like any of his alt costumes.


Just bought SSFIV:AE. Anyone else having trouble creating a GFWL account? Starting to see why nobody likes this service.
What error are you getting?

There was something odd with my existing Windows Live account, took them two months to fix before I could create a GFWL account on it. Could have just made a new Live account I guess, but since there's a Live login service running in Windows I thought it'd be best to keep all my stuff on the same one.
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