Steam Summer Sales 2012 Thread: we still like you Tony

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Did anyone actually like The Binding of Isaac? I thought it was atrocious. I heard "designer of super meat boy" and got all pumped, and it turned out to be about 0.1% as cool as Super Meat Boy.

I guess they only work well as a team, and not independently.


Did anyone actually like The Binding of Isaac? I thought it was atrocious. I heard "designer of super meat boy" and got all pumped, and it turned out to be about 0.1% as cool as Super Meat Boy.

Me and a lot of other people enjoyed it. The OT for it has people that enjoy it posting in there.


Did anyone actually like The Binding of Isaac? I thought it was atrocious. I heard "designer of super meat boy" and got all pumped, and it turned out to be about 0.1% as cool as Super Meat Boy.

It has nothing to do with smb. It's a Zelda 1 roguelike that plenty of people loved.


Did anyone actually like The Binding of Isaac? I thought it was atrocious. I heard "designer of super meat boy" and got all pumped, and it turned out to be about 0.1% as cool as Super Meat Boy.

I guess they only work well as a team, and not independently.

I got it a couple weeks ago because people kept sayin' rogue-like and I love rogue-likes, but I really, really disliked Binding of Issac, sadly.


Did anyone actually like The Binding of Isaac? I thought it was atrocious. I heard "designer of super meat boy" and got all pumped, and it turned out to be about 0.1% as cool as Super Meat Boy.
I don't hate it but the degree of praise it gets around here is totally exaggerated.


So is Trine 2 still the voting champion so far? Won by the biggest amount? I think the game had 49 percent of the vote.

Wonder if we'll get some hall of champion voting?


The final day usually has the biggest sales on again.

I sense a mega sale on the final day. May God have mercy.


wasn't there a bunch of disappointment about the pc version?

It was mostly over the fact that it shipped with no options to change any graphical settings which is completely unlike any previous ID game. To my knowledge, most of that got patched..... right? (Don't break my heart here GAF).


Did they actually fixed the texture stuff and optimized the performance of Rage on PC?

Also, I'm really sad that something bad as Assassins Creed Revelations won. :(
This has probably been discussed a lot but its hard to follow this thread and I just got off an airplane. Is the Tribes Starter Pack worth it? I have never played tribes, I get my new laptop in a few weeks and it looks like a sweet game. Should I just play it normy? or is it a good buy.


Did anyone actually like The Binding of Isaac? I thought it was atrocious. I heard "designer of super meat boy" and got all pumped, and it turned out to be about 0.1% as cool as Super Meat Boy.

I guess they only work well as a team, and not independently.

I didn't like it either. I had to beat the game during the winter sale to get the achievement and it was quite painful to me. I didn't like how you are a slave to the game's RNG. Even if you play a lot and are quite skilled, the game can spawn terrible power ups or a room with cheap enemies and you end up dying because of this. Eventually it gets better as you unlock more power up as the pool of items contains eventually more good stuff but it takes time.

I don't think it's bad by any means but it's not my cup of tea.


It was mostly over the fact that it shipped with no options to change any graphical settings which is completely unlike any previous ID game. To my knowledge, most of that got patched..... right? (Don't break my heart here GAF).

I have no answer to your question, but I really wanted to say that your avatar is the very definition of epic.
what is bad about it?

It's just... bland. Every room is the same, even though it's randomly generated. Not physically the same, but just the same in spirit. The graphics suck. The controls were imprecise and bad.

In short: Non-existant level design and bad controls.

Didn't mean to get into a flame war in an unrelated topic, just was surprised to see it on a daily deal and then lots of people talking about being pumped to jump in on it.


This has probably been discussed a lot but its hard to follow this thread and I just got off an airplane. Is the Tribes Starter Pack worth it? I have never played tribes, I get my new laptop in a few weeks and it looks like a sweet game. Should I just play it normy? or is it a good buy.

If you are going to play the game the pack is definitely worth 5 bucks. Get a couple character, weapon, and item unlocks on top of extra gold to purchase things and a permanent XP bonus. In game 800 gold alone costs 10 dollars.


It was mostly over the fact that it shipped with no options to change any graphical settings which is completely unlike any previous ID game. To my knowledge, most of that got patched..... right? (Don't break my heart here GAF).
That got patched the first week. The game didn't play right for some people cause ati released the wrong drivers day one.
No I know that it has nothing to do with SMB, but I figured same designer, must be good. Plus I love rogue-likes anyway.

I love it more than Super Meat Boy. Great crazy power ups. I love how it unlocks new power ups the more you play. I was seeing totally new items my 20th game. Is a fantastic "appetizer game" and doing "just one more run" is addicting.

I also adore the aesthetic. I get that some people dont get the dark twisted humor. I dont care. I love it. Its extremely fresh. No other game with that aesthetic/sensibilities.
Happy birthday to me, I got Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition and Alan Wake American Nightmare from a friend.

Instead of thinking "meh, these are fucking cheap gifts" it's "he could have saved money if he waited for the daily deals!"
Assassin Creed Revelations is a good AC. But is not amazing like AC2 or BH. Thank god is not AC1 also.
The best part for me was seeing the Ezio story ending. Ezio is so fucking good and spoiler of revelations:
Sofia is also awesome, and the best parts of the game are the sofia missions and cutscenes
that im afraid we are not going to get a character so fun and with that personality.

The dungeons in ACR are also the best part of it. The city is not really that good, apart from Santa Sofia and some other small monuments (and thats not a lot). It feels more like the shitty cities of AC1 that the amazing ones in 2 and Rome in BH.


I really didn't enjoy the half life series when I played it. Played the first, hated the vents, hated the jumping puzzles and fighting the enemies didn't really feel engaging. Quit when I got stuck back in the freezer room in the first area. Second I played a few years ago and quit when I got to the hoverboat section. I started playing it again a few weeks ago and I just found the combat unsatisfying. I don't think I've encountered more than 2, maybe 3 enemies at once that weren't behind a fence or on a ledge above, I enjoy when shooters allow me to plan my attack but there hasn't even been any instances for simple flanking. To me, it just seems like a standard linear shooter without the scripting and enemy count. Maybe they get better, and I still haven't played part 1 & 2 but right now I'm not impressed.
I love it more than Super Meat Boy. Great crazy power ups. I love how it unlocks new power ups the more you play. I was seeing totally new items my 20th game. Is a fantastic "appetizer game" and doing "just one more run" is addicting.

I also adore the aesthetic. I get that some people dont get the dark twisted humor. I dont care. I love it. Its extremely fresh. No other game with that aesthetic/sensibilities.

Actually the dark twisted humor is part of why I really wanted to like it. The implementation however just didn't look polished, and looked like something someone could have done in a college level intro to game development course.

oh well, to each his own i guess.


Did anyone actually like The Binding of Isaac? I thought it was atrocious. I heard "designer of super meat boy" and got all pumped, and it turned out to be about 0.1% as cool as Super Meat Boy.

I guess they only work well as a team, and not independently.

I have 90+ hours dumped into it, it's easily my favorite game of last year. I'm curious to know why you didn't like it, was it the difficulty, or were you insulted by the content?
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