Posting best girls.
That's a funny joke.
See how funny best girl thinks it is?

Posting best girls.
But I only see some of the worst girls there.
That's a funny joke.
See how funny best girl thinks it is?
Im disappointed at the lack of Satoshi avatars. I would, but the ones posted arent ones I would use.
Oh, man. It's that time already?
You mean Chinatsu... And Chinatsu?
Did someone say best girl this season?
cause best girl this season
Go back to your fugly chin girl.
Girls you fool! Her included!
But then that'd include Chinatsu, and we all know that can't happen.
Im disappointed at the lack of Satoshi avatars. I would, but the ones posted arent ones I would use.
KININARIMASU~It's a mystery~
Go find a SatoshixHoutarou avatar and use it, I will like it more than your current one.
don't forget the broken, painful, delicious hearts
But I only see some of the worst girls there.
You too Brazil? The hell man?!![]()
As a Mexican, I find this highly racist.[IMG][/QUOTE]
As a Mexican, I find this highly racist.send me a pm
Just another proof this thread should be locked with no successor posted.
Complete Equine Assimilation
It's kind of pointless to discuss who is the girl of the season.
because Yuko is already girl of the year[IMG][/QUOTE]
[quote="Ultimadrago, post: 40338856"]Of course![/QUOTE]
please, burn in the hell or something
Best Nichigirl.
please, burn in the hell or something