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Guild Wars 2 |OT| Buy Once, Sub Never, Fun Forever

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I really hope people stop mass listing stuff on the trading post for a single copper over the vendor dump price. It's great if you want to buy stuff, but it's making selling things for profit impossible (from what I've found so far anyways).

getting like 78c from vendor is still a pretty good haul

those people are just lazy since they lose listing fee then have to wait in a long queue of other lazy people then they lose another 10% on top of it

better off just depositing salvagables, salvaging whites while you're adventuring, then vendoring all the blues/greens after you get to a merchant


Guild Wars 1 was built around PvP with it's 1300 skills and is the gold standard to beat, It's PvP still hasn't been beaten. WvWvW is a zerg fest mess, sPvP is ok outside Mesmers and Thieves.

The reward system from sPvP is absolutely retarded. It rewards kills and recapping way too much and defenders get jack all so people just run around zerging.


So did Explorable CM with Gaffers. We made it through two bosses. Some stuff was hard and then you could learn what to do, how to adapt. Some of it was hard because my connection was dying and I wasn't able to do anything.

One bit was insane and I'm not even sure what you're supposed to do. It's just a room full of mobs, many of veteran and champion level. Maybe if you had ways to do lots of aoe blinds it could work, but it just kicked our ass. Couldn't really see a way to survive the room.


What are you guardians running in dungeons, in terms of role/weapons/skills? I'm not having much fun with mine so hopefully I can find some ideas or inspiration here.
Hmmm... I might just ditch PvE altogether. Even though my highest level character is now 43, everything just seems so... repetitive. I've pretty much done everything aside from PvP and ... well ... it's different - but still the same old MMO grind.

Most DEs are just defend this, guard this dude while he walks from A-B, kill this mob, etc. Nothing really ground-shaking or world-changing.

Fuck. I've come across a few DE's that I started when an NPC ran up to me - but the DE started so fucking far from where I was it was finished before I made it over there. What is that shit?

It does feel like the same old grind but with less of a payoff. You pretty much unlock every weapon skill in the game within the first hour of play, half of your utilities are /meh fillers that won't really make or break anything... there's hardly much to look forward to other than the way gear looks. I'm fine with that - since it's about playing the game and not a treadmill at level cap...

If the game, itself, was the main attraction - it has become quite bland after 43 levels. To me, the only thing to look forward to is a new dungeon every 10 or so levels... that's not exactly a reward. I'd rather have all dungeons unlocked from the get-go and just let me have at it and "play" the game. Moving through 10 levels just to open another dungeon has become the grind.

Each level gained should make me feel more powerful - but never does.

ANet made a fun game in concept but the carrot they dangle is rather small and placed on an obscenely large stick. I see a lot of wasted potential to introduce new gameplay elements and design choices in almost every zone that offer more than a 5 minute world impact before the DE spawns again.

I'm still not feeling the impact of my character as I had hoped, leveling is still a chore, leveling hasn't once made me feel more powerful, there's only so much exploration and jumping puzzles I can do before I get bored with them, dungeons are nice but not what I was hoping for, combat is great but there are a LOT of missed opportunities to flesh it out further, trait system is meh, crafting was a HUGE missed opportunity (discovery shouldn't be hailed as amazing - it should be THE standard way to craft), and more...

There's a lot it does right - but a lot it does wrong in the PvE aspect. I'm starting to hit CoH mode where I just make toons for the hell of it since you get bored of a class so quick with absolutely nothing to look forward to when you've unlocked everything you need for a few different specs by level 40. You just mash the same buttons for the next 40 levels, explore the same water, caves, grasslands, etc.

I find my current feeling towards the game rather interesting considering how much I've lauded it during the BWEs and even a bit today... but it just got to me this evening I guess.
Glad to see I'm not the only one. I'm the kind of person who's more interested in the story than anything else - the kind of people who always plays on Easy and would cheat my way through combat in solo games - I also don't play competitive/e-sport games or modes. However, there is little roleplay save for a few choices. The writing isn't particularly engaging (and often not dissimilar in quality to fanfiction), and, from what I've seen, the plot isn't particularly original (You're the good guy and you must kill the evil dragons)... Meh.

I'm also disappointed in the 'social' aspect of the game. Events and quests are like going to the movies: there's an event, everyone gathers in the same place do their thing, and nobody talks to each other. Once it's over, everyone leaves.

As for guilds, well... I feel like the only benefit of being in a guild has been the guild chat. During the 100 or so hours I've played Guild Wars 2, I've always been playing solo. I thought Guild Wars 2 would be that game where you could always (or nearly always) progress with your friends but even my requests to form a party for Ascalonian Catacombs remained unanswered. Why is it so hard to actually play with other guild members that you have to organize events days in advance on a forum? I didn't feel a very strong connection with the other guild members. Maybe that's because the GAF guild is just too big? When you're 'connected' with so many people you aren't really connected with anyone in particular. I, for one, would be interested in a separate European GAF guild, to see if it can make things better.

I was very enthusiastic about Guild Wars 2, but my expectations must have been too high.


I just found the most fun I have had since beginning my character.

And where/what was this fun?

Speaking of PvE. im still loving it, mostly because I love exploring the world and I the gameplay continues to feel engaging and fun to me because the enemeis, as you level up, get stronger and have more abilities.

I really think that is consistent with what arena net is trying to do, instead of having skill bloat to give a false sense of progression, they introduce more challenging enemies with abilities that you have to pay attention to either avoid, counter, or whatever. The sense of progression in PvE comes from the enemies you fight, not you getting more and more abilities. I feel that that is pretty consistent with arenanet's stated purpose


Glad to see I'm not the only one. I'm the kind of person who's more interested in the story than anything else - the kind of people who always plays on Easy and would cheat my way through combat in solo games - I also don't play competitive/e-sport games or modes. However, there is little roleplay save for a few choices. The writing isn't particularly engaging (and often not dissimilar in quality to fanfiction), and, from what I've seen, the plot isn't particularly original (You're the good guy and you must kill the evil dragons)... Meh.

I'm also disappointed in the 'social' aspect of the game. Events and quests are like going to the movies: there's an event, everyone gathers in the same place do their thing, and nobody talks to each other. Once it's over, everyone leaves.

As for guilds, well... I feel like the only benefit of being in a guild has been the guild chat. During the 100 or so hours I've played Guild Wars 2, I've always been playing solo. I thought Guild Wars 2 would be that game where you could always (or nearly always) progress with your friends but even my requests to form a party for Ascalonian Catacombs remained unanswered. I didn't feel a very strong connection with the other guild members. Maybe that's because the GAF guild is just too big? When you're 'connected' with so many people you aren't really connected with anyone in particular. I, for one, would be interested in a separate European GAF guild, to see if it can make things better.

I was very enthusiastic about Guild Wars 2, but my expectations must have been too high.

I would probably feel a bit more into it with a smaller guild, too.


What are you guardians running in dungeons, in terms of role/weapons/skills? I'm not having much fun with mine so hopefully I can find some ideas or inspiration here.

Depends on the group. I usually want to have 1 ranged weapon (so scepter) but I've run without it. Last time I ran with GAF I used staff and scepter+torch but we had 4 guardians anyway. Before that I used Greatsword and scepter+shield for another group in TA.

As for utility skills I use "save yourselves" "contemplation of purity" and either a signet (less damage or knockdown) or "retreat", mainly for the aegis and running back if we get wiped. I don't change my traits or anything like that, and I'm traited for greatsword stuff and condition damage mostly. I try to use my CC skills and keep an eye for health and conditions on allies to clean them and just do damage when nothing else is needed.


The Cryptarch's Bane
And where/what was this fun?
nging enemies with abilities that you have to pay attention to either avoid, counter, or whatever. The sense of progression in PvE comes from the enemies you fight, not you getting more and more abilities. I feel that that is pretty consistent with arenanet's stated purpose
Bloodtide Coast, which is just south of Lion's Arch, but at level 40. It's a 45+ zone.

Once you are comfortable with the PvE I highly recommend trying an area "too high" for you.

It is amazing. Hearts and Events get me a minimum of 3000xp. The average mob drops 50c or so. Random mobs that haven't been touched in a while have 200xp or so.

I leveled from 40-41 in 15 minutes and I was well on my way to 42.

I just killed a blue moa and it had loot on it. My inventory was full. I hovered over it in the unclaimed loot screen- 100+ base damage over my current gun, and a new skin, for level 42.

The the servers went down.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Bloodtide Coast, which is just south of Lion's Arch, but at level 40. It's a 45+ zone.

Once you are comfortable with the PvE I highly recommend trying an area "too high" for you.

It is amazing. Hearts and Events get me a minimum of 3000xp. The average mob drops 50c or so. Random mobs that haven't been touched in a while have 200xp or so.

I leveled from 40-41 in 15 minutes and I was well on my way to 42.

I just killed a blue moa and it had loot on it. My inventory was full. I hovered over it in the unclaimed loot screen- 100+ base damage over my current gun, and a new skin, for level 42.

The the servers went down.

I can take on enemies like 2,3 levels above me comfortably now, so I always try to do my questing that way. That and extra magic find = glorious.


Did the game go down for anyone else or was it just me? Crashed while i was playing and said something about problem with the connection and to restart the client and now i cant log in.


Glad to see I'm not the only one. I'm the kind of person who's more interested in the story than anything else - the kind of people who always plays on Easy and would cheat my way through combat in solo games - I also don't play competitive/e-sport games or modes. However, there is little roleplay save for a few choices. The writing isn't particularly engaging (and often not dissimilar in quality to fanfiction), and, from what I've seen, the plot isn't particularly original (You're the good guy and you must kill the evil dragons)... Meh.

I'm also disappointed in the 'social' aspect of the game. Events and quests are like going to the movies: there's an event, everyone gathers in the same place do their thing, and nobody talks to each other. Once it's over, everyone leaves.

As for guilds, well... I feel like the only benefit of being in a guild has been the guild chat. During the 100 or so hours I've played Guild Wars 2, I've always been playing solo. I thought Guild Wars 2 would be that game where you could always (or nearly always) progress with your friends but even my requests to form a party for Ascalonian Catacombs remained unanswered. I didn't feel a very strong connection with the other guild members. Maybe that's because the GAF guild is just too big? When you're 'connected' with so many people you aren't really connected with anyone in particular. I, for one, would be interested in a separate European GAF guild, to see if it can make things better.

I was very enthusiastic about Guild Wars 2, but my expectations must have been too high.

Yeah i mentioned the social aspect as well a few days ago and someone told me it was to do with the new way of playing this mmo where you need full participation in the combat so you can't really type to chat. I don't think it'll change since you need to always be actively moving and kiting.

When i played other mmos i use to login, go on guild chat and type "hello everyone" and then a mass of people would stop their conversation and welcome me back. It wasn't always about the game as well. People would be casual and talk to each other about their day at work, school, university and just have a good conversation going while they all played.

And I miss the "gg guys, good run" when going through dungeons and standing in the room before going in and discussing how we were going to get through the next room. 70% of the parties i've been in; go in, run straight to the mobs, ping the target to focus and that's the most communicating we'll have. If we all die, someone will tell us to regroup and that'll be it.

I just really hope it'll change in the future because the social aspect was what I use to like the most about playing mmos. Maybe times have changed though since I haven't played one in a while.


And where/what was this fun?

Speaking of PvE. im still loving it, mostly because I love exploring the world and I the gameplay continues to feel engaging and fun to me because the enemeis, as you level up, get stronger and have more abilities.

I really think that is consistent with what arena net is trying to do, instead of having skill bloat to give a false sense of progression, they introduce more challenging enemies with abilities that you have to pay attention to either avoid, counter, or whatever. The sense of progression in PvE comes from the enemies you fight, not you getting more and more abilities. I feel that that is pretty consistent with arenanet's stated purpose

I don't feel it. The enemies don't get any harder - got bored and let "1" do the work for me on autoattack and I never dip below 90% health no matter if I get stunned, knocked down, crippled, bled, etc. Combat feels the same to me as it did at level 1. I get a few more buttons, but they really don't impact me save for boons which make me do more dmg or take less dmg.

Having the combat "action" oriented ANet missed a grand opportunity to make buttons matter, choices matter. I can see dungeon play being more involved but its usually a case of "did I bring this button into combat? I need to dodge again. I need to dodge again. Did I swap out this trait for another for this fight?" I just can't spec how I want and use skill to overcome because you will be at a disadvantage without certain traits/utilities for a fight.

Which makes the game build-dependent like any other MMO.


The Gaf guild has been pretty social for the most part. I usually see someone asking to group for a dungeon run, and plenty of volunteers. The members were very social in the runs I've been on as well.


I've spent a lot of time in GW2 while in a party. I find it a lot of fun to go off exploring and discover new things with someone.


I also find it pretty weird that nobody ever talks in sPvP. I'm like the only one communicating. Anet also needs to give us more time to make a play at the start of a game. Less than 5s isnt enough for me to tell them the plan :/


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I have to try this. I think I have some buffs, but I don't know about MF.

Silver Doubloons are like 1s in the TP and give you +2% magic find, throw it at everything you have (if you want, or just some), and there's also weapons/armor (with the adjective "pillaging") that have +Magic Find by themselves.


Yeah, ANet hasn't been able to keep the 99% uptime like they did in GW1.

They do allow you to stay in a dungeon instance if you're playing while they do a patch & restart. Then once you finish or leave the dungeon, the game exits and downloads the new patch.


Silver Doubloons are like 1s in the TP and give you +2% magic find, throw it at everything you have (if you want, or just some), and there's also weapons/armor (with the adjective "pillaging") that have +Magic Find by themselves.

Do you know if magic find works with fine materials? If so, i think ill invest in some MF...


I'm going to have to disagree with a lot of people on Personal Story. It's probably one of the most fun experiences I've had in an MMO regarding story in it that I've had, really. It seals the deal about me caring about what is going on in the actual zones where these missions take place. Especially when you get to level 70, the quests are one per level. It's awesome.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I don't feel it. The enemies don't get any harder - got bored and let "1" do the work for me on autoattack and I never dip below 90% health no matter if I get stunned, knocked down, crippled, bled, etc. Combat feels the same to me as it did at level 1. I get a few more buttons, but they really don't impact me save for boons which make me do more dmg or take less dmg.

Having the combat "action" oriented ANet missed a grand opportunity to make buttons matter, choices matter. I can see dungeon play being more involved but its usually a case of "did I bring this button into combat? I need to dodge again. I need to dodge again. Did I swap out this trait for another for this fight?" I just can't spec how I want and use skill to overcome because you will be at a disadvantage without certain traits/utilities for a fight.

Which makes the game build-dependent like any other MMO.
This part is just so weird, especially in PvE. If you aren't equipped for what's going on, you will be at a disadvantage, of course. You CAN however overcome that with skill if you're good. Combat feeling the same to you as it did at level 1 does not sound quite right; have you tried an area outside of your level range?


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Do you know if magic find works with fine materials? If so, i think ill invest in some MF...

I'm not actually sure, and google doesn't bring up good results, but I would assume it does, since it should work the same way as it increases the quality of regular drops.

EDIT: Servers back up, but guilds are still buggy, let's hope that's gonna appear in the next few minutes.
When i played other mmos i use to login, go on guild chat and type "hello everyone" and then a mass of people would stop their conversation and welcome me back. It wasn't always about the game as well. People would be casual and talk to each other about their day at work, school, university and just have a good conversation going while they all played.

Building a community in the guild takes time. You can't just start talking about your day when you are mostly surrounded by strangers. I've been playing from headstart and even now I'd say I can't recognize more than 30-40 names in guild chat. I play as the character Adriane, I don't know how many people would recognize me either. That's 30 out of 500... you can't just build rapport instantly. Add in the fact that parties were fucked for days after launch and everyone is going through content for the first time at their own pace, it's understandable that many aren't grouping up. Still, if you asked in guild chat whether someone in XXX zone wanted to party up with you, I think anyone would agree to join you if they were there. As you do party up with people and do dungeon runs, you'll start to recognize people and it will get better. I also suspect people will get a lot more chatty when they reach 80 and stand around in LA doing nothing :p

In the words of Gaben, these things, they take time.

And I miss the "gg guys, good run" when going through dungeons and standing in the room before going in and discussing how we were going to get through the next room. 70% of the parties i've been in; go in, run straight to the mobs, ping the target to focus and that's the most communicating we'll have. If we all die, someone will tell us to regroup and that'll be it.

Guild runs. Even if they do take time to organize. I did Twilight Arbor with a group of guildies a couple of days ago and it took me a good 1-1.5 hours just to get the group ready. It's understandable... some folks don't meet the level requirements. Others have done it and would rather experience new content instead of grinding out a dungeon. So it took a while to get a group but we managed it. Then we found out that all 5 of us were doing it for the first time, so we had no idea how to do it. It took a little longer than I expect it would normally as we were learning the dungeon all the way through, but it was fun. Wiped a few times but we did our best, no one got annoyed and we finally did clear it together and it was a great feeling at the end.

There's no hurry to do dungeons in this game. Take your time to find a guild run and it will be a lot more pleasant.


are they doing maintenance now? just got home a bit ago.


Hmm...does Protection reduce every hit of damage by 33% taken while Protection is active? And does Retaliation take 33% of the damage you take and send it back to the enemy while Retaliation is active? Basically, does Retaliation both block that % of damage from you and do damage at the same time or does Retaliation only deal damage to the opponent while the person with Retaliation still takes the full damage. If it's the former, wouldn't that make Protection pointless. Would love an answer before I mess around with traits when the game's up.


The Cryptarch's Bane
it's maintenance

it's maintenance time

i know you're trying to say it's time for maintenance it's maintenance time ooh!

edit: maintenance hours are over
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