Hmmm... I might just ditch PvE altogether. Even though my highest level character is now 43, everything just seems so... repetitive. I've pretty much done everything aside from PvP and ... well ... it's different - but still the same old MMO grind.
Most DEs are just defend this, guard this dude while he walks from A-B, kill this mob, etc. Nothing really ground-shaking or world-changing.
Fuck. I've come across a few DE's that I started when an NPC ran up to me - but the DE started so fucking far from where I was it was finished before I made it over there. What is that shit?
It does feel like the same old grind but with less of a payoff. You pretty much unlock every weapon skill in the game within the first hour of play, half of your utilities are /meh fillers that won't really make or break anything... there's hardly much to look forward to other than the way gear looks. I'm fine with that - since it's about playing the game and not a treadmill at level cap...
If the game, itself, was the main attraction - it has become quite bland after 43 levels. To me, the only thing to look forward to is a new dungeon every 10 or so levels... that's not exactly a reward. I'd rather have all dungeons unlocked from the get-go and just let me have at it and "play" the game. Moving through 10 levels just to open another dungeon has become the grind.
Each level gained should make me feel more powerful - but never does.
ANet made a fun game in concept but the carrot they dangle is rather small and placed on an obscenely large stick. I see a lot of wasted potential to introduce new gameplay elements and design choices in almost every zone that offer more than a 5 minute world impact before the DE spawns again.
I'm still not feeling the impact of my character as I had hoped, leveling is still a chore, leveling hasn't once made me feel more powerful, there's only so much exploration and jumping puzzles I can do before I get bored with them, dungeons are nice but not what I was hoping for, combat is great but there are a LOT of missed opportunities to flesh it out further, trait system is meh, crafting was a HUGE missed opportunity (discovery shouldn't be hailed as amazing - it should be THE standard way to craft), and more...
There's a lot it does right - but a lot it does wrong in the PvE aspect. I'm starting to hit CoH mode where I just make toons for the hell of it since you get bored of a class so quick with absolutely nothing to look forward to when you've unlocked everything you need for a few different specs by level 40. You just mash the same buttons for the next 40 levels, explore the same water, caves, grasslands, etc.
I find my current feeling towards the game rather interesting considering how much I've lauded it during the BWEs and even a bit today... but it just got to me this evening I guess.