Gonna be a nice upgrade from my 4. One question though - is there an off-contract model that can be used on both the ATT and/or Verizon/Sprint networks?
Yes... BUT be careful. A lot of people reported that when going through the checkout process there was a little box that was auto-checked or something which, if left that way, would put you into some new contract that would take you out of this.
I'd take that bet with you. Was that way with the 4S - being able to retain your unlimited data.
I love the look of the iphone 4/4s/5. If the lumia 920 was the size as the 800 then I would probably prefer it though. The lumia design doesn't look as good with that big ass screen imo.Just appearance wise, the phone looks a bit dull compared to 920 and S3.
what a snoozefest of an upgrade.......
the decline of Apple...
What Apple (and other) phone providers are starting to experience is that the market is becoming jaded. The jumps in technology aren't as visible anymore and the "numbers" don't necessarily push people to upgrade anymore. The phones are all starting to meet a minimum "good enough" quality. Samsung is going to have the same issue getting people off the GS3. PC companies have had the same problem for YEARS.
As this starts to happen more and more the "look/design" of the device or the solutions that it provides start to become far more important than the spec bumps. We're nearing that point, though some in the industry would say that we're already there and that outside of a couple of new features (NFC/new charging tech) there aren't many big technology changes coming up that will force people to want new hardware. It will become a solution game - which is the game that Apple has been playing for a while by blocking out older phones from new OS features. This isn't something that Android does so those players may have a harder time at it.
What Apple (and other) phone providers are starting to experience is that the market is becoming jaded. The jumps in technology aren't as visible anymore and the "numbers" don't necessarily push people to upgrade anymore. The phones are all starting to meet a minimum "good enough" quality. Samsung is going to have the same issue getting people off the GS3. PC companies have had the same problem for YEARS.
As this starts to happen more and more the "look/design" of the device or the solutions that it provides start to become far more important than the spec bumps. We're nearing that point, though some in the industry would say that we're already there and that outside of a couple of new features (NFC/new charging tech) there aren't many big technology changes coming up that will force people to want new hardware. It will become a solution game - which is the game that Apple has been playing for a while by blocking out older phones from new OS features. This isn't something that Android does so those players may have a harder time at it.
Weird. I had a white 4s but I'm going black now. Just looks better IMO..especially with the black sides
The new charger is kind of assy.
Ha now I am kind of paranoid. Maybe I should just call ATT up and order it over the phone to be sure what I am getting.
I'm concerned about UK contract pricing. Very concerned.
you would ONLY get it for the hardware? IMO the whole point of getting an iphone is the software. The app selection is unparalleled and it isn't even close. Has the best ecosystem as well. The high quality hardware has always been the bonus.was thinking about getting this or the S3 or note II...
This phone looks sexy and the features are cool, but at this point I would only get the iphone 5 for the hardware, the OS is so dated and after getting the nexus after having every iphone before the 4s it just seems like I would be going backwards.
Its amazing how sexy their hardware always looks though.
I'm grandfathered into my plan and when I was pre-ordering the 4S, it already noted that I was grandfathered at a $30 data plan.
I'll say this, they've learned how to handle the flow of pre-orders since the 4S as the ipad 3 was very smooth, so basically just check the info on the screen - they let you go back before you hit 'submit' to make sure everything's in order.
Alright bit of help here please
I planned on getting the next iphone (before this announcement), as it coincided nicely with the end of my contract (first ever Iphone) and because my Blackberry is awful.
Should I go with it (seeing as the small jumps between this and the 4S are irrelevant for me) or get Galaxy or HTC?
Not really up to date with the phone market I must say :/
I think people wanted mostly superficial changes or at least the drive-by posters did. Completely revamped look for both the OS and phone just because. Change for the sake of change.
A spec bump might as well be considered irrelevant to most.
I don't get why they made it so the back has two weird glossy strips at the top and the bottom. Just doesn't look right to me, if I do get this phone it will be the first I will look forward to slipping in a case.
Ok now I want the iPhone 5 in white.![]()
I have to say that this is the first iPhone that I actually like in white.
Any idea when that stuff will start to come out?
So...everyone saying the black band on the black iPhones are going caseless? =P
This part. =\I am not looking forward to fighting the crashing AT&T/Apple servers on pre-order day. I experienced it when pre-ordering the IP4, and it wasn't pretty.
In terms of it not being compatible without an adapter, or in terms of functionality? If the former, yes. If the latter, wutttttt? Works both ways, yo! It's a revolution.
It depends on which ecosystem you want to be a part of; the Apple app store or Google Play. The former has a larger range of Apps, but the latter isn't so far behind. At this point I find the difference irrelevant for most users.
Just don't get an HTC phone, their designs are the worst.
I'm concerned about UK contract pricing. Very concerned.
you would ONLY get it for the hardware? IMO the whole point of getting an iphone is the software. The app selection is unparalleled and it isn't even close. Has the best ecosystem as well. The high quality hardware has always been the bonus.
3gs to 5 is like o_0Nothing will beat the jump from 3GS to 4
-Retina (this is probably the biggest improvement of them all)
-A camera where it actually is worth using (3GS camera was shit, improvements on 4S and 5 are good but not as big as the improvements from 3GS)
-Way more powerful where it actually matters (faster OS and app usage in comparison to 3GS, I know 4S and 5 are also more powerful but 4 is fast enough where as with 3Gs I thought I need it to be faster)
I may still uprade to 5, why because I still have a 3GS, so I thing this jump will be huge for me.
Okay great. Thanks for the info and tips I really appreciate it.
Yeah... I expected a little more. I'll probably end up with a Galaxy SIII instead.
Hmmmm lets see here.
4 inch screen vs 3.5 (iPhone 1 to 4S was the same 3.5 inches)
2x Graphics performance (same leap as 4 to 4S)
2x CPU performance (same leap as 4 to 4S)
Back camera has much better low light performance (same leap as 4 to 4S)
Front Camera is 720p (biggest leap in facetime/skype/video chat yet)
3 Mics (iPhone 1 to 4 had 1 mic)
Thinnest smartphone (biggest weight loss since 3GS to iPhone 4)
Lightest iPhone yet (biggest weight drop since 3GS to Iphone 4)
LTE (desired in the iPhone since iPhone 4 2 years ago)
pretty fucking dissappointing...
lmfao the lightning plug adapter for old connector is fucking $30.
This changes eveything. Again.
I thought the back camera was the same?
When does the iphone 5 launch? Did they announce it?