- Cut 5% of discretionary budget, excluding military.
- Balance budget by getting rid of Obamacare, reducing discretionary spending, give medicaid to states to run. States can run these programs more cost-effectively.
- Balanced budget in my business, state, and the olympics.
- President has not balanced a budget.
- Navy is smaller now than any time since 1917. Unacceptable. Will build more ships.
- Need to be able to fight in two conflicts at once. Need to maintain the safety of american
people. Will not cut by 1 trillion like Obama.
- Romney's math does not work.
- Will increase military spending, when military is not asking for it.
- Spend more on military than next 10 countries combined.
- Working with Joint Chiefs to determine what we need in future to keep us safe. This
drive our military budget.
- Romney's tax plan does not work (won't rehash here).
- Need to think of cyber-security and space. Budget is driven by strategy, and not interests.
- Do have to focus on deficit as it is a threat to security.
- We are not reducing military spending, we will maintain it.
- We also have fewer horses and bayonets than in 1917 (snap!).
- We evaluate our capabilities. How will we best meet our defence needs while also supporting the troops.