M MasterShotgun brazen editing lynx Oct 23, 2012 #1,603 "We also have fewer horses and bayonets." BURN
Grizzlyjin Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that Oct 23, 2012 #1,608 OBAMA WENT IN, WOW!
B BigJonsson Member Oct 23, 2012 #1,612 OH SHIT We have these things called aircraft carriers that airplanes can land on :0
M MThanded I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016 Oct 23, 2012 #1,615 Fewer horses and bayonets LOLOLLLOLOL
B Baconsammy Banned Oct 23, 2012 #1,619 Oh shit, Obama just took a big crap right on Romney. Horses and bayonets! Awesome.
C coldfoot Banned Oct 23, 2012 #1,625 We have these things called aircraft carriers, planes land on them LMAO
M Measley Junior Member Oct 23, 2012 #1,633 Our air force and navy is weak? Name a country that can rival us in either department. C'mon son.
G Godslay Banned Oct 23, 2012 #1,635 Rombot stuck in an infinite loop. while(economy == fail) { Rombot.Writeline("I ran business, Olympics, bzzzzzzzzzzz"); }
Rombot stuck in an infinite loop. while(economy == fail) { Rombot.Writeline("I ran business, Olympics, bzzzzzzzzzzz"); }
T The Technomancer card-carrying scientician Oct 23, 2012 #1,636 AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HOLY SHIT AHAHAHAHAHAHA BWAHAHAHA
S SirButterstick Banned Oct 23, 2012 #1,643 Ha ha ha 'We have these ships that go underwater, they're called submarines.'
C Cymbal Head Banned Oct 23, 2012 #1,645 The airforce and navy are...older than they've ever been. Well, I guess nobody is going to call him out on that one.
The airforce and navy are...older than they've ever been. Well, I guess nobody is going to call him out on that one.
M MeBecomingI Member Oct 23, 2012 #1,646 Romney is a fucking joke and so is this moderator. Romney, start talking about what this is about and the moderator needs to get this back on track and get Romney to stop spouting out random shit.
Romney is a fucking joke and so is this moderator. Romney, start talking about what this is about and the moderator needs to get this back on track and get Romney to stop spouting out random shit.