Romney wants more horses.
His wife can teach them to dance.
Romney wants more horses.
Even though Obama is right, going full on condescending is not the right way to go.
What the hell was Romney thinking arguing that our Navy isn't large enough? Am I mistaken in thinking our massive Super Carrier count is enough proof that our Navy is without a single doubt the most powerful in the world, by far?
A vote for Romney is a vote for more horse and bayonets in our military.
That seriously was awesome. I'm still laughing.
Can we get a photoshop of Romney playing battleship?
Obama hates horses and Bayonetta confirmed.
"When I am president..."
Wow. Cocky.
When Romney gets scared, he just echoes Obama. He's like a turtle going into his shell.
It's amazing 4 years ago this was Obamas weakest point. Now he's just slaying Romney.
"When I am president..."
Wow. Cocky.
obama hates ponies
Even though Obama is right, going full on condescending is not the right way to go.
What in the world got into President Obama? He snoozed through the first debate, now he is going into full Professor Mode and dropping some knowledge. He took the wind out of Gov. Romney's sails in two minutes flat. Jeez