Except for the fact that it would've taken 8 weeks to compose 2 sentences, I agree.
How the fuck would he know? You can't win trophies posting from your PS3 browser.
Except for the fact that it would've taken 8 weeks to compose 2 sentences, I agree.
The fuck? Get a keyboard...
Old Man Reed can use a 1 week vacation
Dem knee's are like Play-Doh!
How the fuck would he know? You can't win trophies posting from your PS3 browser.
It's the principle. Undeserved suspension.
Add a mouse to that configuration and we're getting close to a gaming capable machine!
As long as Michael Bush does nothing and San Fran's D doesn't score -10, let chaos ring.
They should suspend Flacco for unnecessary unibrow.
Well I have done it, crazy enough!
2 PS3's, Laptop was out to service
1 PS3 was Browser, 1 was games, would just switch HDMI's
49ers to be further exposed as frauds tonight
i would keep checking the cheapassgamer forum they usually have listed what places will have stock, i think you can still get one online someplacesI went to 6 different stores yesterday and called about as many today and not a deluxe version to be found anywhere. My 15th place on the GameStop waiting list is my only hope it appears. Sucks.
Can it be possible that stinky bears and 9ers be exposed at the same time?
A tie
Only justice.
Remember when Unreal Tournament 3 came out for PS3 with KB+M support and people hailed it as the start of a trend? Good times.
Pitt fucked me yesterday with that last play and "fumble." Go Bears defense! I just need 2 points!
Can it be possible that stinky bears and 9ers be exposed at the same time?
A tie
Only justice.
My heart can not handle another tie!
Don't do this to me beast!
Any reason you need the Deluxe? Any basic ones out there? I'm glad I got the basic version. I hate the smudge fest that is the black controller. I prefer the white one and I already have an 500GB external HDD hooked up to it.tmdorsey said:I went to 6 different stores yesterday and called about as many today and not a deluxe version to be found anywhere.
Oh yeah? My team had 4.16 out of Nick Foles, 2.4 from Titus Young SR., and zero from Houston D. Still winning by 15 because my opponent had Matt Ryan, Dwyane Bowe, and had to bench Sproles for Richardson.you should check out my team this week. Matt Ryan and his 1.74 game, and I still can win! Thank Jeebus for AJ deciding he was a #1 WR this week. Pissed I left Hilton on the bench, and fuck HallOfFinley. Bastard finally does something after I bench him.
yet so classy to the water boy, so mature for his age.
Ordering Dinner, feasting tonight
1/2 Chicken with Mashed Potatoes & Rice w/ Pita Bread
Chicken Kebob with Red Potatoes w/Pita Bread
Lamb with Rice
For roughly $15... AMAZING!
for that amazing beard that better be just an appetizer
yet so classy to the water boy, so mature for his age.
That's not the water boy, that's Stafford's own personal Gravy Boy.
That's not the water boy, that's Stafford's own personal Gravy Boy.
That's not the water boy, that's Stafford's own personal Gravy Boy.
That's not the water boy, that's Stafford's own personal Gravy Boy.
Stafford could have been an elite gravy robber if he didnt decide to slang footballs.
Fuck you for making me have to sit through that 5-hour energy drink Pink Lemonade commercial.
That's not the water boy, that's Stafford's own personal Gravy Boy.
It was my plan all along.
You pro-breast cancer?!
:jnc at the poors bickering over their gaming toys.
The PC master race looks down upon all of you peasants.
Am I doing right, ez?
angry black man is a racistDoes this answer your question...
Does this answer your question...
i would keep checking the cheapassgamer forum they usually have listed what places will have stock, i think you can still get one online someplaces
Any reason you need the Deluxe? Any basic ones out there? I'm glad I got the basic version. I hate the smudge fest that is the black controller. I prefer the white one and I already have an 500GB external HDD hooked up to it.
cue racist joke about my preferring the white over the black
Well I like the black to go better with my other electronics and plus I want as much internal storage as possible since I would rather not deal with external storage if possible.
Nice intro.
Bears still suck
Why did they have a Raider introduce the 49ers?