vg247-PS4: new kits shipping now, AMD A10 used as base, final version next summer


I'd be in the dick
Wrong. Those were not triggers in DS3. GAS PEDALS. Any driving game was better on DS3 for whole gen because of this.

Also i don't see point of using triggers when you have RB/RL R1/L1 buttons which are vastly more precise and better for FPS.
The feel of triggers are nice since I play a lot of shooters. I like the ergonomics of it. I'd like to see something like the T button on Move but with more resistance, like the L2 trigger on the Nav.


Regarding DS3 or "better controller", I almost made a thread after playing UC3 over christmas:






Gyro fine aiming is fantastic once you find your sensitivity sweet spot and should be even better on a controller that you don't have to stare at.

Sony should mandate optional! gyro aiming for all their first and second party games that involve aiming something at something else. The optional part keeps the weirdos happy that fling around their controllers like they're having a seizure, while the rest hopefully sees that this improves dual stick aiming tenfold. almost as big as having a second stick instead of using face buttons.

Unless they want pointer controls to become standard for pew pew-ing.

PS: DS is still better than the rest.

Agree. With better motion sensing in the next sixaxis, this should be absolutely doable.


I'd be in the dick
I want the PSV d-pad, tighter analog sticks and better R2/L2(they could just take the T button from the PSMove) on the DS4.
I want this too. I would also love for the triggers to be located above the R1/L1 buttons (names would probably have to be switched).

rdrr gnr

It does feel more on the Vita than on the PS3.
I don't have a Vita but it's stupidly bad on PSN. Your bio is like 7 characters long. Your online comment can't even contain full phrases. Trophy comparisons are bare bones. Same limited pool of character icons and FL colors. It's an unfriendly, business-like excel sheet of "friends".


Junior Member
I don't have a Vita but it's stupidly bad on PSN. Your bio is like 7 characters long. Your online comment can't even contain full phrases. Trophy comparisons are bare bones. Same limited pool of character icons and FL colors. It's an unfriendly, business-like excel sheet of "friends".

Yeah, Sony really messed up on PSN this gen. They offer better deals than Microsoft, but the social aspect is still lacking a little.


I think Dual Shock 4 should try asymmetric analogs, better triggers, keep the quality of the d-pad, and take out the gyro shit.

Next gen controller? Pack in Move with VR visor and there you have it. That's next gen, everything else is just a gimmick.

Taking gyro out will kill some games chances of ever being put up for BC.


I don't have a Vita but it's stupidly bad on PSN. Your bio is like 7 characters long. Your online comment can't even contain full phrases. Trophy comparisons are bare bones. Same limited pool of character icons and FL colors. It's an unfriendly, business-like excel sheet of "friends".

Vita's PSN is a whole different story. Many things you do, like buying games or earning trophies, can be commented on like it's a Facebook post if you choose. Iirc, you even get notifications when someone makes a comment.


God l love the new Sony phone advert. The z or whatever it is. Hope the celebration of technology goes into PS4 marketing too.
Many care about KZ 2 and 3 but i guess that 'opening doors' thingy can be patched.

The only way to make it work is to either patch every single SIXAXIS game or the next Dual Shock, whatever it ends up being, could emulate the motion sensors via touch or somehing else.


That's why I asked, if they are generally that slower, does this advantage compensate enough? I know it can't be put in a sentence or two, of course.

Thanx for the answers, we'll see what they can do in a closed system. I really can't wait.

Well maybe, no one has really done it yet in games though, as I said because the penalty for transfering the data from GPU to CPU is too large.


I think PS4 will use a version of the Playstation OS. Thus I think it might have Vita SOC for that.

Doesn't the PS3 use Playstation OS?

I've heard there were points in the PS3's life where the XDR was the most expensive component. Wouldn't surprise me if it happens again.

RAMBUS RAM is very pricey. Even moving from 256mb to 4GB, I don't think with it being GDDR instead of XDR itwill be the most expensive component after all this time, RAM prices have bottomed out.

No idea how accurate this is.


Regarding DS3 or "better controller", I almost made a thread after playing UC3 over christmas:






Gyro fine aiming is fantastic once you find your sensitivity sweet spot and should be even better on a controller that you don't have to stare at.

Sony should mandate optional! gyro aiming for all their first and second party games that involve aiming something at something else. The optional part keeps the weirdos happy that fling around their controllers like they're having a seizure, while the rest hopefully sees that this improves dual stick aiming tenfold. almost as big as having a second stick instead of using face buttons.

Unless they want pointer controls to become standard for pew pew-ing.

PS: DS is still better than the rest.

Gyro fine aiming is already used in killzone for sniping. More games should use it.


These are the improvements I want

Keep everything the same except
Include the Vita D-Pad
Triggers similar to 360 or Move
Motion as good as Vita for fine tune aiming

LiveArea for every game similar to Vita
Suspend game and multitasking similar to Vita
Standby mode similar to Vita, suspend game
Cross chat and party chat similar to Vita
Streaming to Vita, tablet and phone similar to WiiU, Apple airplay and SmartGlass.
These are the improvements I want

Keep everything the same except
Include the Vita D-Pad
Triggers similar to 360 or Move
Motion as good as Vita for fine tune aiming

LiveArea for every game similar to Vita
Suspend game and multitasking similar to Vita
Standby mode similar to Vita, suspend game
Cross chat and party chat similar to Vita
Streaming to Vita, tablet and phone similar to WiiU, Apple airplay and SmartGlass.

I would add that they should allow you to stream gaming sessions like a twitch tv service or playstation tv. This will allow users to engage with the community and the playstation ecosystem. Free advertising for games by the users.

Damn I like that, Playstation TV, I'm also sure that you can build a business model around this and rake in the cash.
Personalized Media Communications, LLC (PMC), which develops, owns and licenses a unique portfolio of patents that enhance media delivery and content, has successfully concluded an expanded comprehensive patent licensing agreement with Sony Corporation (SNE:NYSE).

The new license draws upon the strong rights of the new PMC portfolio made up of 58 patents all with either 1981 or 1987 priority dates issued since 2010. These patents will not begin to expire until 2027.

"We are pleased to be able to conclude a new patent agreement with Sony," said Gerald Holtzman, President of Personalized Media Communications, who headed the team that negotiated the license.

"Sony is an electronics innovator with broad product lines and a long history. I am pleased that we are continuing to work and grow with them," said PMC's John C. Harvey, who founded the company in 1981 and continues to serve as its chief inventor.

In addition to the 58 issued patents that cover inventions PMC has developed internally over a 31-year period, Sony also will be licensed to practice approximately 40 more PMC patents expected to issue over the next 24 months.


Personalized presentation of content
Interactive programming
Control of multimedia receivers
Delivery of content
System automation

The above will show up on the PS3 this year.
I would add that they should allow you to stream gaming sessions like a twitch tv service or playstation tv. This will allow users to engage with the community and the playstation ecosystem. Free advertising for games by the users.

Damn I like that, Playstation TV, I'm also sure that you can build a business model around this and rake in the cash.

Either that or let us use our damn HDMI while recording via capture device.
I would add that they should allow you to stream gaming sessions like a twitch tv service or playstation tv. This will allow users to engage with the community and the playstation ecosystem. Free advertising for games by the users.
Damn I like that, Playstation TV, I'm also sure that you can build a business model around this and rake in the cash.
ND did Uncharted TV. Maybe they can implement that in a larger scale?
Charge for a Sony made app to record. Kind of how they charge for play memories.
True this could work, however it would limit the reach of the service, you want consumers to enter the service as those eyeball can be turned into money.

ND did Uncharted TV. Maybe they can implement that in a larger scale?

It should be supported by a mandated game API for developers to deploy in game code and in the OS.
I can't imagine publishers hopping on board with that.

Same, the feature would be have to be OS level, or a process that can run without the actual game having to feature any code. What they can do is make it so anything labeled as a "game" can get recorded, while apps like Netflix and Hulu cannot.


Same, the feature would be have to be OS level, or a process that can run without the actual game having to feature any code. What they can do is make it so anything labeled as a "game" can get recorded, while apps like Netflix and Hulu cannot.

I mean, I think it would have to be something the devs would have to opt-in to. They can't even get every dev to go along with the Vita screenshots.
I mean, I think it would have to be something the devs would have to opt-in to. They can't even get every dev to go along with the Vita screenshots.

It should be part of the platform release agreements, they should included in the contract and provide the code that the games would required if any in order to enable the feature. Seeing as it's free publicity they should accept it.


It should be part of the platform release agreements, they should included in the contract and provide the code that the games would required if any in order to enable the feature. Seeing as it's free publicity they should accept it.

Previous Youtube activity would suggest that publishers don't necessarily believe in "free publicity."


Gyro fine aiming is already used in killzone for sniping. More games should use it.

It has been a while since I played KZ2 and I haven't openede tge KZ3 copy I got for christmas, but wasn't it more like a thing to keep your controller steady or your aim was thrown off?

It's still awesome any way it is used for aiming, but no, ND used gyros for balancing on logs.
It has been a while since I played KZ2 and I haven't openede tge KZ3 copy I got for christmas, but wasn't it more like a thing to keep your controller steady or your aim was thrown off?

It's still awesome any way it is used for aiming, but no, ND used gyros for balancing on logs.

If you're like me, and shake all the damn time, yeah, it can throw you off, but when my anxiety levels are low, you can use it to fine tune aiming.


Unconfirmed Member
It's safe to assume SN Systems will supply compiler, debugger, target control and performance analysis tools for Orbis, right? They've been on board since PS2 and have been working on Vita so I assume they are tinkering with Orbis at this moment.
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