Vita PSN Game & Service Thread | February 2013 | The most desirable handheld in Japan

AFAIK if it's buy to own, there's a separate download list for videos, so you should be able to re-download as normal. If it's a rental, then it'll probably disappear on deletion (then again, it's going to disappear in a week anyway).

It's a purchased movie, not rental.

When I've gone to delete it prior, a message pops up warning me about deleting it. So I never have, but it's over a gig and I could use that space now, more than ever. If I look in the PSN store under videos, unlike with games - it shows the purchase price instead of a download icon - even though I bought it last February with the Vita.

I have no problem deleting it, but I'd rather not have to pay 10$ again later, if I ever want to rewatch it. of the page. That's a first! ^_^

Buy Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2+ February 26, in NA guys!


The Bluecell analog grips are godly - just received them this morning. Thanks Vita-GAF for the recommendation.

Only flaw is that they raise the analog sticks and widen its diameter just enough to make it encroach on the D-Pad and buttons more than I'd like.

A definite buy for those who want more grippy analog sticks. And since I'm just sinking my teeth into Unit 13 now, lovely timing.


Hehe awesome. Are you using the GameCube like ones I showed in the picture? I agree that they intrude just a BIT too much on the dpad and buttons but man they practically feel like console analog sticks now!
Hehe awesome. Are you using the GameCube like ones I showed in the picture? I agree that they intrude just a BIT too much on the dpad and buttons but man they practically feel like console analog sticks now!
Yep, using the concentric circle pads like the ones you pictured.

It's obviously a mental thing, but the sticks feel so much more robust and sensitive now. I feel like I have complete control, and I find myself spending an embarrassing amount of time just spinning in circles with my character in Persona 4. :p

Seriously, guys - buy these NOW. They make games like Ninja Gaiden, Super Stardust, Wipeout - pretty much anything analog-heavy - revelatory experiences. And I imagine they're a must now for FPS games.


On the youtube hands on videos you could tell it was 30fps (and yes yes I know youtube vids are all locked 30fps blahblah but you can still tell when comparing a video of a 60fps game).

How? Do 60fps game to >>> Youtube 30fps looks like a ghosting image? or is it something else that gives it away?


Friendly Rivalry Trophy Unit 13: I clearly have more score than my friends on level 2. But still the trophy didn't pop. I played that level offline if its any help. Is there any fix?


Guessing you have to play it online. I unlocked it without trying after my second or third mission so you shouldn't have to try too hard for it.
It is frustrating hearing others have such a difficult time with Gravity Rush and/or find the controls frustrating. It is one of the few games that really clicked with me, and I adored the combat. So much that I fear they will change it too much in the sequel. Though I am willing to compromise of course.

I absolutely adored the game, I think if games have "too much gameplay" per se, where they're not holding your hand as much, people tend to get frustrated and feel like the game is unfair or broken. I dunno, I felt like the combat was great and that it's something unavoidable when it comes to aerial combat - zipping around and having to constantly whip the camera around, especially if you missed your target.

I'd say what I want in a sequel is more of a focus on enriching the sandbox world. Give us more stuff to do whether it be side quests, collectibles, unlockables, etc. I feel like the core story and characters are great, they might have to tweak and refine the combat a bit but the main thing is focusing on making that sandbox world feel more immersive.


Yep, using the concentric circle pads like the ones you pictured.

It's obviously a mental thing, but the sticks feel so much more robust and sensitive now. I feel like I have complete control, and I find myself spending an embarrassing amount of time just spinning in circles with my character in Persona 4. :p

Seriously, guys - buy these NOW. They make games like Ninja Gaiden, Super Stardust, Wipeout - pretty much anything analog-heavy - revelatory experiences. And I imagine they're a must now for FPS games.

Bought them, then amazon suggested to get the GRIP and stick cover combo for 9.99. I don't have a grip yet so that sounded like a better deal. Its the same manufacturer...

Amazon link


Member of the page. That's a first! ^_^

Buy Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2+ February 26, in NA guys!

Agreed! (No bias at all here)

Speaking of which, while selecting pictures for the NGS2+ OT, I couldn't help but notice the VAST difference in texture and model quality between the early pics and the later pics. None of them seem to be bullshots (early pics are at Vita resolution without AA), and the pics for Sigma Plus weren't bullshots either, leading me to believe that perhaps the visuals were downgraded to improve the framerate.

It's a shame I still can't find any concrete info on it other then "the framerate was smooth and held up during action-packed scenes". :/
I also can't find any info on whether the game will have co-op.


Been meaning to grab those analogue covers from the UK for ages now, thanks guys.

Loving Unit 13 so much, just playing offline. Maybe it's because I haven't played an fps or shooter in a few months but it feels like third person cod :) Hopefully multiplayer is still available to try as well. I heard positive reviews after the first sale, should have picked it up then, waited too long to play it.
I am currently gravity kicking my way through the game. What would you suggest?

The special attacks are very handy, especially the one that fires shards at the enemies. I fired that thing almost every chance I could get. Also the stasis field to grab and throw stuff does come in handy as well. I even used the slide kick a lot. I just used everything to keep it interesting, sure I could have just gravity kicked everything, but that wasn't nearly as fun.


Someone probably tried some damage control to make it look like she was holding it the right way up

I can't make fun of her, because when I took a photo with me and my Vita for the Real Pic January thing, I hadn't realized that my Vita was upside-down. *heh*


Kz:M can't get here fast enough,I have to make do by playing Resistance:Burning Skies and the previous Kz games except Liberation for the 10000th time.


I've got these grips and I think they are really awesome. Playing without them feels as a step back.


Now just get the Bluecell analog grips and you'll be set :D

^Skyzard, I have the Nyko Power Grip that looks just like that but has a built in battery. I don't love the look of it but it is indeed comfortable.


Now just get the Bluecell analog grips and you'll be set :D

^Skyzard, I have the Nyko Power Grip that looks just like that but has a built in battery. I don't love the loom of it but it is indeed comfortable.

I've heard about the built in battery pack before but not many people mention it - is the extra battery worthwhile? Think I'll have to get it as I've been rinsing the battery basically everyday recently - my other CTA controller where I cut a hole to allow charging doesn't secure as well as the non-butchered one..might be able to tweak it but effort.

It doesn't make the vita look so great you're right, although I got used to it but (for others interested): the hand grips are so long you tuck your little 2 fingers underneath which keeps the vita secure in your hands while the rest of your fingers hover over buttons/triggers - it's perfect for control.
Definitely useful for using analogue sticks especially imo. Need those rubber things too though, hopefully will make it easier to move them by smaller degrees - right now when I try and do it quickly my thumbs tend to slip over them.


Got a 32 GB card as my 16 GB was full and ordered Persona 4 Golden :]

Wow, nice pick ups Have you played P4 yet?

Im ~25 hours into P4G and am surprised at how into the story I am. I am usually not one to care about the story in games much.


Wow, nice pick ups Have you played P4 yet?

Im ~25 hours into P4G and am surprised at how into the story I am. I am usually not one to care about the story in games much.

Nope, it's going to be my first Persona. Didn't care for it for a long time actually, but after seeing all those great scores I looked up some video reviews and they convinced me to pick it up. I'm not much of a JRPG guy, but P4G looks really interesting anyway.


I've heard about the built in battery pack before but not many people mention it - is the extra battery worthwhile? Think I'll have to get it as I've been rinsing the battery basically everyday recently - my other CTA controller where I cut a hole to allow charging doesn't secure as well as the non-butchered one..might be able to tweak it but effort.

It doesn't make the vita look so great you're right, although I got used to it but (for others interested): the hand grips are so long you tuck your little 2 fingers underneath which keeps the vita secure in your hands while the rest of your fingers hover over buttons/triggers - it's perfect for control.
Definitely useful for using analogue sticks especially imo. Need those rubber things too though, hopefully will make it easier to move them by smaller degrees - right now when I try and do it quickly my thumbs tend to slip over them.

They do seem to allow for more analog movement which is great. The battery is worth it I think. It doesn't double the battery life like it says but it does offer about two extra hours worth!


Nope, it's going to be my first Persona. Didn't care for it for a long time actually, but after seeing all those great scores I looked up some video reviews and they convinced me to pick it up. I'm not much of a JRPG guy, but P4G looks really interesting anyway.

I think you'll enjoy it. I have a really hard time getting into jrpg's, but P4G (as I am sure you have hear) is a great game.


Almost considering Ragnarok Odyssey just because it offers a closed-eye option, so rare to find in character creators for some reason.

Just wish the combat didn't feel so weightless/loose. Can't even tell when the monsters are dead or just falling over.


as i said they would obviously need to release a bigger card, though in general it's not like you can't redownload stuff, you could also make a requirement that any game over 3gb has to have a retail release as well in order to leave a way to avoid using a large chunk of their memory card.

Personally I don't buy many games digitally on consoles, and while it would suck for people going digital only at this time, it wouldn't be the end of the world if the game sizes were bigger (4 games would still fit on a 32gb card at 8gb per game). We have already had a number of reports about the game sizes being an issue, and it will likely only get worse.
Well, if we're going to deal in the hypotheticals, we're going to need a bigger character limit of posts for a wishlist. You don't buy a 32gb if you're not going to invest in DD.

UMvC3 doesn't have an hours-long story mode with TONS of audio, so I see a perfectly valid reason. It's like 1/8th the content.

Which kind of proves my point really, about developers opting for pure storage over optimization.
I'm having such a hard time deciding what RPG to tackle now that I've finished P4. Oath in Felghana might make for a good palette-cleanser, yeah? I've n never played an Ys game before.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I keep failing this chapter 9 fiend challenge before alma due those stupid teleporting mage fiends. Ugh. Get up on the third floor to take them out and somehow they break my guard before I can throw them on the ground and kill them. D:
Man, Motorstorm: Arctic Edge is so great and it looks really good on Vita (sorry non-EU people :p).

It's a real shame Sony shut down Bigbig Studios. They made both Pursuit Force games and Motorstorm AE so logically the best game for them to make for Vita was Little fucking Deviants. Not a racer, no.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
NG2 is really tempting, though I guess I might as well play through NG1 again if its been 9 years or something and I never finished it. Which game is considered better?


it seems that game deal daily is selling a year of ps+ (plus a blu ray remote but who cares about that) for $40

I've heard of the site before, but this is the first time I will be using them, as to my understanding a 1 year card should net you the 3 bonus months as well, anyways details can be found on slick deals


Man, Motorstorm: Arctic Edge is so great and it looks really good on Vita (sorry non-EU people :p).

It's a real shame Sony shut down Bigbig Studios. They made both Pursuit Force games and Motorstorm AE so logically the best game for them to make for Vita was Little fucking Deviants. Not a racer, no.

I know man. Makes me so mad. They're a great developer and were probably pressured to make a gimmick game. Technically it was great. Native res and 60 fps. I want Motorstorm Arctic Edge on my Vita so bad but I'm in the US :-(


Man, Motorstorm: Arctic Edge is so great and it looks really good on Vita (sorry non-EU people :p).

It's a real shame Sony shut down Bigbig Studios. They made both Pursuit Force games and Motorstorm AE so logically the best game for them to make for Vita was Little fucking Deviants. Not a racer, no.

To be fair, there was no logical reason for anyone to make Little Deviants.

But yeah, one of the PSP's best developers just dissolved. I don't understand where Sony thinks Vita software will come from.
NG2 is really tempting, though I guess I might as well play through NG1 again if its been 9 years or something and I never finished it. Which game is considered better?

Hahaha... depends.
Generally, the originals are considered better.
NGS2 has more weapons and stuff. The body party chopping and obliteration techniques make it a bit different than NGS.
I'd probably put them as equals, give or take.
was going to delete gravity daze off the vita and it said it will remove all associated date - including .... saves? should i backup the save games then?


An blind dancing ho
Man, Motorstorm: Arctic Edge is so great and it looks really good on Vita (sorry non-EU people :p).

It's a real shame Sony shut down Bigbig Studios. They made both Pursuit Force games and Motorstorm AE so logically the best game for them to make for Vita was Little fucking Deviants. Not a racer, no.

Got it on PS2 back in the day.

It got better AI than Evolution's MotorStorms but the design of the tracks are way inferior.

I know man. Makes me so mad. They're a great developer and were probably pressured to make a gimmick game. Technically it was great. Native res and 60 fps. I want Motorstorm Arctic Edge on my Vita so bad but I'm in the US :-(

it's their fault really.

they should've made something that not an iOS like game,I doubt that Shu or SCEE told/force them to make that garbage.


was going to delete gravity daze off the vita and it said it will remove all associated date - including .... saves? should i backup the save games then?

To my knowledge if it's a digital game you'll have to back up the entire game, the saves are the same files.


Got it on PS2 back in the day.

It got better AI than Evolution's MotorStorms but the design of the tracks are way inferior.

it's their fault really.

they should've made something that not an iOS like game,I doubt that Shu or SCEE told/force them to make that garbage.

I think the developer wanted to make it an adventure game but didn't have time. I think the developer was here on gaf.


An blind dancing ho
I think the developer wanted to make it an adventure game but didn't have time. I think the developer was here on gaf.

thing is,they made absolutely nothing since 2009, the hell they were doing? shooting water balloons at each other in the studio?

when Sony gave them the Vita devkit, if they were good studio they'll already have a project in development on PSP or PS3 (like Team Toyama's Gravity Rush and other) but they didn't, they got nothing and they got no time..again, yeah it's really their fault. they witnessed better studios at Sony that makes better games died, they should've know better that releasing complete trash no one will ever buy on a system launch will kill them.
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