Fighting Games Weekly | April 15-21 | That's 102%, Welcome to DCU


Reminded again how terrible Shoryuken's updated site is when trying to search around for info about modding an eightarc/Qanba with LED lightning.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
For the past couple weeks, I've been trying to optimize/salvage as much of my footage from FR16 as I possibly can and split the video by individual matches before uploading it to Youtube, and I'm just throwing in the towel now. Wrestling with the audio sync and trying to substitute high quality footage for the matches I was originally able to save is just a headache. So now I'm just uploading what I have from the sub-optimal 360p Twitch archives in their entirety for the most part, substituting higher quality local footage when I was able to actually save an entire chunk of it (which fortunately includes the P4A top 16, although "higher quality" is relative) without my computer giving out. I had to make all sorts of compromises to my archived footage at the time just to keep the stream itself running smoothly, and trying to pick up the pieces after the fact is just a mess.

I figure it's best to finish this shit sometime this month so I'm just going with what I've got. Currently uploading the following:

- Soul Calibur 5 top 8
- remainder of KOF13 pools, some of top 16
- Persona 4 Arena pools
- Persona 4 Arena top 16 (slightly higher quality than the stream archive, but still 360p unfortunately)
- some of Room 402 Marvel (after reviewing the footage and determining what stays buried forever)


Mrs. Harvey
Speaking of that, has any GAF'er ever signed up to a tournament with the "GAF" tag? I thought about it when I went to FR, but after about 2 seconds was like "nah". We're not teammates or anything, we all just post on the same message board so it felt kind of embarrassing to do it for that reason.

NeoGAF Tobe at Next Level.


I do see people who are streaming Dark Souls all the time but I would hardly call them "pros". They aren't even THAT good they just have played the game a lot and are playing characters that are like new game ++++.


tagged by Blackace
I can't wait for Dark Souls 2 competitive MP, I just hope they have a way of keeping it honest and not based solely on who has the better loot, etc.


I can't wait for Dark Souls 2 competitive MP, I just hope they have a way of keeping it honest and not based solely on who has the better loot, etc.
That's never going to happen in this type of game although they should implement a better matchmaking/lobby system.


tagged by Blackace
That's never going to happen in this type of game.
I realize I'm the minority in this.

I just think the mechanics mend themselves well to a halo-like equal footing kind of multiplayer. Though I guess even the core mechanics mean you can have maximum effectiveness even without armor. Still would like honest mode.


If only I had a gaming pc.
This game is just insanely good. The trailer doesn't do it justice because it doesn't showcase the tension that you are in when in battle because one well placed sword cut will kill you instantly. Everyone is fucking strafing around each other and lining up their sword attack when someone else comes and back stabs you. Then you have some archer dudes fucking everyone up. Glorious game, I have never experienced something quite like this.

Nyoro SF

Dark Souls 2 on PC will be the first game I have preordered in years...

and yeah I know the online MP is going to be broken day one. It's inevitable in games like that. Still worth it though :p
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