Chet Rippo
Wait what
The size limit for avatars is 100 pixels wide by 120 pixels tall.
Yours is 90 wide and 120 tall.
Wait what
The size limit for avatars is 100 pixels wide by 120 pixels tall.
After reading the manga for the past week, I'm absolutely hyped for Silver Spoon this Summer.
So good. Hope the anime gets a good treatment.
This is incredible.
Well damn, when was that changed? :lol
You know what I'm going to say, and you know I'm right.
Man am I late on this. ;_;
And I'll say what I've always said: it was the price of knowledge.
Does Max Heart suck the soul out of your body or something? cajunator said he likes it.
Does Max Heart suck the soul out of your body or something? cajunator said he likes it.
Nice Skullgirls avatar.
But then you reminded me that Beowulf got eliminated...
I'd be pissed if I actually voted.
I'm saying this in a totally non-judgmental way, but cajun likes things for vastly different reasons than I do. I can go into more detail if you wish, but Max Heart obliterates every last trace of everything that made Futari wa fun and leaves a repetitive, slapdash, zero-budget, infantile, soullessly commercial pile of horseshit in its place. If you care about the characters in even the slightest capacity or expect even the most basic aspects of competent storytelling in the things you watch, it's an infuriating experience.
I didn't understand a bit of that but you gotta use dem square brackets.
What could be beyond Sunrise production budget? Shoddy work.
How could anyone not like Yuyushiki
blew the load early I see.
well I have a bit of time to say hello.
Yuno what it is.
Good lord, stop being such a precious petal and get over yourself already.Just keep making yourself look more like a fool. Hero's a horrible league player and he did horrible in that game. Also, everyone was upset with how he played that game. Not just me. If you want to make me look bad then go right ahead. Just do it properly instead of taking things out of context. All it does is legitimize you as a shitposter.
You can get a refund.Someday.
And I'll say what I've always said: it was the price of knowledge.
Cajun is like a drug addict who is beyond caring about what form he gets or what it's laced with, and couldn't care less about anything else whatsoever.I'm saying this in a totally non-judgmental way, but cajun likes things for vastly different reasons than I do.
so my gf picked up Gyo just because the UK version has the amazing title TOKYO FISH ATTACK.
Holy shit this film is stupid. spinning farting fish people. With fartpipe buttplugs being forced into them and ghost fart tentacles and a circus of fart clowns that get attacked by a multibarreled shitcannon.
I dont know what I can possibly make her watch in return
Microsoft won the war.
Microsoft won the war.
That's the real reason they were attacked. L-Elf is a hardcore Apple fan.
I missed the party.
Microsoft won the war.
Microsoft won the war.
I missed the party.
This on top of adding a character who is practically worthless even in the series respective movies and the Allstars movie.. It is a shame, the character wasn't bad but it was straight up wasted potential. That's why Milky Rose is better.She transform and then stops existing until after the fight in GoGo Dream Live. I'm not even joking
What could be beyond 360?
Evangelion 3.33: You Can (Not) Redo
Guys, guys, guys.I actually really enjoyed it!
Evangelion 3.33: You Can (Not) Redo
Guys, guys, guys.I actually really enjoyed it!
If I were allowed to post more gifs there would be a less alive Cajun right about now. These things happen for a reason.
You can get a refund.
Cajun is like a drug addict who is beyond caring about what form he gets or what it's laced with, and couldn't care less about anything else whatsoever.
In honor of the new thread, have some photos of the new light novel releases of the week.
Volume 8 of Infinite Stratos is finally out.
The reprints of the first few novels are out too, complete with new artist.
And then there's a new volume of Aria: The Scarlet Ammo. Lol.