oh hey i'm actually in one of these things.
not sure i quite understand my pairing but i'll take it
It seems that i underestimated you.

Indeed i'll follow SdBurton guidance for now.
oh hey i'm actually in one of these things.
not sure i quite understand my pairing but i'll take it
Yesterday, it ranked in third place on Oricon's overall daily DVD sales charts.
Took a lot longer than expected and tried to include as many as I could. Enjoy.
Narag x Nafe
Took a lot longer than expected and tried to include as many as I could. Enjoy.
Kill it with fire.
We shall find you, you traitor.
Yuzuko has the right idea on gun control. Send it to Congress.
This is the sort of distortion that's only possible with 2D vehicles.
Yeah its amazing how people jump ship when they were already on the winning team.
It's kind of like bailing on the Rangers to root for the Braves.
whos jintor.
Took a lot longer than expected and tried to include as many as I could. Enjoy.
Duckroll x kayos90 (kayos90 would be crushing on her sempai)
Was DTL totally roasted for that post afterwards?
I read almost every post so it would be rare for me to miss something! Also quote highlighting and all that Jazz. If I don't reply to you it means I hate you! (not really serious) but yeah the reason I'm surprise is I'd have guessed you'd be way ahead of that post in your reading of the threads!
Yeah back to Banner, I'm glad you liked it! I hope you like Banner II as well!
You of course!
Took a lot longer than expected and tried to include as many as I could. Enjoy.
Let's do this Hosanna
Took a lot longer than expected and tried to include as many as I could. Enjoy.
This pleases mespecially since I'm not there.
This must be in an alternate reality where Jex doesn't hate me for liking 3.0. =(Jexhius x Mature.
This must be in an alternate reality where Jex doesn't hate me for liking 3.0. =(
gargantia 6
All that dancing.
Took a lot longer than expected and tried to include as many as I could. Enjoy.
Seme x Uke
Awful Falafel x Save n Quit
Puella Magi Madoka Magica 6
Oh wow, that got real as shit for a minute there.
Goddamn, Madoka seriously almost killed her best friend. Good thing Homura was there to save the day and get her gem back. I know her mother told her to make a mistake for both her and Sayaka's sake (more on that later), but SHIT. I don't know how Madoka could have ever gotten over that. Killing your best friend. I can't even.
Madoka's conversation with her mother in this episode was possibly my favorite moment in this show so far, possibly because it made me think about my own life. Madoka's mother tells her that she's always been doing the right thing and being perfect. But that leaves her unprepared for the mistakes she's inevitably going to make down the line. And when she gets older and her mistakes have greater consequences (and if she becomes a magical girl, they'll be even greater than her mother can even imagine), she may not be able to deal with them. And so it may be for her own good to screw up now.
I guess this scene kinda hit me because I'm just a very safe and risk-averse person, and if I were to screw up something majorly now, I couldn't imagine how I'd face myself. I'm a guy who's scared to look at his grades in fear that I didn't do as well as I thought. Hell, if there's a problem at school either with registration or eligibility or anything, I automatically panic and wonder what I did wrong when it may not even be my fault. So, that scene hit close to home a bit.
Madoka still hasn't become a magical girl yet. That's honestly pretty funny. The poster for it on Crunchyroll and the OP have her in her magical outfit, and the OP is full of her in fun antics as a magical girl...and yet here we are halfway through the show and she hasn't become one yet. I don't know, I just find that funny.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica 6
Oh wow, that got real as shit for a minute there.
Goddamn, Madoka seriously almost killed her best friend. Good thing Homura was there to save the day and get her gem back. I know her mother told her to make a mistake for both her and Sayaka's sake (more on that later), but SHIT. I don't know how Madoka could have ever gotten over that. Killing your best friend. I can't even.
Madoka's conversation with her mother in this episode was possibly my favorite moment in this show so far, possibly because it made me think about my own life. Madoka's mother tells her that she's always been doing the right thing and being perfect. But that leaves her unprepared for the mistakes she's inevitably going to make down the line. And when she gets older and her mistakes have greater consequences (and if she becomes a magical girl, they'll be even greater than her mother can even imagine), she may not be able to deal with them. And so it may be for her own good to screw up now.
I guess this scene kinda hit me because I'm just a very safe and risk-averse person, and if I were to screw up something majorly now, I couldn't imagine how I'd face myself. I'm a guy who's scared to look at his grades in fear that I didn't do as well as I thought. Hell, if there's a problem at school either with registration or eligibility or anything, I automatically panic and wonder what I did wrong when it may not even be my fault. So, that scene hit close to home a bit.
Madoka still hasn't become a magical girl yet. That's honestly pretty funny. The poster for it on Crunchyroll and the OP have her in her magical outfit, and the OP is full of her in fun antics as a magical girl...and yet here we are halfway through the show and she hasn't become one yet. I don't know, I just find that funny.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica 6
Oh wow, that got real as shit for a minute there.
Goddamn, Madoka seriously almost killed her best friend. Good thing Homura was there to save the day and get her gem back. I know her mother told her to make a mistake for both her and Sayaka's sake (more on that later), but SHIT. I don't know how Madoka could have ever gotten over that. Killing your best friend. I can't even.
Madoka's conversation with her mother in this episode was possibly my favorite moment in this show so far, possibly because it made me think about my own life. Madoka's mother tells her that she's always been doing the right thing and being perfect. But that leaves her unprepared for the mistakes she's inevitably going to make down the line. And when she gets older and her mistakes have greater consequences (and if she becomes a magical girl, they'll be even greater than her mother can even imagine), she may not be able to deal with them. And so it may be for her own good to screw up now.
I guess this scene kinda hit me because I'm just a very safe and risk-averse person, and if I were to screw up something majorly now, I couldn't imagine how I'd face myself. I'm a guy who's scared to look at his grades in fear that I didn't do as well as I thought. Hell, if there's a problem at school either with registration or eligibility or anything, I automatically panic and wonder what I did wrong when it may not even be my fault. So, that scene hit close to home a bit.
Madoka still hasn't become a magical girl yet. That's honestly pretty funny. The poster for it on Crunchyroll and the OP have her in her magical outfit, and the OP is full of her in fun antics as a magical girl...and yet here we are halfway through the show and she hasn't become one yet. I don't know, I just find that funny.
You gonna got ban again.
You gonna got ban again.
Cjkeats x Psionbolt
Puella Magi Madoka Magica 6
Oh wow, that got real as shit for a minute there.
I'm going to end up watching this show because of these dancing gifs.
I'm surprised thathasn't really made much of an impression on you. But yeah this episode is part of why I think Madoka has one of the best anime parents ever, progressive domesticated dad included.Kyubey's attitude toward the whole situation
Chickdigger802 I think its best for you to avoid boob related gifs entirely.
just in case.
You know, I've seen that dancing gif about a hundred times, but I haven't seen a single one for the fantastic water saku Found one:
That depends...Would you rather it be the other way around?
I don't know either man, I'm just happy that I'm the seme.
Me and Jintor being idle thumbs bros means nothing to yuri goggles, NOTHING! T_T
You know, I've seen that dancing gif about a hundred times, but I haven't seen a single one for the fantastic water saku Found one:
That depends...
Which one is most likely to become a yandere?
I just don't have a clue what a uke is
Some of these seem like randomly picking two names out of a hat, but I respect your comprehensiveness.
That was the best moment of the episode.
As the seme it's my duty to penetrate ya ;D
Yes they do.Aww man I'm the uke? Do those terms even apply generically in yuri?
Haha it became really tough to do pairings with what I had left as I was working on it, so yeah you're definitely not wrong on that part. If anything this teaches me to be more aware of posters relationships with each other so in the future I can create a list that's more realistic. Loving all the responses nonetheless.
Queen's Blade S2 - 12 [Season 2 END]
I gotta say, I really do love the Queen's Blade series. This show gives off that Soul Edge/Calibur vibe where it provides a colorful cast of characters each with their own purpose for competing, and a somewhat decent story to boot. Watching Reina develop from a naive, no talent individual into a mature, competent warrior was quite something to see over the two seasons and it left me feeling satisfied when she. Seriously, good stuff all around.ended up winning the tournament (as MC's usually do)
Moving on to the specials next before I start Rebellion.