Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
I'm done trying to find a reason to post this
Love the gif. So cute! :3
I'm done trying to find a reason to post this
Not always. It depends on the material. Kannagi and Shin Sekai got subforums.
Took a lot longer than expected and tried to include as many as I could. Enjoy.
Is that what Minako and Artemis were doing when they were alone?
I'm using a plug-in yes. And I know that feeling about watching too many shows at once haha.Well I'm still about 20-30 pages behind but those posts were about 230+ pages ago from the last OT so I'm not that far behind, haha.
Is the forum default quote highlighting supposed to be working yet or are you using some kind of add on for that? My posts are highlighted but not when someone quotes me.
I'm not sure how quickly I'll get to and finished Banner II. I might be watching too many shows right now,haha.
It sounds like one of my Japanese anime.I also have a story from recess. I was hanging with some of my 3rd year students (14/15 years old). My guys were discussing their junk, and the girls were making fun of each other's lack of boobs and groping each other. Then the girls started to make fun of the dudes' junk and the dudes started calling the girls flat. Which then turned into the guys coming to me and interrogating me about my junk while the girl's eagerly listened in from the corner, which then turned into a weird mangled English conversation. This then degenerated into the kids stealing each other's hats and throwing them into the sand.
It was an experience. I had it.
I don't know anything about Kannagi but the SSY subforum at AS was pretty active.
Since lists are all the rage at the moment. Here are my futanari (with some femdom) pairings.
[Guilty Crown] 12
I think we're finally getting somewhere, but I don't like the destination.
Flashback... What the fuck. Why?!
[Guilty Crown] 13 & 14
Didn't have nearly enough scenes threatening sexual assault. They even based a joke on it within the same episode.
That's enough Guilty Crown for me.
I dropped Guilty Crown at episode 14 too.
Took a lot longer than expected and tried to include as many as I could. Enjoy.
Way off, just like your garden!Took a lot longer than expected and tried to include as many as I could. Enjoy.
Hitokage x Cajunator (Hito would be totally tsun for Cajun)
Yeah this. It's honestly pretty simple.
Nobody is going to license something that isn't going to sell.
Way off, just like your garden!
Besides, wouldn't seme/uke take away from the supposed purity of yuri?
Besides, wouldn't seme/uke take away from the supposed purity of yuri?
That's pretty tsun if I ever saw it!Way off, just like your garden!
Sounds more like Hito-kun is tsun for SD-kun rather than caju-kun.
I didn't mention who was tsun for who!Sounds more like Hito-kun is tsun for SD-kun rather than caju-kun.
Before it got a subforum, it was pretty dead.
Sunrise doing it again!I wouldn't say it was pretty dead, but it was kinda slow. About 680 posts in the thread at the point it got a subforum. In comparison Gargantia was at 1160 posts when it got a subforum. For whatever reason, Valvrave over 2300 posts and there still isn't a subforum. Lol.
Way off, just like your garden!
Besides, wouldn't seme/uke take away from the supposed purity of yuri?
Basically.Because nobody outside AnimeGAF cares about Hyouka.
Don't be like that.Because nobody outside AnimeGAF cares about Hyouka.
The replacement they got
You can put make Chiho a kimono girl but you can't make kimono girl Chiho!hataraku maou-sama - 06
Kimonogirl unlocked. Immediately moved up best waifu ranking.
I think I'm seeing things I want to see in that small image.
Way off, just like your garden!
Besides, wouldn't seme/uke take away from the supposed purity of yuri?
wow. He really is tsun.
That's pretty tsun if I ever saw it!
What people want are explanations behind your thinking otherwise people will suspect you cobbled it all together willy nilly.Jokes aside the next time I do a list there will be posters in multiple pairings, as limiting them to one makes it a pain in the ass to find a pairing for their other compatible partner. :lol
Preferably with illustration.What people want are explanations behind your thinking otherwise people will suspect you cobbled it all together willy nilly.
Jokes aside the next time I do a list there will be posters in multiple pairings, as limiting them to one makes it a pain in the ass to find a pairing for their other compatible partner. :lol
If any of you fuckers touch Mad Pierrot-chan I'm gonna cut you up.Jokes aside the next time I do a list there will be posters in multiple pairings, as limiting them to one makes it a pain in the ass to find a pairing for their other compatible partner. :lol
Yandere route go!If any of you fuckers touch Mad Pierrot-chan I'm gonna cut you up.
Maybe with an animeGAF relatiohship chart? A possible harem ending?! Oh the possibilities...
No touching on my part was required when she came to inspect my lady garden afufufufufu.If any of you fuckers touch Mad Pierrot-chan I'm gonna cut you up.
Guess he'll be Sugita and I'll be Nakamura.
Why haven't there been any more subbed Tokyo Encounter episodes in a while...
CD single sales May 6-12 (too many this week, so below are new releases only, click here for the full >1000 list)
*2, 22,152 22,152 Uta no Prince-sama Maji Love 2000% character song Masato Hijirikawa
Yeah this. It's honestly pretty simple.
Nobody is going to license something that isn't going to sell.
Why isn't Hyouka licensed yet?
You take that at face value despite watching/reading ALOT of shounen?
Rule 1:Rule 2:Dead people aren't dead, till you see their body.In the context of Attack on Titan:Even if they are dead, they won't stay dead until it's established there isn't a revivification tool (Dragonballs, Dedicated white mage etc).So far the titans have either killed the humans before eating them or just chomped them in half, Eren was swallowed whole minus one arm.
What people want are explanations behind your thinking otherwise people will suspect you cobbled it all together willy nilly.
Took a lot longer than expected and tried to include as many as I could. Enjoy.
Puchimas 1-10 (Rewatch)
Also, "Thank You Yesterdays" is the best ED to never get a full version. Seriously, I want a full version so badly. ;_;