The Last of Us |OT| It Can’t Be For Nothing (Spoilers)





  • Developer: Naughty Dogs
  • Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
  • Genre: Survival Action
  • Platform: PS3
  • Release: 14th June
  • Online Play: 2 - 8 Players
  • DLC - Yes ( 2 MP and 1 SP)
  • Season Pass - 19$
  • PSN Download Size - 26 GB (Can be played from 12 gb onwards)
  • Will be downloaded from ND servers
  • Asian Version can be pre loaded


Plot -
The Last of Us begins in a Boston quarantine zone, twenty years after the outbreak, where 14-year-old orphan Ellie lives in a boarding house. Joel, in his forties at the time, is recruited to sneak her out to a radical militia group known as the Fireflies. Evidently, things take a turn for the worse, and the military apparently finds out about their escape and begins pursuit. While Joel normally would have left Ellie and fled for his life, he had promised a dying friend to take care of her, and after a nearby safe haven fails to work out, they begin a trek westward across the United States to escape the law enforcement and relocate Ellie, with a faint hope against all odds to stay alive along the way.
Throughout the course of their journey, the duo will come to meet an array of hostiles, ranging from infected enemies to other enemy survivors, as well as potential allies and the remaining remnants of American civilization.

Characters -

Joel -

Joel is the main protagonist in The Last of Us. A man in his late 40s, hardened by the atrocities and devastation left by the fungal infection, Joel works as a black market dealer within the quarantine zone, selling drugs and weapons of sorts.

Ellie -

Ellie is a 14-year-old female, who co-stars alongside Joel in this post-apocalyptic romp through the United States.

Having been born after the fungal infection had already collapsed modern civilization as we know it, Ellie doesn't know a life aside from the high walls of the quarantine zone. She was raised in perpetual fear. This, of course, sparks within her an obsession with relics from the past culture, such as books and music. This, too, leads to troublesome times at the boarding house she resides in.

Something happens in her home that forces her to skip town with Joel. Together they trek west while hiding from the military and surviving other threats.



Combat -

The combat in the The Last of Us will be very realistic and strategic. Resources are limited and the lethality of weapons is very high, as in reality. You can't only hide behind cover and wait for your health to regenerate like in Uncharted; rather, "health packs" must be applied to repair damage to Joel or Ellie's health. There will be both guns and melee combat, as well as breakable weapons such as planks and bricks. Part of the gameplay will revolve around scavenging for new items.

Artificial Intelligence -
Naughty Dog has also stressed the amount of realism and believability that they seek to heavily attribute to the game's AI, in which they will show emotion and vulnerability by getting angry when a friend dies, warning each other of danger, and becoming frightened when they've lost the upper hand; this structured AI system is a dynamic, adaptable blueprint also known/referred to as the "Balance of Power", in which the overall scenario and the advantages that come with it changes depending on which opposing group can prove to be the stronger, better-equipped one.[8] Throughout their journey, Joel and Ellie will fight both different factions of humans/survivors and infected enemies, as well as meet allies that don't have as much incentive to harm them. You can also utilize stealth to get around unaware enemies, distract them with various AI partners you meet on your journey, and use any number of tactics to fight your enemies, depending on important parameters like how well-equipped your foes are, what kind of weapons they have on them, and the like.\

Items -
Items are in The Last of Us. Items are objects that Joel and Ellie can utilize to further their survival, combat enemies, replenish their health, and store things in. The groups that items fall under include ammunition, battery, binding, alcohol, blade, sugar, explosives, and canister. All of these item groups contain items that Joel and Ellie can scavenge for, like revolver ammunition, or craft out of simple items, as in the case of the Molotov Cocktail.

Indepth Gameplay and Game Details -

Game Informer Article -

Rest of the article - Here

Devlopment Video Series -

General Faq

  • 4 Difficulty Levels - Easy, Normal, Hard, Survivor (locked)
  • Game has New Game +
  • Game is different compared to uncharted. Surviving is key.
  • Game is 15 - 20 hrs
  • Game has listen mode which helps player see through wall to locate the enemy
  • Listen mode can turned off.
  • Game Prompts and Highlighting can be turned off
  • Game Enemies are infected, survivors and nature it self.
  • You play as Joel
  • Game has Multiplayer. (No beta)



The Last of Us is confirmed to have a multiplayer mode called Factions.

Clan -
There is a robust clan system where you can recruit survivors into your clan. You can then send them out on missions for supplies, to rescue other survivors, and train to repel or attack Infecteds or Marauders. Clan members can die from attacks, starvation, or sickness. They can also become infected. Members will join your clan depending on the matches you win, the supplies you have and attacks you repel.

Classes -

Survival Skills

-> Crafting Master
Allows faster crafting and more efficient use of resources when crafting. Also, allows the player to gift free items to teammates, including molotovs, shivs, bombs, or smoke bombs, when this skill is upgraded. [1]
->Listen Mode
Multiplayer will have Listen Mode but its limited to a few seconds.

Gameplay Modes

->Supply Raid
Executions are possible.
Each map is designed especially for stealth. Supply stashes are out in the open and dangerous to approach without teammates, however it contains supplies vital for your team's success and the overall health of your clan. All while being met by an enemy team, fighting for the very same supplies. Each team gets twenty collective lives and whichever team runs out of lives first loses.

Survival is the key and teamwork is an optional factor. You must eliminate everyone else until you are left standing at the end of the match. It is a best of seven rounds format and supplies go to the team that wins four of seven rounds by having the last man or woman standing. There's no respawning, but you can buy weapons and ammo

  • It will have a currency system based on resources.
  • Characters are customizable with helmets, masks, hats, gestures, and a sort of facial construction.
  • It will have a unique perk system called Survival Skills.
  • It will feature clans that are composed of AI and other players.
  • Two multiplayer packs have been confirmed.
  • Default classes exist as well as the ability to create your own.
  • Many in-game events are random.
  • You're rewarded clan members for doing well in missions.
  • Possibly free roam.
  • Players can craft in real-time, as in single player.



Trailers -

Remaining Trailers - Here

Avatars -


Screenshots - Here



When pre-production started in earnest on The Last of Us there was a folder of music files featuring work by some of the preeminent musicians in video games, television, and film. These tracks held a sampling of the ideal musical quality, direction, and tone we wanted to have for the project. The Academy Award winning work of Gustavo Santaolalla appeared multiple times. Being that he had never composed for video games before the thought of getting him to work on The Last of Us seemed a bit farfetched. He was approached by our music group at Sony and, well, this video will tell you the full story about the man himself and how he came to work on The Last of Us
We are honored to have Gustavo’s music and talents in our game. The texture of Gustavo’s musical score serves the game’s narrative and the music is rife with poignant, descriptive and intimate sounds. His work is unlike anything heard in a video game before. It’s a beautiful, haunting, sonic landscape that makes the game’s themes more emotionally resonant and emphasizes thoughtfully how Joel, Ellie, and all the characters in the game perceive the world around them. It’s a masterful musical score.

Check out the music - Here

Soundtrack available with sights and sounds dlc with pre orders



The Last of Us: American Dreams, based on the hotly-anticipated 2013 video game, will be a four-issue series by the The Last of Us game’s lead writer Neil Druckmann, along with Faith Erin Hicks on both art and co-writing duties. The story revolves around “Ellie, the heroine of The Last of Us, [who] has grown up in a post pandemic world, shuttled between military orphanages in one of the last remaining quarantine zones and resigned to the fact that when she’s old enough, she’ll be channeled into the army or left to fend for herself—until she meets an older girl determined to find a third way out,” says Dark Horse the series explores the character’s backstory and her first steps on the road that led her to her companion Joel. The first issue of the series will bow in the spring.


Digital Pre Order Link - Here

The Last of Us arrives in just a few weeks. We’re happy to let you know you can pre-order the full digital edition of the game starting today on the PlayStation Store. The game will be a Day 1 Digital download — this means you can get it at midnight on June 14th. The digital edition features a unique download installer which will allow you to start playing the game once the game data is a little over half way downloaded.
The Last of Us is a universe rich in character and story with many facets that we could potentially explore for years. We’re getting started by announcing that there will be three packs of downloadable content for The Last of Us available after the game launches.
If you want to lock in all three of those DLC packs at discounted price, step up now and grab the Season Pass. The Last of Us Season Pass DLC is available for pre-order now on PlayStation Store — only $19.99 for three DLC Packs. This is a 30% savings over the pricing of the DLC packs individually. The Season Pass will be available at your local GameStop when you pick up The Last of Us, as well. Unique to Season Pass buyers are the following Day 1 bonuses:

Day 1 Bonuses
Increased Crafting Speed
Increased Healing Speed
9mm Reload Speed Upgrade
Rifle Clip Capacity Upgrade
Grounded – exclusive 90min “Making of The Last of Us” documentary

Pre Order Link

US -


EU -

Pre Order DLC -


Review thread

Thanks Flek and Quick


Time to get comfortable, guys and gals.
We have the potential game of the generation to discuss in here.

EDIT: I was right.

Ein Bear

This coming out at the same time as E3 is almost too much for me to handle. Hype, everywhere. I love this hobby so much.


the journey to this OT will probably have been more arduous than that of joel and elle's.

it was to really get us in the mood for TLOU. pranay you motherfucking genius, take a bow.

Along with Infinite, my most anticipated game of 2013. I hope it ends up being one of the best games of this generation, and an absolute classic of video game story telling.


I'm getting the Japanese version which releases on the 20th so still got a lot to wait :(

Good thing is, the JP version costs way less and has the next 3 big DLCs, plus themes and avatars and something else, and costs about $48 (4800 Yen).
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