You wouldn't see this problem on Origin. Because they'd delete that 85 page thread and ban anyone who saw it.Adventures in Uplay:
- Tried to activate and play Might and Magic Heroes VI; the game launches through Uplay
- Shades of Darkness and the two addons unlock fine
- Original/base game would not unlock because, "This CD Key or Activation Code is already in use with another account." -- it has never been used
- Contacted support by phone and get many vacuous questions before finally:
- "Verify integrity" - doesn't work
- "Reinstall" - doesn't work
- "Let's elevate it to my supervisor"
- Cool supervisor sends me another key and advises me to reinstall
- Do as he says, Input key, "You already own this game." -- LOL
- Log into Might and Magic VI to try inputting it in the game
- Cannot connect to Conflux because, "...unique key has been reserved."
- Try to unlock the base game anyway. "You need an internet connection."
85 page thread of people with the same/similar problem, started over a month ago. Their own forums are also full of it, from well over a month ago. Meanwhile, people who pirated it aren't having to endure any of this shit.
SRKs just make no sense to me. I even played SF2 pretty often as a kid and I could never do them on the Genesis gamepad. I can't do them now consistently on a stick (maybe 20% success rate).
(Performing them on a keyboard is a piece of cake on the other hand)
I swear, holding diagonal-down on a stick or dpad without it registering as only right or only down just doesn't work for me for some reason. The only way to make SRKs manageable for me is either keyboard or a hitbox.
Trade Offers: send an offer to another user of items to trade, even if they're offline, that will let them accept, decline, or make a counter-offer. You'll only be able to send trade offers to friends to start with, but if people like it we'll look into expanding it. This will also let you send an item as a gift to a friend.
Trade offers will work for any items in the Steam economy, not just trading cards. So it will work with TF2.
Yup.Steam down?
Steam down?
SRK shortcut is diagonal-down, diagonal-down, P
try that
Is Dark Souls worth $30?
I'm on vacation right now, for the next couple of weeks and I'm dying to play it.
My fucking bank denied me from a GMG purchase, even though I whitelisted the site for Resident Evil 6 a couple months ago. By the time my card became unlocked again, it went up to $40. In that ONE hour, it went up. I'm SO fucking mad
So anyway, to anyone who's played it, is it worth full price or should I wait for a Steam sale?
The Steam Summer sale is just weeks away. I would bite the bullet and wait, you will save yourself $20.
Is Dark Souls worth $30?
I'm on vacation right now, for the next couple of weeks and I'm dying to play it.
My fucking bank denied me from a GMG purchase, even though I whitelisted the site for Resident Evil 6 a couple months ago. By the time my card became unlocked again, it went up to $40. In that ONE hour, it went from $12 (coupon) to $40. I'm SO fucking mad
So anyway, to anyone who's played it, is it worth full price or should I wait for a Steam sale?
Ah. Your main desire is fun during a vacation rather than maximizing the purchasing power of your money. So I would go along with everyone else and tell you to buy and enjoy Dark Souls.I'm just asking if the game is worth $30. Would I wait under normal circumstances? Hell yeah! But I happen to be on vacation, and unless there's something awesome for $20 and under, now's the time I can actually get some time in with the game!
Vacation > Sale
Unless you guys have any suggestions for a meaty game that's cheaper.
It's hard to say. Some people really love the Souls games and will be Day 1 for Dark Souls II. Some people, the Souls games aren't to their liking. I'm assuming you hadn't played Demon's Souls (you wouldn't ask if you had), and you waited this long to consider getting Dark Souls, so... who knows if it's a game you're going to like. And if you don't like it, it isn't worth $30.I'm just asking if the game is worth $30. Would I wait under normal circumstances? Hell yeah! But I happen to be on vacation, and unless there's something awesome for $20 and under, now's the time I can actually get some time in with the game!
Vacation > Sale
Unless you guys have any suggestions for a meaty game that's cheaper.
I'm just asking if the game is worth $30. Would I wait under normal circumstances? Hell yeah! But I happen to be on vacation, and unless there's something awesome for $20 and under, now's the time I can actually get some time in with the game!
Vacation > Sale
Unless you guys have any suggestions for a meaty game that's cheaper.
Thanks everyone. I said fuck it, I'm on staycation, bit the bullet, it's time to have some fun! It's downloading now.
HD, big screen, surround, 360 controller, never played any Souls games, going in BALLS DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!!!!!!
I hear this game is brutally brutally hard... WHAT HAVE I DONE???!?
Do I still need dsfix or did From ever fix the game?
You wouldn't see this problem on Origin. Because they'd delete that 85 page thread and ban anyone who saw it.
I'll take it![]()
The only mods you need are dsfix, the High Res UI and Subtitles mod, and Quelaag's Texture Fix.Thanks everyone. I said fuck it, I'm on staycation, bit the bullet, it's time to have some fun! It's downloading now.
HD, big screen, surround, 360 controller, never played any Souls games, going in BALLS DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!!!!!!
I hear this game is brutally brutally hard... WHAT HAVE I DONE???!?
Do I still need dsfix or did From ever fix the game?
Anyone want a free The Maw code?
Can I take one please? If you have an extra, I'd love to give one to my partner as well. Thanks so much.
The only mods you need are dsfix, the High Res UI and Subtitles mod, and Quelaag's Texture Fix.
Dark Souls isn't actually hard. It just expects you to take it seriously. You can even beat it at level 1-- it isn't easy, but you can.
Triple Town is currently on sale on Amazon for $4.99 (50% off) during their whole new Indie Store promotion. Why is this notable? It drops six Steam trading cards, and the card values are much higher for this game than most other games with cards, hardly any are being sold in the market compared to other games, which helps keep the value up. I just sold five of my cards for a $1 average, which paid for the game. I should have listed them higher and made more... Plus you get the chance at a foil drop, which are again worth much more than average foil drops. Just my two cents...
Plus you get a free Steam activating copy of The Maw and two other non-Steam activating Indie games.
lol Quelaag's Texture fix, you're crazy haha.
All installed, all ready to go. Time to Prepare to Die!
Edit: Jesus, I'm in over my head for character classes..
Its crashing right after the intro :-(Honestly, it doesn't matter too much.
You can pick any class and still end up at the same place.
Pick Pyromancer if you want the most options.
Rocksmith - $9.99 at Amazon. Activates on Steam.
Sure give me one second.
Edit: Sent!
My wife has been nagging me to let her play games with me. She's never really played games all that much, so I need a suggestion for a simple game with local coop/versus so she can start off with something easy.
Wow, a friend told me I should buy this last week (PS3 version, $40). Doesn't it need a special accessory or something?
You mean the DLC that is $2.99 per song?Yeah, plus the DLC never goes on sale, presumably because Ubi can't be arsed organising that with the various record companies.
Yeah, plus the DLC never goes on sale, presumably because Ubi can't be arsed organising that with the various record companies.
You mean the DLC that is $2.99 per song?
There are four slots.Anyone that has played Lego Lord of the Rings. Are there multiple save slots or just one save for my Steam profile?
There are four slots.