!Playstation Move Heroes 2!?!Playstation Move Heroes 2!?
Better not.
Ratchet & Clank Vs Jak & Daxter
The bear was lying :-( not new IP and not Santa Monica.
Playstation Move Heroes 2! YES!!!!!!
The NC Studio put out one of the best Ratchet experiences to date with FFA. The MP is incredible. Not to mention pretty much all of the key Ratchet talent works at the NC studio, so I have no idea what you're talking about (and apparently neither do you).
FFA was a pile of shit. The only R&C game I want is a sequel to ACiT.
You are a insomniac megafan so honestly your opinion means absolutely nothing to me as it is nowhere near discerning enough to take seriously.
Also that REALLY looks like a portal from Jak and Daxter
But probably
Spyro? That purple..
FFA was a pile of shit. The only R&C game I want is a sequel to ACiT.
You are a R&C megafan so honestly your opinion means absolutely nothing to me as it is nowhere near discerning enough to take seriously.
the jak & daxter portal..
the jak & daxter portal..
the jak & daxter portal..
SSM is working on a new IP, or so I've heard.
the jak & daxter portal..