My problems with Casshern Sins are that it gets very repetitive with its imagery, language, and unrelenting oppression, and that the buildup of plot during the first half doesn't find a resolution in the second half, which just peters off to nowhere.
Great visuals though.
Too much grey and brown and bloom.
Let's Play! Suite Precure: 34
So Mephisto comes to Earth and creates a giant Negatone. Cool. It proceeds to beat the living tar out of everyone, including Muse, until the three main Precure rediscover the Power of Friendship, which they use to defeat the Negatone, then set their sights on Mephisto, until....Cure Muse protects him! Why? I don't know. Watch him be her father or something silly like that. Anyway, he takes the opportunity to open a giant pot and capture all the notes. Like, all of them.
Ok then... that was certainly a plot-productive episode...
What's the draw of the Horizon anime? I only know of it via terrible LN covers.
All a person could ask for really.Miyukichi and skin tight body suits.
I was about to say! Then I remembered you were the one who introduced me to this blog.[Cowboy Bebop] - References
*For more information on these kinds references please see ghostlightining's excellent series on Cowboy Bebop here. It's really good.
Let's Play! Suite Precure: 35
*Headdesk*I was completely prepared for Muse to be Ako. That much was obvious. I didn't think I'd actually be right about her being Mephisto's daughter. Seriously, that was a sarcastic comment when I made it. Why, Suite, why?
Also, didn't expect Mephisto to not be the Big Bad. So someone's controlling him, too? *Sigh* New villain introduced in last section of story, check.
Well, I guess the train is speeding up, lets see if it derails...
Great catch. I sincerely doubt these end at "coincidences". This post has also reminded me that everything of Dirty Pair I've seen I've loved, so I'll add it to my watch list. Thanks for the link, too.[Cowboy Bebop] - References
Danganronpa The Animation 05
Ishimaru deserves the biggest hug of all time.
Still better than Devil Survivor 2 and that's about all that matters at this point.
Railgun S - 17
Superb episode ..
New opening is much better than the first and this episode was quite good on all front ..railgun is finally back on their regular antics !!
Now they are clearly setting things up for future events in this episode but they didn't forget to bring somethings for the fun.
Dat familly restaurant scene![]()
That is the lowest bar ever created.
Let's Play! Suite Precure: 36
So Mephisto is Ako's father.... and King of Major Land, making Aphrodite Ako's mother... and the old man guy is her grandfather. All that meaning Ako is the Princess of Major Land. My head is hurting indeed.
Still, a decent "I know you're in there somewhere" fight, with Mephisto being defeated and turned back to good... and the Trio is still evil. Gotta have some villains left, right?
Time for a movie break...
And now we know why Cure Ace might be Cure Muse v2
If Cure Ace somehow ends up being, I'll have to headdesk harder than I ever have before.The Queen's daughter
Day Break Illusion Episode 5 Ah, Money, Money! How Many Sad Things Must Occur in This World Due to Money?
Every since entering the cast (he has good design), things have just gone up and up in terms of episode and entertainment quality, while for the characters I cant help but feel as if things may collapse soon.Striking Honda and eventually getting close to Ginka's father was abit too close to home and her statement at the end almost feels as if something may come to pass. I still cant help shake the feeling that Luna or someone will die but how it hasnt happened in the first five episode is a bit surprising. Minor thing, I didnt know normal humans could use the cards like that.
Another change of name, man? Just when I accustomed to the previous one... :-D
I just feel the need to throw my heartfelt support behind all the Natsume voice love. Her voice is so transcendentally wonderful, I kind of feel like I don't want the actress to voice any more characters for fear of diluting its glory. The idea of applying that voice to characters that aren't as wonderful as Natsume just seems so wrong.
Basically what I'm saying is, Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun S2 WHEN.
Why so harsh, might as well drop it...You dont like the characters singing the Ending songs?
Utena 30
Can any men here bake a cake? If not, you'll never have Utena's heart. I'm sorry, Anime-Gaf.
I was a little surprised how much screen time Akio finally got. Akio X Utena? No. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! Utena, stay true to your prince who is trapped in a dungeon somewhere!
No you got it wrong it's
There it is. I kinda feel like its been too long since someone said that, though. Now its just the repeat playing of "YOU LISTEN TO MY VOICE YOU LISTEN TO MY HEART DO YOU EVEN HEEEEEEER ME?"
At least make the effort to post something anime-related.
the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime
If youve seen index s1 then yes.Can I just skip the episodes where Touma is present or should I watch them?
Ehhh to be fair, they found hope in the name of the SUN NAMED MOON. That and in regards to "A Path" there was a gap of time between its first appearance and the second time it was used. 3 times I've counted so far.
Watamote: Episodes 1-4
So far my initial impressions are, "Wow that girl is really really friggin' creepy." I like her. She's almost so creepy that it's cute. The same way that pugs are so ugly that they're almost cute... almost. But what really steals the show is her little brother and her old friend. They are definitely way better characters than she is.
This is one of those shows where it's almost unbearable to watch but at the same time I want more of it. I will keep watching it for sure.
I'll be leaving for a week long trip tomorrow, and I need some suggestions for a short series to watch during that time that I might like.
I already have Cat Planet Cuties on my list Hito, you don't have to mention it.
Definitely. The show is a really good study of how people react to the end of the world. The best part is that all that "GOTTA SURVIVE" and "INTER TRIBE MECHANICS" noise that bogs say, The Walking Dead, is gone 'cuz nobody is surviving this. The world itself is dead.
I just sorta thought the song was kinda cheesy. But I guess cheesy cheery songs are exactly what the all-depression-all-the-time world of Mega Man Sins needs.
Wouldn't say it's cheery considering how it's used so far.
I warned you lot about Love Lab yonks ago. You didn't listen and now you're suffering for it.
Went through the second volume of Crime Edge and as usual, there's no more crappy filter, blood is untouched, the censorship of Iwai is next to nonexistent and there's more uh, "golden stuff".
So I finally finished the first two Bakemonogatari novels and started on Kizumonogatari! Yaaaaaaay!
...I'm on page 19 and this novel has already devoted like two and a half pages to describing a pantyshot. Oh, NisioisiN. Never change.
I just feel the need to throw my heartfelt support behind all the Natsume voice love. Her voice is so transcendentally wonderful, I kind of feel like I don't want the actress to voice any more characters for fear of diluting its glory. The idea of applying that voice to characters that aren't as wonderful as Natsume just seems so wrong.
Basically what I'm saying is, Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun S2 WHEN.
Well I dunno, not cheery then. Just upbeat? I dunno, I don't ever pay attention to its lyrics passed the first line.
At least make the effort to post something anime-related.
Melee warns of what happens when you go below the bottom of a barrel:
Aside from the general level of ugly in Jormungand, I found comic deformation/anime faces to be really intrusive. I've no idea how rough it is in Rozen Maiden though.
Compare the regular expressive designs:
I've also no real idea why this still bothers me. :lol Guess I was hoping the show just wouldn't need that sort of crutch.
What's the draw of the Horizon anime? I only know of it via terrible LN covers.
So, is anyone else seeing these
on their Cowboy Bebop BD (Episode 2 around 17:39)? It's only for a split-second but it's pretty ugly.
Ah to be an early adopter. The joy of cheap BD production.
Kiniro Mosiac 5
Episode focused on Yoko and the older sister. They really do play up the jealousy factor on the show though.