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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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Neptunia 04


I have discovered Dokuro's new form!

Not a big fan of DRAMA, but I guess it was a decent vessel for this episode.
Cashew Sins 20

Well well welly well well, there's a shit ton of imagry here, 2 primary ones that stick out. One that represents salvation,
from the beginning with Dune being back to the way he was, tending the Cure Rose Garden.
Everyone lining up in ordered to be healed. It's the ideal of what they wanted from Luna. And then there's the imagry of hell, what is really going on with this "salvation" and our Cure Rose Garden.

Bodies of wasted food products are piling up, and still beating the shit out of each other expecting to be saved, which scares Ringo and disturbed Tomato and Cashew. To keep going, Luna pretty much states she really doesn't give a shit what's going on
It's a straight up hell, and it makes it look dreary as fuck to give that off.

Have to say, the fighting is actually good here, and reminds me of how haphazard it looked initially when watching Cashew Sins, but it definitely improved over time.

Back to Dune, he's pretty much discarded, along with the Cure Rose Garden, which she then shits on his face by saying she despises death

I guess a reversal on how the supposed "bad guys" like Bragging Brass and Cashew at least decent, the latter is a far cry from how he was portrayed. Luna though, I'm not surprised Cashew killed her from the start, to put it that way.


The delay is probably one of the most idiotic parts of international licensing. I can't believe people still watch Downton Abby on PBS since it takes a year for the show to get over here. But then again, I suppose that show is for old people.

dude, old people who miss the Glory Days of PBS when it was NET. See, this is the god damn reason why I cant stand these fascist over at CPB/GBH/PBS. The shit they pulled in the 1970's? OH LORD...LAWD. No FUCKS GIVEN. Hardcore ECW couldn't even show. Cursin, Fightin', YURI! LOTS AND LOTS OF YURI.

Oh, and Fred Rodgers - the man who never lied, showed the world was greater than the sum of its parts.

What a joke that network become.


Oh and if you all fans of Warhammer 40K? Can we all just say in one loud voice:

Fire Matt Ward.

God damn - the shit he pulled is right out of SAO.


The "A" stands for "Ambiguous Gender Hijinks" Gundam 8

As in, seriously, I hope that this show drops the stupid Loran Laura nonsense at the end. I get that Tomino was pissed, but it's distracting and if the show wants to be taken seriously by its final act, this stupid back and forth has got to go.

Anyway, that stupid hijink aside, the rest of this episode was about Loran helping some people to survive by taking in animals who would have died if he hadn't. Meanwhile Sochie ramps up her racism, which isn't unexpected, since her father was killed because of Moonfolk and as a teen, she can hardly be expected to look past something so large so soon.

Harry Ord shows up, solves every problem ever by touching his magical insect eyes, and they all float on.


Majestic Prince 17

Fucking after a week of waiting for fucking Goku's spirit bomb Freeza is just fine. This is some Attack on Titan levels of wasting my fucking time. Also goddamn I fucking hate Tamaki more and more.

What was supposed to be good about this show again? Certainly not its latest ED! Which is an awful piece of shit, in case you were wondering. Which makes it the perfect metaphor for this show!

God what a sucky show.


The "A" stands for "Ambiguous Gender Hijinks" Gundam 8

As in, seriously, I hope that this show drops the stupid Loran Laura nonsense at the end. I get that Tomino was pissed, but it's distracting and if the show wants to be taken seriously by its final act, this stupid back and forth has got to go.

Anyway, that stupid hijink aside, the rest of this episode was about Loran helping some people to survive by taking in animals who would have died if he hadn't. Meanwhile Sochie ramps up her racism, which isn't unexpected, since her father was killed because of Moonfolk and as a teen, she can hardly be expected to look past something so large so soon.

Harry Ord shows up, solves every problem ever by touching his magical insect eyes, and they all float on.


Armored Trooper VOTOMS 31

This arc is moving at the speed of strawberry jam. Also depressed Chirico is terrible to watch. Still some good action on this episode so I can't say I'm bored or anything.
Preview implies answers so hopefully things should start moving again.

I warned you spaceship arc was the slowest arc!


Kenji Nakamura's biggest flaw as a director has always been his tendency towards angular, obtuse direction that lacks flow. I felt like Tsuritama was his best work in avoiding that problem, so it's unfortunate that the same team doesn't seem able to replicate its success.

On the other hand, some of his best work in Mononoke completely eschewed traditional narrative rhythm and rather than delivery the visuals in a steady flow he beat them out in a very deliberate rhythm, like a percussive instrument.
It's probably been assumed that the only people who will care are AnimeGafers. And it's probably a correct assumption.

I don't know about that, Rozen Maiden was kind of popular a while back, and not just in "AnimeGaf".



That whole scene.

Dai-Guard 1

Now that I know the dub of this show was also done on a budget, I'll be switching over to Japanese. Even though the lines are a hilarious kind of doofy charm, I can't help but kinda not want to put up with it.

That said, what I saw I liked, A show about a giant robot punching out a monster and being incredibly expensive. Dai Guard looks as fragile as the damn thing felt in SRWZ2 (I used it basically as Gurren Lagann's gas station the entire game.), but on the other hand, that's the point and it wasn't bad. I think I'm going to like this show.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Gatchaman 4

I'm liking the overall story and the base thematics of social media and how society at large copes with them are something quite fresh for anime, but if the execution is so bad I don't really care to know more.
Pretty much my thoughts on the Crowds project so far. It's been very underwhelming from the get go, even if the premise has a lot going on for it.


Eva 3.333333333...

Oh hey, for a second there during that middle section you almost tricked me into thinking Eva could be good again. Fortunately the absolute mess of nonsense in the last third quickly dispelled that idea. The worst thing the success of Eva ever did to Anno was making him think that pretentiously obtuse jargon equals good writing. It's especially bad in this case because none of this would have happened if someone would have just told Shinji anything at any point. I realize barriers between communication is a core theme of Eva, but it's never been as forced and badly done as it was here.
Look, what you fail to understand is how important merchandising opportunities are. You have to stop worrying about stuff like 'writing'. This is the Rebuild of Evangelion so all they have to do is vaguely imitate what people kind of thought Evangelion was about.


Rozen Maiden 5
Still top-notch. The only caveat I have with the series (and it's really minor!) is the way they deform faces for comedic moments. I just don't feel it meshes well with the low-key, contemplative nature of most of the show, and the humour itself doesn't reach me. Everything else is as good as it gets.
I feel like that only got egregious in episode 4 where they'd cut away to a complete different art style for a shot, just like they do in Hellsing Ultimate. That's when I have to go and bash my head against the table, figuratively speaking, because it's at complete odds with the grounded, realistic, even mundane direction of the rest of the series. I think it speaks to a director who isn't entirely confident in their approach because if they were confident they wouldn't worry about trying to please the audience with 'traditional' comic cut-aways.


just posting to say no anime will ever come close to touching the kinda shit that just went down in oyasumi punpun. holy fuck
Rozen Maiden (2013) - 4
When the dynamic between Jun and Shinku works well enough as it is, cutting to that different style for certain comedic beats comes off as unnecessary and draws too much attention to itself. Thankfully, the addition of Shinku hasn't changed the gears of the show much at all outside of that one small gripe.

Also, the soundtrack is really lovely.


Love Lab 5


This whole episode was sakuga as fuck, a true return to form. I sure do hope Maki's inevitable boyfriend is just as good at crossdressing as she is or else I'm gonna be really disappointed.

What about if they make an Oyasumi Punpun anime?
Asano's style really wouldn't translate well to something like anime or live action stuff (see the Solanin movie). Though i could kind of see Nijigahara Holograph working as a 2-3 hour film.


Went through the second volume of Crime Edge and as usual, there's no more crappy filter, blood is untouched, the censorship of Iwai is next to nonexistent and there's more… uh, "golden stuff".



Rabu Rabu 05
This episode was really great. I was laughing several times during its duration. Also that cross-dressing Maki. Hope the :SDBurton lives forever on.

Yamakan did it again.

(samefaces like a Korean idol group)
Deep commentary on the idol business clearly.


This is mainly why I think the show is a forgotten masterpiece as it really nails the atmosphere and really raises some interesting questions about how people react in the face of certain death in a short time frame. What does a person do when the world goes to shit?

From what I understand most people's problems with Cashern Sins stem from the overt repetition of the themes, tone, imagery etc. Once you've seen a handful of episodes of the show you've pretty much seen all it has to offer.


Love Live! 12-13 END

It's not often you see a show drop the ball so hard with it's last few episodes quite like this one did. The drama with
Kotori studying abroad
was so poorly written and handled it makes you wonder how anyone could have honestly thought it was a good idea.

overall thoughts:

the good
  • alpacas
  • the godlike reaction faces
  • nico
  • toujou and her thick thighs
  • sakuga cuts aplenty
  • humorous bits were definitely on the mark
the bad
  • megane loseing her megane
  • overall inconsistent tone due to poor pacing
and the ugly
  • horendously written melodrama
  • nico's idol personality. fukn IDOL CULTURE strikes again
  • the soulless cg dance sequences made bearable thanks to the cuts of great 2d animation inbetween
I really can't see myself watching the second season of this unless they ditch the angsty bits and the CG and crank up everything else. Meh.


And some people seem to don't like his work on this... just look at that sincere and heartful smile, so lovely!

Here lies Love Lab, 2013-2013
Right on schedule too!



E: seriously. How did I not know of this?
But he has been promoting it a lot on twitter! Much more than any other of his recent collaborations...

Another change of name, man? Just when I accustomed to the previous one... :-D


Jexhius, did you finish already that piece about COWBOY BEBOP's first episode? There is now quite a bit of expectation for it... :)


Oh and if you all fans of Warhammer 40K? Can we all just say in one loud voice:

Fire Matt Ward.

God damn - the shit he pulled is right out of SAO.

Prince Yriel kills a Space-Marine-Captain-turned-renegade-pirate with a SINGLE stab in the chest with his sword; what he forgot was Space Marine's multiple hearts and lungs


There is a disturbing tendency in Matt Ward's works to have the Sisters of Battle get horribly butchered in roughly 70% Ward's fluff.


This shit is hilarious.
Majestic Prince 17

Fucking after a week of waiting for fucking Goku's spirit bomb Freeza is just fine. This is some Attack on Titan levels of wasting my fucking time. Also goddamn I fucking hate Tamaki more and more.

What was supposed to be good about this show again? Certainly not its latest ED! Which is an awful piece of shit, in case you were wondering. Which makes it the perfect metaphor for this show!

God what a sucky show.

Why so harsh, might as well drop it...You dont like the characters singing the Ending songs?


So I finally finished the first two Bakemonogatari novels and started on Kizumonogatari! Yaaaaaaay!

...I'm on page 19 and this novel has already devoted like two and a half pages to describing a pantyshot. Oh, NisioisiN. Never change.

She really does. and her voice. Oh my god THAT VOICE.

Yeah, the voice is kinda orgasmic, everyone's is, truth be told. The VA is top notch, and actually the core reason I hope this adaptation ties everything up (long shot, I know, but they're moving FAST). The manga wouldn't be the same experience at all.

I just feel the need to throw my heartfelt support behind all the Natsume voice love. Her voice is so transcendentally wonderful, I kind of feel like I don't want the actress to voice any more characters for fear of diluting its glory. The idea of applying that voice to characters that aren't as wonderful as Natsume just seems so wrong.

Basically what I'm saying is, Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun S2 WHEN.
I feel like that only got egregious in episode 4 where they'd cut away to a complete different art style for a shot, just like they do in Hellsing Ultimate. That's when I have to go and bash my head against the table, figuratively speaking, because it's at complete odds with the grounded, realistic, even mundane direction of the rest of the series. I think it speaks to a director who isn't entirely confident in their approach because if they were confident they wouldn't worry about trying to please the audience with 'traditional' comic cut-aways.

I don't know if it's an attempt to please the audience per se, as much as simply an attempt to translate the visual language of manga onto the screen. These kind of moments probably do play better in Japan, though. I've had several non-anime fans tell me that comedic deformations are one of the things they dislike about the medium as a whole.


Subete no aware
Railgun 17


Not quite shark fin, but because of that stupid Asian Girlz video, I couldn't help but snicker at this ingredient.

I need Index loremaster dresden to explain what the shit is going on though.

Who the heck is funding the support of the billion Misaka clones? Or does Academy City have better health care than America?

Why hasn't the sudden appearance of thousands of clones mattered to anyone? What about the people running the Accelerator program in the first place?

Which is also related to how the heck are those mercenaries still around having wacky boob-grabbing antics at Wagnaria/a family restaurant? Sorry we tried to murder you, killed some scientist, and tried to kill thousands of clones while working for this secret organization. But see you later!

It just feels like all this Index crap ruined Railgun because it is so much nonsense. lol
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