Fall 2013 Anime |OT| When is Crunchyroll coming to GTA Online?

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school days. the nightmare that keeps giving.

Indeed it does. The older it gets the greater change of new vict-.... watchers.

I still can't believe that Dokuro-Chan is the series that got me started with anime. Out of all the possible things....

This is quite an interesting revelation.

So I was bored and decided to watch a little bit of Ben-To (somebody in the US needs to license this anime stat, I've been craving a blu-ray for this forever now) and I actually listened to the OST during the battle's. Something I noticed is that the music sounds exactly like the music from Panty & Stocking w/Garterbelt.

That techno music can go with anything, it makes everything seem so hyped.

EDIT: Actually I just looked it up and the same studio that animated Ben-To, also worked on Panty & Stocking. Well that explains the music.

That this show isnt licensed yet is criminal. Its just shameful.
Whats keeping it?

Today's quick Crunchyroll simulcast announcement is Miss Monochrome, that weird 5-minutes-per-episode anime thing about the Yui Horie concert character. Every Tuesday at 11:00am PDT, so that means the first episode is in... one hour.


A mix of Hatsune Miku and Nyaruko? Well thats odd. Yet vaguely cute.

Sentai's January Slate is up for preorder at Right Stuf. I'm loving the sub only releases being $35 (bluray). If you are going to give a bare bones package at least make it cheaper.

Sentai already owns my wallet. It will only get worse.

I'm still many, many, many pages behind but I figured since Animegaf loves a waifu fight...

Spotted a SLA poster today and thought I'd share (click for big)

Nice poster!
Any idea who designed it?

Oh man. Only a few more days till KLK~

This scene looks really wierd. Like why does she just slide? Where did all the stuff come from? It looks weird.


The Light of El Cantare
Officially marks? I'm pretty sure most of us called that before C3bu.

It was clear a long time ago that all of the talent was gone, but the case for the studio being totally irrelevant is stronger now that they've had a string of complete commercial failures. They're basically the kiss of death now.
What Hyouka does really well is to bring out the magic in the "mundane". That's one of my favorite kinds of fiction, when it uses a fresh lens to look at ordinary life and helps you rediscover the wonder in it.

Yeah, Hyouka does a great job at making ordinary life seem special. It's one of those things that really makes it stand out. It also makes it easier to really connect with the characters and their lives, because everything they're going through is something the viewers probably went through (even if not in the same way) at some point during their high school experience.

SSY is the truest of bombas. #Wario64

Too soon. Far too soon.
Are these good numbers?

Because I'm really hoping they are.

I think the last season did about the same so yes

Kenichi OVAs 4 & 5
Really wish they would make a 2nd season already. It's like one of the only long-running mangas that still hasn't gotten a 2nd season. Well, the chapters they chose for these ovas were good


If you like it already, you'll love it later on.

This isn't related to your post, really, but I've been thinking that painting all the mysteries in Hyouka as mundane is doing a disservice to it. Mundane is often used as a synonym for meaningless or unimportant, and it's true that some of them are, especially early on in the show. But the bigger mystery arcs of the show are not mundane in the sense of being unimportant, because even if they aren't murders or serious crimes, they still have a real impact on the characters and their development, which is the point of the story.

Just because the character arcs and development are tied to the mysteries doesn't negate the criticism that the material driving the mysteries are mundane in of themselves.

The act of the mysteries being mundane in of themselves isn't important but rather the mysteries themselves just existing.


Looks like Sentai changed course on their first Little Busters collection's cover art, ditching Riki in favor of all the girls.

Ive heard this show is shit but this disc set is so pretty and colorful and cute :(
Someone please dissuade me.

Yes! Crunchyroll will be simulcasting Kyoukai no Kanata under the name Beyond the Boundary, every Wednesday at 9:30am PDT! Limited to North American audiences only, unfortunately.


Im there man.

Half-Life 3 got trademarked, then GAF was on Reddit's front page, whole bunch of people came in, etc.

Half Life totally sucks.

I was always a dub guy in the past, but holy shit has crunchyroll made me a believer. I'll still go with well-done dubs if they're available, but I'm at a point where I think it's weird if something I'm watching isn't subbed.

Also, kind-of related. Kotobukiya is re-releasing their 1/6 scale Taiga in January. Toradora! Fuck yes.

Hmmm. That ones nice but china dress Taiga is too perfect.

The iDOLM@STER: 01

My watching list was looking a little bare. Figured knocking out a backlog series would be a good idea.

...I'm never going to be able to memorize the names of all these characters, especially with the Fall season starting...

Just remember Makoto, Takane, Yayoi, Azusa, and Chihaya,

Ever since you first posted this remix, I've listened to it a TON of times (and a bunch of other remixes by the same dude). Thanks for that! :D

Youre welcome!


Just because the character arcs and development are tied to the mysteries doesn't negate the criticism that the material driving the mysteries are mundane in of themselves.

It doesn't negate them, the criticisms already don't matter because there is nothing wrong with being mundane.
This scene looks really wierd. Like why does she just slide? Where did all the stuff come from? It looks weird.

I'm more skeptical about that huge jump she did at the end of that slide. It literally looks like she slid and threw herself into the garbage. I know I shouldn't put physics into anime but that is quite the jump she does.


It rears its ugly head again lol.
This is truly a clusterfuck family tree. It would produce shockingly deformed offspring IRL.
ys suddenly has people expecting THAT ENDING in every harem. It changed the game truly.

Every harem anime should end with a knifing. It would be healthier for the genre as a whole.

Miss Monochrome 1
Well the ending animation was nice.

Usagi Drop 10
Aww. Rin was sick.

Bunny Drop is so pure. I wish I'd seen it when it came out so I could've voted for it for AOTY that year.

Same thing!

Cajun gets it, you guys.

If I wanted to be depressed I'd keep watching Victory Gundam and think that my time could be better used making fart sounds with my mouth.

Your time would be better served farting into a recording camera. You would simultaneously produce a better anime.
Miss Monochrome Episode 1

Sadly the ending animation was the more memorable part to this otherwise atrocious episode one, just how clueless can Miss Monochrome be. I think the only redeeming factor this is anime is the way she talks at least. Why cant we get more Straight Title Robot Anime instead of shorts liike Miss Monochrome and Sparrows Hotel (though that did have some good characters). Straight Title Robot had at least hilarious antics from the cast after the plot skits.


Hajime no Ippo 19

Dreams are awesome. One day that kid will get a KO.

Another win for Ippo. Though he is such a jack-ass; he is spitting blood all over the audience.

Kick some ass, Takamura! TAKAMURA!


The iDOLM@STER: 01

My watching list was looking a little bare. Figured knocking out a backlog series would be a good idea.

...I'm never going to be able to memorize the names of all these characters, especially with the Fall season starting...

That's how I felt at first too. It took me until around episode 8 to remember everyone's names, but I don't think it was a huge issue for me. I think it's better that they introduced everyone at once for fans of the franchise instead of slowly rolling everyone out, and the format of the first episode was a really smart way to give a nice introduction to each character and a few of her traits.

Glad to see someone starting this show. I hope you like it. :D

Edit: Woah, I forgot to refresh the page. I was wondering where all of these posts came from.
Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise

i asked for realistic sci-fi recommendations a few days ago and this came up a few times.
thanks to those who recommended it, was not what i was expecting from the title but really impressive stuff, 26 years old and looks so good. what really stood out was how well animated anything vehicular was, our budget-constrained CGI present looks pretty pathetic in comparison.

I really oughta rewatch this at some point. It's been a number of years.

If it weren't for that scene, it'd be perfect.

RIP Gainax


Are these good numbers?

Because I'm really hoping they are.

Yeah, they're good. They're good enough for a third season, if that's what you're asking ;). Not to mention that there's still more material to animate and there will probably be more light novels to advertise down the line (the latest one is releasing this month), so there is a good chance for another season.


Love Live! 2

Alright, it's getting a bit better. I like Umi. For the one most reluctant about this, she seems to be the one who knows what it takes the most. Still strange though that they don't even know how to sing. Or they haven't practiced it at all. That's a pretty important thing if you're going to do this. Maybe they'll pressure that girl who composed their song to be their lead.


Setec Astronomer
Hyouka 4-5

Watching this made me think of when I spent time in a university library looking through archival material to piece together events in history that held personal importance to me, or, rather, tear apart a false narrative that I was raised with. It was the time I learned what it felt like to be the detective in these situations, which was engaging to the point that nothing else mattered.

At any rate, reconstructing a historical event is perfect material for this show.
X TV 1-3

I'm finding it difficult to get into this. It feels... Stilted? Formal? I'm not sure what the right word is, but there's a sense of detachment from the events taking place. I don't really care about the fate of any of the characters, and the whole conflict over the End of the World feels too abstract to be a comprehensible threat. It's entertaining enough, I suppose. We'll see how it goes.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
I was always a dub guy in the past, but holy shit has crunchyroll made me a believer. I'll still go with well-done dubs if they're available, but I'm at a point where I think it's weird if something I'm watching isn't subbed.

Also, kind-of related. Kotobukiya is re-releasing their 1/6 scale Taiga in January. Toradora! Fuck yes.

Aww, it's the "final episode" Taiga. Bah.

You know, the cynical part of me feels like the Toradora anime ending differed from the LN ending just so they could have another figure to sell. I mean I'm probably wrong here, but eh.


I find it confusing that someone would defend this show so adamantly. Just really not particularly well done. It had no structure or logical arc...boring stuff just kind of happened. Some of the action was kind of okay and the music was A++ but otherwise it's kind of terrible. None of the characters could really carry a scene, and they all wound up being unlikable or unremarkable.

The last episode was like a leftover idea for an OVA, but nothing about it was very fun or even fulfilling when it came to fanservice. The production was also just super poor. Lots of reused music and scenes felt only half animated.

Oh, I'm not going to make any particular arguments in favour of the final episode. That was clearly just an omake, and not the greatest omake either. I still enjoyed it for what it was, basically just the show having a laugh, but it was without a doubt the weakest episode of the series and not something to judge the whole on. The quasi-supernatural stuff, too, I didn't feel was one of the series' strongest points, often just seeming to confuse things somewhat, but it did allow for some artistically nice scenes that fit in pretty well on a thematic and emotional level, so I don't think that element of the series was a mistake.

What it comes down to, though, is the core of the show, which is what I really feel was just plain wonderful from start to finish. It took the simple but effective route of focusing in on Yura's character arc as the lead, which I thought worked really well.

Essentially the whole thing was about her discovering herself through this group of people and her newfound love for this sport - how these new experiences inspire her to come out of her initial timid shell, her struggle to integrate as both her initial timidness and then the confidence she discovers clash with the group's existing values, and how by exploring all avenues she's able to come to terms with her own nature, mature as a person, and finally reach an understanding of both the group's values and her own real desires.

Her character arc, and thus the show, took an awful lot of twists and turns, and was pretty melodramatic at times, but I felt it always managed to keep the right balance - the drama never felt too contrived, because it always made perfect sense with the point Yura's character was at. It was always easy to relate to her, whether things were going well or awfully. While Yura herself definitely made some bad decisions, it never felt like the show was demonising her, because you could always see the reasons behind her decisions, and she was rarely the only one in the wrong - other characters' personal issues and failure to understand her point of view were often equally to blame for the rising tension.

In short, the drama felt really human, and I appreciated that and found it really engaging. Plus Yura herself was just really enjoyable to watch as a character. Her sheer enthusiasm for the sport was infectious, and when she was out on the field in action, you could feel her drive, and the results she achieved were incredibly satisfying as a result.

The other club members I felt were pretty strong as characters as well. Obviously some characters received significantly more focus than others, but I felt that when they did get focus, they made the most of it. Sonora obviously got the most, as the figure Yura looked up to and the one who understood her best. Rento probably got the next most, as the person who invited Yura to join the club in the first place, the first one Yura really felt a connection with, and the person who was the most hurt when Yura left. She got some really nice scenes, both of the lighthearted kind and the more serious and emotional kind, and was amazing in all of them. The last three members - Karira, Honoka and especially Yachiyo - probably got the least focus, but you still got a strong sense of their individual personalities and what they brought to the group, and they each had their moments.

No one is adorable in C3bu though.

These are fighting words...

This is true. They even completely blew their fake Mugi.

...and this amounts to an all-out declaration of war.

No way in hell do you imply that there was anything wrong with Rento's character and get away with it. Rento was a goddamn angel, in the best possible way. And yes, she was adorable. As was Yura. The adorableness of those two is not up for question, it is a solid fact. As for the rest of the girls, I don't think I'd use the word "adorable" to describe them, but they were definitely appealing.

Monogatari SS 13 (Otorimonogatari 2)

Oh yes, this is what I was actually going to post about, before I got sidetracked defending Stella from the outrageous words of heretics. It actually took me a fair while to watch this episode, since I was following the Mighty No. 9 livestream at the same time, so it was kind of a case of constantly pausing and unpausing as I divided my attention between the two.

But in no way do I mean that this episode wasn't worthy of my full attention or anything like that. No, actually I'd say it's a testament to the quality of this stuff that I couldn't just stop watching it for the livestream, I had to keep going, dammit! And indeed the episode was really enjoyable and kept my attention remarkably well despite that constant distraction.

So yeah. Nadeko's arc is just really intriguing - both the conflict with the snake itself, with the anticipation and buildup to the awful conclusion we know that's going to lead to, and the constant examination and criticism of Nadeko's character, which both makes an awful lot of sense but also feels really cruel at the same time.

There's certainly no denying that, for better or for worse, she is really cute xp
One Piece - 1

1 down, 600+ to go. Or something.

Figure I might as well with the all the extra free time I have thanks to the government shutdown.


maybe he just found it adorably rapey

What the hell does that even mean exactly?

Iori is ok, Yayoi is meh.


Because it's a sight gag.

Is this what they call laziness now?

Miss Monochrome Episode 1

Sadly the ending animation was the more memorable part to this otherwise atrocious episode one, just how clueless can Miss Monochrome be. I think the only redeeming factor this is anime is the way she talks at least. Why cant we get more Straight Title Robot Anime instead of shorts liike Miss Monochrome and Sparrows Hotel (though that did have some good characters). Straight Title Robot had at least hilarious antics from the cast after the plot skits.

This....This is special.

Top 3 for Mighty No 9 votes


All 3 advance to the next round

F. Best design.

Yeah, but the Chinese dress version is $100, and only 19cm tall, since she's 1/8 scale. A 1/6 Taiga that's almost 10" for about $60? That's way more Taiga per dollar.

100$ aint a lot for a figure though. Ill pay that for her.
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