Grand Theft Auto: Online |OT| The Stimulation Has Began!

The Flash

It's not entitled to say things like this because we all payed full price and Rockstar is making mad cash right now with the continued sales of this game. We can't even get a semi competent online component even though they had a little time to asses the situation with sales in order to gear up.

You know that the people at Rockstar are probably less thrilled about all this than we are right?


Question about GTA:O, will it be possible to host a game locally? I don't live near the US, and for example if I wanted to play online with friends, could I do this without having a high ping?


So are the PS3 servers just flat-out down? I've seen reports of 360 users getting farther than PS3 users even when they still can't join, whereas on the PS3 we never even get to a point where it says "Launching Session". As soon as the PS3 tries to contact the servers it just gives an error, almost as if there are no servers.

Seems to me like the 360 is suffering from being overloaded, but the PS3 version just seems to be completely broken. Am I the only one that 's getting this feeling?

Seems that way to me.
It's not entitled to say things like this because we all payed full price and Rockstar is making mad cash right now with the continued sales of this game. We can't even get a semi competent online component even though they had a little time to asses the situation with sales in order to gear up.

They knew how many copies they were going to sell (obviously, since they shipped X number of discs to store). If you know the order of magnitude of copies you're going to sell, you can design your servers to handle that load. 500k users v 600k users is not really a big deal to provision for if your system is built to handle 500k users.

It just costs more to get infrastructure up, and they didn't go the cloudflare/AWS route, so we're fucked.

They won't own up to it ofcourse. Brilliant PR move with the pre-emptive "we know it's going to suck" route. Wish I could do that in my annual job review.


360 is slowly...very slowly coming back

The PS3 verison is flat out dead. Really wondering what is going on with Rockstar/Sony right now for it to be this bad that barely anyone is breaking through.


Wow once you pass that bullshit tutorial loading screen this game is fun. Had a street race with some gafst members in the desert and oh what fun that was lol
They knew how many copies they were going to sell (obviously, since they shipped X number of discs to store). If you know the order of magnitude of copies you're going to sell, you can design your servers to handle that load. 500k users v 600k users is not really a big deal to provision for if your system is built to handle 500k users.

It just costs more to get infrastructure up, and they didn't go the cloudflare/AWS route, so we're fucked.

They won't own up to it ofcourse. Brilliant PR move with the pre-emptive "we know it's going to suck" route. Wish I could do that in my annual job review.

I can't wait for "we know it's going to suck" to become the new PR buzzline.

"Well, you really can't blame us for creating such a shitty game because we told you before that the game was going to suck."


Neo Member
Consistently? Can you let me know if you've got any port forwarding going on?

It might have to do I have my router half a foot from my 360. So I might just be brute foricing my way in with repeat connection requests or something..but trust are not missing anything. Its RDR freeroam more or less.
I've been in the game for several hours now. Even left and turned off the game and came back. It seems to be random who gets through that initial race. Its a fun fun game once you star playing though. been doing races to earn enough to get a garage.


You know that the people at Rockstar are probably less thrilled about all this than we are right?

Does that some how justify this mess? 2013 - games and game components should not LAUNCH like this, pre-emptive "it's going to suck for a bit" disclaimer or not. Why the fuck even launch this thing if it was going to be in this state? I'd rather have a beta phase over this fucking gong show.
360 is slowly...very slowly coming back

The PS3 verison is flat out dead. Really wondering what is going on with Rockstar/Sony right now for it to be this bad that barely anyone is breaking through.

Revenge for GTAV code leaking on the European Playstation Store? lol
Does that some how justify this mess? 2013 - games and game components should not LAUNCH like this, pre-emptive "it's going to suck for a bit" disclaimer or not. Why the fuck even launch this thing if it was going to be in this state? I'd rather have a beta phase over this fucking gong show.

Exactly. I would've rather waited than sit here and waste my time. Bummer...


I got it to work but in a strange way. One of the times it loaded the first race, it glitched and the race wasn't even there. I could leave the area (with Lamar yelling "You're going the wrong way, fool!", lol). I couldn't progress or anything, though. Even the start menu didn't work.

So I used down on the d-pad to switch back to single player and then again to switch back into online. When I came back, that time the race worked and I was able to save my game and everything has worked since.


Law of the West
It's not entitled to say things like this because we all payed full price and Rockstar is making mad cash right now with the continued sales of this game. We can't even get a semi competent online component even though they had a little time to asses the situation with sales in order to gear up.
Yeah, I didn't intend to come off as an entitled prick either, but I've been doing MP for over a decade and know pretty well what goes into a solid launch. This one just seems to lack the proper resources and focus, but hopefully they'll recover in the coming days and we'll all be singing their praises.
This stems from the main problem, and it's something I feel only a few have caught onto - this game was rushed. Removed features, lack of interiors (though this may be a snide to the consoles), tons of glitches like the easily replicated cloning glitch, sparse endings, and not having the Online portion seem to be a large flag waving in my face.

GTAV needed more time in the oven, and Online is the biggest alarm.


I've owned a 360 every year until 2013. My 360 bit the dust for like the 4th time, so I grabbed a PS3 to catch up on their exclusives. Sonys online component seemed like it sucked complete ass, and it does. This reinforces it. And makes me afraid to get a PS4.
This stems from the main problem, and it's something I feel only a few have caught onto - this game was rushed. Removed features, lack of interiors (though this may be a snide to the consoles), tons of glitches like the easily replicated cloning glitch, sparse endings, and not having the Online portion seem to be a large flag waving in my face.

GTAV needed more time in the oven, and Online is the biggest alarm.

Which is nuts because it spent what, 5 years in development?

As I said a few pages back, hope it's ironed out.

Rebel Leader

I've owned a 360 every year until 2013. My 360 bit the dust for like the 4th time, so I grabbed a PS3 to catch up on their exclusives. Sonys online component seemed like it sucked complete ass, and it does. This reinforces it. And makes me afraid to get a PS4.

and GTAO from R* involves sony... how?
I've owned a 360 every year until 2013. My 360 bit the dust for like the 4th time, so I grabbed a PS3 to catch up on their exclusives. Sonys online component seemed like it sucked complete ass, and it does. This reinforces it. And makes me afraid to get a PS4.

What does this have to do with Sony? It's Rockstars fault their own game isn't working. Not Sony's.


I'm probably super late to this bug but hopefully one of you can help me out?

I tried to create an online character and load in. Couldn't connect me to online, so instead it tried to load me into single player as Trevor.

Now my single player save file is fucked. I can't switch characters anymore; I'm stuck on Trevor. I'm in the middle of a heist, and it won't let me complete the heist set-up requirements.

What. The. Fuck. This is so goddamn frustrating. Please tell me there's a workaround?
and GTAO from R* involves sony... how?

It's possible that Sony does have some fault in this, especially since the official Playstation twitter chimed in on helping Rockstar out, coupled with the fact that I haven't seen a single report of a confirmed PS3 user being able to play online, whereas it's just difficult for 360 users to get online.

I don't know what the difference would be that would cause the PS3 version to be having so much more trouble, but since it does seem to be platform specific, it's not impossible that it's at least partially Sony's fault.

With that being said, I'm counting on Sony to have a much better online infrastructure with PS4 due to paid online.


...why not just abandon ship, play SP, and come back in a few days? It's not going to work for a day or two at the least...

The Flash

Does that some how justify this mess? 2013 - games and game components should not LAUNCH like this, pre-emptive "it's going to suck for a bit" disclaimer or not. Why the fuck even launch this thing if it was going to be in this state? I'd rather have a beta phase over this fucking gong show.

You know we can go back and forth saying, "they should have done this, they should have done that. they're stupid, they're idiots" but it's not going to change anything. At all. There's nothing wrong with crying over spilt milk but that doesn't change the fact that the milk has still been spilt. I choose to remain positive and look forward to the inevitable time when I will be able to get on just fine. Until then, I have other ways of entertaining myself so to each his own.

Rebel Leader

It's possible that Sony does have some fault in this, especially since the official Playstation twitter chimed in on helping Rockstar out, coupled with the fact that I haven't seen a single report of a confirmed PS3 user being able to play online, whereas it's just difficult for 360 users to get online.

I don't know what the difference would be that would cause the PS3 version to be having so much more trouble, but since it does seem to be platform specific, it's not impossible that it's at least partially Sony's fault.

With that being said, I'm counting on Sony to have a much better online infrastructure with PS4 due to paid online.

I bet MS is probably helping too(I see no reason NOT to).
I played to the point I could go solo but the character disappeared.

Same here @ better infrastructure

Ploid 3.0

Exactly. I would've rather waited than sit here and waste my time. Bummer...

And we did wait.

They really should have had a beta with limited people but it working for most of those limited people. Heck give it to the people the preordered, or got the limited editions, they could have been beta testing these two weeks. It being Rockstar, it probably would have spoiled the experience in their minds, hype would probably die down, I don't know, rockstar seem to like having so tightly behind their walls that problems like this can't be straightened out beforehand.
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