Karma is going to strike tomorrow!
If I had some Adderall, I could probably concentrate on anime better!
Karma is going to strike tomorrow!
Updated OP:
Get hype!!
Geez, that character design is awesome!
but the dumb keyshit is the only reason to watch all the shitty shows by key in the first placeLittle Busters Refrain 1 - and heres where it moves from being a somewhat pleasant tale of school friendship and baseball to crappy keyness and a terrible twist. Don't know why I didn't just leave it with that pleasant ending.
Some of those opinions felt like it might as well been another Earthsea yet I never recalled anything so bad. I don't think I've been able to separate whether or not the criticism is based on just the movie itself or irritation at the the "what if" scenario if Hosoda had had his way. Of course that little conceit is on me rather than anyone else.
If only the show looked that good. DEEN magic ruiiiiiined the visuals.
After Rozen Maiden, I think people should be a little kinder to DEEN. (Hakkenden doesn't look half-bad either.)
I think I finally understand boob blush now. Nipple stand-ins.
I still need to finish up the first season of this one too. :lol
I swear I will take a day very soon and get caught up on both Freezing and IS. Mark my words!
Oh I agree there. They're putting out interesting shows as of late, it's just unfortunate Gifu Dodo!! suffers in the art & animation department.
Yeah, I got scooped on what happened with Corey because I just got discouraged with dealing with the Gwinnett county penal system. I did learn from a staffer at Anime Weekend Atlanta that, yes, it was because he went to Seishun Con to announce the title that he was jailed. An attendee informed a guest, who brought it to the attention of the Seishun staff, who then informed the police.
So, yeah. I think at this point I'm not breaking any news that I can't believe he was that stupid. Apparently, ol' Corey never paid his full license fee to Pony Canyon, either, so final materials weren't ever shipped to him. At least my visions of the digital Betacam masters sitting out on his porch for two months were never real. The saddest thing I've learned in all this is that he may have financed this all with student loans. You know, the one type of loan you can never get away from through bankruptcy? So, besides looking at a long spell in jail, he's probably out thousands of dollars which he'll HAVE to pay back. Maybe he hasn't destroyed his future with this project, but it'll take him a long time to recover from this, if ever. I'd think it was tragic, except this enterprise has been such a multi-clown car pileup from the start.
However, the release is not officially dead. There is an active offer to Pony Canyon to assume the license. Beyond that, I can say no more. It's kind of up to PC and the party making the offer to work out an agreement. However, it's safe to say that Crimson Star Media is dead, dead, dead. If HanTsuki comes out, it won't be from Corey Maddox.
Let this be a warning to you all. If you want to start an anime licensing company:
1.) Don't do it just to kickstart your own voice acting career, unless you're independently wealthy.
2.) Don't finance it with student loans.
3.) Have at least one other partner in your company, in case you get hit by a bus, get sick, or unexpectedly thrown in jail for a parole violation. This brings us to our final lesson...
4.) If you're a registered sex offender on parole who is forbidden to come within a certain distance of minors, don't go to a goddam anime convention! In fact, keep as far in the background as possible and have someone else be your spokesman.
In conclusion, I hope this kid hasn't ruined his life because of this stunt, because whatever else, nobody should have their life ruined over anime.
speaking of which, I thought you ought to know that this is a real cap from Vibration 1:
It doesn't even make any sense contextually or even grammatically, but there you go.
speaking of which, I thought you ought to know that this is a real cap from Vibration 1:
It doesn't even make any sense contextually or even grammatically, but there you go.
Well, here's the final fallout on that Looking Up at the Half-Moon license, and man is it a doozy:
nobody should have their life ruined over anime
I had become a huge Miyazaki fan after Spirited Away, and when I heard he was doing an adaptation of Howl's Moving Castle I was so excited that I went to the library straightaway and grabbed the book. I really enjoyed it (it is a good book), and was really looking forward to seeing Miyazaki's take on it. But when I saw the movie, I was confronted with a nonsensical mess where Miyazaki had taken the bare framework of the book's premise and wrenched it apart to fit in all his personal obsessions. Especially in the later half of the film, it became a spectacle of sound and fury, signifying nothing. I hated it, and that was long before I knew who Mamoru Hosoda was. I don't know how anyone could look at the incoherent structuring of the film and not say it's Miyazaki's weakest effort.
I don't know why, but I kind of love despair and cresendo events leading to despair in anime, and The Flowers of Evil so far has been really hitting it home. I like the dialogue between Kasuga and Nakamura a lot. The animation initially used to be a bit rough looking to me, but now I'm used to it.
Gonna try and finish the show tonight but, if what I'm watching of Episode 4 so far, TFoE might very well be AOTY for me as well.
Not to mention that ending theme is catchyyyyyyyy.
Yo Pokemon Origin makes the regular Pokemon series look so bad. It's not the animation quality but the fact that it's so much closer in tone to the original games than the regular anime.
Red about to do what Ash has never done in over 800 episodes. Let's go baby.
I never knew we had such a deep connection.
Still need to give Howl's a rewatch. Been curious given thread opinion on it since I first started hanging out in here.
I don't know if any of these problems really bear out. It seems like you're just having general problems with the show, it's pacing, characterization etc because nothing you've criticized seems especially egregious.
I mean, firstly, we know practically nothing about Titans so the limitations on their powers are essentially non-existent. They could do anything they wanted and it wouldn't really brake the logic of the world.
Moreover, everything that the Female Titan does has already been seen in the show before. Someone lead all the titans to attack and it's pretty clearly been the Female Titan in every instance.
Regular Titans don't harden for the same reason that regular titans don't battle effectively against trained human soldiers - they're very stupid creatures apparently acting on instinct where as the Female Titan is clearly calculating and focusing.
We've never seen the Colossal Titan fight but we can speculate that (a) simply being so large takes a lot of energy or (b) the Collosal Titan is basically a siege weapon rather than a warrior.
Eren is a god damn idiot with absolutely no training in his powers where as the Female Titan clearly understands how to use her powers.
Strike the Blood 1
So this is surprisingly enjoyable so far. We didn't really get any further than introductions to our protag and lead girl in this first episode, but the whole production has a nice clean, competent look and feel to it and is just generally pleasant to watch. Only thing I will call the show out on is that there's a lot of jargon being thrown about right off the bat, but it doesn't seem too excessive at this stage.
Maybe by having seen Ponyo, which has even bigger structural problems and is just an all around awful film that is stuck between three different films (none of which are explored in any interesting way because Miyazaki keeps deciding to do something different).
Howl's, at least from my memory, was nowhere near as self-indulgent as Ponyo, and it was fairly cohesive as a whole. Maybe I'd feel differently about the film on a second viewing, but I can't imagine there's any way in which it is worse than Ponyo.
Team Rikka is the best team.
To LOVE-ru Darkness: 12 (END)
Ah... such an enjoyable series comes to an end.... kinda. The manga is obviously still going, so the show ended.... at a random spot, really. No real plot links were finished. It really ended in the middle of the storyline.
But, nevertheless, it was well worth the watch, even if it is "incomplete". I'm not ashamed by it, I love the To LOVE-ru series. Yeah, its mostly mindless ecchi fun, but I find it enjoyable. Almost every character is enjoyable, and it plays up its ridiculousness because it knows how ridiculous it really is. I, for one, will be waiting for the inevitable next season (On Blu-ray, of course...)
What's up with honey-lemons?
Kiniro MOsaic - 09
Yet again a great episode with plenty of good scenes and superb relationships.
Thirteen Minutes into Wolf Children
Guys, I dunno. I dunno, guys. I'ma keep watching, but I mean, I dunno there.She has sex with him only after he turns fuzzy.
Looks like Saturdays are going to be a light day of watching anime since aside from Log Horizon everything of not today is a sequel to something I have not seen.
I did say I have trouble sitting through movies.
I actually have to step out for a bit, though, so I won't finish until later tonight.
Ponyo was also a narrative mess with a whimper of an ending, but it was better than Howl's by virtue of barely even trying to tell any substantial narrative, so it was easier to just relax and enjoy the lush depiction of water and the charming characterization.
Coherent is the last word I'd use to describe Howl's.
Log Horizon 1
I'll probably keep up with it for now. Seems alright.
You know, I wonder if the comparisons to SAO (particularly from the passionate negative side) would actually make this a more respected series than it actually is. I know it's been around in other mediums for a little while, but this anime is coming right at the tail end of the SAO boom. I think without that franchise, this would be considered relatively mundane. Of course, SAO dissenters would definitely see it as MUCH less stupid than that, and maybe even entertaining.
As long as it's more like SAO and less like .hack//Sign.![]()
As far as Ponyo, one of the problems I had was that they tried to set up a substantial narrative in the first third of the movie, and then never even went anywhere with it. It made the whole thing just feel like a complete waste of time as Miyazaki indulged random whims and then just decided to throw it all out halfway through the process.
Oh right, I totally forgot about the movie. I still think the premise is funny enough on its own that I'm looking forward to seeing more Jesus/Buddha jokes.Saint Young Men OVA 2
What a bizarrely amusing pair of skits.
Movie finally comes out on BD later this month; looking forward to it.
Did you ever watch Genshiken for Sue? lolYuushibu 1:
Watched for Nafe since Nafe was ever so kind as to point out that this is a colored eyelash show. Sadly, it took me mere minutes to feel like I was suffocating under all of the LN character archetypes and the ubiquitous crass fanservice and so I couldn't make it through the whole episode, but I appreciate my freaky interests being remembered. Thanks anyway Nafe!
Another side note is that I had no idea there were like 20 Japanese community/business groups in Toronto. Both the consul-general and the Japanese ambassador (who presumably trucked his way from Ottawa) were also there and I was sitting right behind them, which was also weird. Sunshine even managed to work the ambassador into a joke. lol
As long as it's more like SAO and less like .hack//Sign.![]()