What else is worth checking out so far from the Fall Season?
So far I've checked out KnK and Kill la Kill.
Log Horizon, Yuusha ni Narenakatta, Coppelion and Kyoukai no Kanata.
What else is worth checking out so far from the Fall Season?
So far I've checked out KnK and Kill la Kill.
Princess Tutu 20
Oh look it's 7th!
Corvo, it's time to let go.
Looks like Saturdays are going to be a light day of watching anime since aside from Log Horizon everything of not today is a sequel to something I have not seen.
If Titans could harden skin, why didn't the Colossus do it? Why don't regular Titans do this?
Looks like Saturdays are going to be a light day of watching anime since aside from Log Horizon everything of not today is a sequel to something I have not seen.
I don't really have a problem with any of that per say because they have to raise the stakes. The best of the Recon Squad can dick all over regular Titans and literally eat them for breakfast, not to mention Eren of course. They have to encounter an enemy that gives them some problems.Attack on Titan 22
-I remember what made me quit now. The Female Titan being able to harden her skin. It wasn't enough that she could magically summon Titans to eat her and then respawn.
More reason for you to get to episode 24!But for the sake of stress: if the entire episode had been on par with those first four minutes of Mikasa and Levi fighting the female titan, I would've been okay with it. I felt almost as into the show as I did when I first started watching it.
So for Yozakura Quartet do I just watch the Hoshi no Umi OVAs before the tv series about to start? No need to watch the 08 tv series?
Best girl asking for the best dream with the best hopes!
Schoking !!
Summon Titans is bullshit. It made no sense at all. Her leading them is cuz they wanted to eat her. Hardening skin is bullshit. The Armored Titan was the only one who was thus. If Titans could harden skin, why didn't the Colossus do it? Why don't regular Titans do this? And respawn makes no sense at all considering how Eren got cut down and spent the rest of the episode flattened.
More than that, though, it just makes the Titans a bunch of fucking villain sues.
That scream when Charmander gets raped is the thing of nightmares.
Kirino Mosaic - 10
i recall to have read that they toned down the yuri in order to reach a broader audience ...and damn if that' toned down yuri i'd take that any day of the week.
Assuming you're referring to that interview with the scriptwriter, I don't think it was really talking about "toning down" the yuri to reach a broader audience. It sounded more like the scriptwriter was such a big fan of the yuri that she had to keep reminding herself not to go so overboard with it that it would be taking the anime in a whole different direction to the source material >.>
Speaking of moving on, Syrinx, what happened to Motto?
Is White Album 2 something we need to see the original series for?
I missed the staff talk but I'll post it anyway; mai waifu Shouko Nakamura is in charge of episode 2 of Kill la Kill. So good.
Speaking of moving on, Syrinx, what happened to Motto?
Well, now we have to post that again.
And for the added bonus
Is White Album 2 something we need to see the original series for?
Oh for fuck's sake, if you're not going to use the normal English title of the movie "Gravity" at least use its actual Japanese title, "Zero Gravity" (or ゼロ・グラビティ, as you people seem to prefer.)
I don't know! Ask Warner Bros. Japan.Why would they call it Zero Gravity? That's a completely different meaning from "Gravity."
Why would they call it Zero Gravity? That's a completely different meaning from "Gravity."
Not Maou-sama 1
The old man is awesome. Please let him appear again.
The question wasn't aimed at me but I simply must weigh in.
Team Yukimura.Team Yozora
Team what was that?
You would love her so much.
Shes sooooooooo cute. Magic Users CLub OVAs are very enjoyable. check them out!
Guess who's back, back again.
KNK Upcoming Staff
Ep2: "Ultramarine"
Script: Jukki Hanada
Storyboards/Direction: Yasuhiro Takemoto
Animation Director: Nao Naito
Ep3: "Moonlight Purple"
Script: Jukki Hanada
Storyboards/Direction: Noriyuki Kitanohara
Animation Director: Shouko Ikeda
I still have no idea how you people can memorize more than a handful of animators/directors and what they were responsible for.
I still have no idea how you people can memorize more than a handful of animators/directors and what they were responsible for.
Freezing Vibration 1:
It's another season of Freezing. Busty women being catty bitches to each other while slicing up RahXephon rejects with the psychic energy of their wienery little male partners. Please don't watch this.
I don't see the trouble in it, especially when the majority of the time it's usually the best way to judge the quality of a show before it even airs.I still have no idea how you people can memorize more than a handful of animators/directors and what they were responsible for.