no hxh this week?
Oh Picard, you lucky sonuva...yuushibu 1
my gif collection for this show is going 100mbs already. yep yep.
no hxh this week?
Aw yeah, we're finally back!
Sorry dude.
At least you wont be worrying about Freeman much longer.
Oh Picard, you lucky sonuva...
Phi Brain S3 ep.1
Aw yeah, we're finally back!
Phenomenal opening episode. Opening is even better than S2's, and the ending is pretty neat as well.
Wait how many episode are planned? no detail yet?
Because that's like 20 vol that they planning to show, seems overkil for 2 cour showing again.
I thought crunchyroll wasnt going to make this a three day delay again, I guess not![]()
One Piece 615
Thank you Luffy for punching Caesar's smug face across the room.
Felt so bad for Brownbeard.
I hope he kills him for good, if I have to listen much more his laugh I will hang myself.
I hope he kills him for good, if I have to listen much more his laugh I will hang myself.
People rarely die in One Piece.
Space Brothers 68:
So many feelings this episode. Sharon's struggles are really compelling, andwere great choices. I find myself really touched seeing everything she's going through. It's not often in anime that we see a character being so closely touched by aging and illness in this way (as opposed to magic fantasy illness or whatever), and it makes for really strong television. Particularly because rather than focusing on the melodramatic angle, Space Brothers is dealing with how you return to everyday life afterwards, which is a far more interesting take on the subject.Mutta and Hibito's keyboard presents
I really need to catch up with it. Kind of left it for other shows but I have about 30 eps to get back to lol.
Didn't Monet died just few episodes ago
New world, new rules, Luffy has to man up!
Yeah, I got behind on it and a bunch of other shows, so now I'm having to play catch up. But it's always so worth it to catch up on Space Brothers.
Yeah, I got behind on it and a bunch of other shows, so now I'm having to play catch up. But it's always so worth it to catch up on Space Brothers.
Best girl at the back.
Wow. That was...a very powerful episode. I rewatched that episode alone like, twice. I'm unsure as to how the next few episodes will top each other, but I don't care. I could be done with this series as it stands now, and call it a day. I really don't wanna call it AOTY just yet, until I finish it, but....shit.
It's one of the few anime I've watched in a long time that I actually really want to end very soon, but in a good way.
PaniPoni Dash 26 (END)
Maaaaaaaaan I didn't want this to end, this show is fucking wonderful. It takes a couple of episodes to really get it's brand of absurd comedy to hit the right spots and to introduce all of the characters throughout the school, but when it does it's absolutely hilarious and fits right in with the rest of the Shaft comedies. The cast is large but you really learn to love the dynamic they seem to have with every other character on the show, they're all lovable and hilarious (especially [goddess]Serizawa[/goddess]). Going to need to find another comedy to fill the void, maybe I'll rewatch Cromartie.
Oh also real talk: OP2 > OP1 > OP3
So this episode is where this GIF came from.![]()
Everything went better than expected.
Did you watch the OAV episode from the BD box that everyone seems to forget exists as well?
EDIT: And Luffy killing someone would be against his whole, shattering the villains plans/dreams while letting them live.
uh, why?I refuse to watch any new anime from this season until Valvrave.
Wait... there's gonna be a swimsuit episode for SAO? WHY? I just want my season 2 dammit.
Just finished watching (and translating) Pokemon Origins. It was a really nice special, and I'm kind of happy they did things the way they did,even if the last 5 or so minutes were a giant XY promotion with the Mega Evolution.
Wait... there's gonna be a swimsuit episode for SAO? WHY? I just want my season 2 dammit.
I just watched the first episode of Shakugan no Shana, I have always been curious about the character (love the design). Looks pretty nice but if someone want to give me some feedback, it´s more than welcome.
can't wait.