STEAM 2013 Announcements & Updates VII: Known bug with library game count.

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gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Rise of Nations Gold is in the Steam registry and it has been updated recently (2 months ago, and before that 6 months ago) however there are no signs that it's going to be released soon. There are probably legal issues that must be worked out with Big Huge Games going out of business. I'm guessing the state of Rhode Island owns the IP now like they do with Kingdoms of Amalur and are in the process of selling the rights/IP.

It's too bad, Rise of Nations is my favorite RTS and I would really love to own it on Steam.

RoN hasn't been touched by official hands in forever. The update two months ago was just due to the Family Sharing flag being dispersed and the "updates" before that were simply additional things SteamDB's revised crawler picked up on. As I said earlier, though, there's a distinct possibility the game will finally appear on the store once it's sold off in a couple of weeks.
Our lord and savior the Gaben.


So, Steve Jobs?


I was gonna post a pic of Marty McFly's disappearing hand, but Google has failed me for the last time.

It's probably because you guys were born with Siri already around and aren't used to search for something. :D

Take it: first image result for the query "Marty McFly's disappearing hand". 1984 POWAH



Pizza Dog
Damnit, I bought 400 Days from Amazon US because it was cheap (I'm in the UK so it worked out to 77p) and my bank charged me an extra £1.50 for buying something in a foreign currency. Should have waited to see if it ended up in the Steam sale!


Damnit, I bought 400 Days from Amazon US because it was cheap (I'm in the UK so it worked out to 77p) and my bank charged me an extra £1.50 for buying something in a foreign currency. Should have waited to see if it ended up in the Steam sale!

That sucks. What bank are you with?

Barclays charges almost nothing last time I checked.
It's probably because you guys were born with Siri already around and aren't used to search for something. :D

Take it: first image result for the query "Marty McFly's disappearing hand". 1984 POWAH


Dammit, "Marty McFly's invisible hand" didn't turn up shit, though I was half-fearing I'd find a fanfic where he'd gone back in time to replace Adam Smith.


Damnit, I bought 400 Days from Amazon US because it was cheap (I'm in the UK so it worked out to 77p) and my bank charged me an extra £1.50 for buying something in a foreign currency. Should have waited to see if it ended up in the Steam sale!

Get prepaid VISA card, throw money in there, problem solved.


Why are so few people on my friends list playing Path of Exile?

Game is great, everyone should give it a try. Incredible quality for something that was released as F2P from the get-go.


Pizza Dog
That sucks. What bank are you with?

Barclays charges almost nothing last time I checked.
Halifax, should have realised really as I knew they were bad with foreign transactions.

Get prepaid VISA card, throw money in there, problem solved.
It's the first time I've done something like that, so I hadn't really thought to get a pre-paid card to pay for it. Like I said, it was only 77p and I don't really see myself buying stuff from there in the future so it's not really worth the level of effort involved in sorting all that out. Ah well.




man playing through megaten nocturne is really making me appreciate the lack of quest markers

such a pleasurable feeling to actually think about where you should go


Damnit, I bought 400 Days from Amazon US because it was cheap (I'm in the UK so it worked out to 77p) and my bank charged me an extra £1.50 for buying something in a foreign currency. Should have waited to see if it ended up in the Steam sale!

Post Office credit card my friend :)

No foreign transaction fee and bank rate conversion plus £20 quidco if you sign up through them :)


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Alright then. Both are noble goals, regardless.

I like your passive-aggressive attitude.

Edit: Unless you're just mucking around, in which case I apologise for the misunderstanding. Sometimes it's hard to tell.
I'm now catching with the SEGA teaser site and the probably release of Typing of the Dead, was it leaked in the SteamDB or it's just speculation based the PC could be the perfect platform for that kind of game?

"Obsession" is such a strong, negative word. I prefer "enthusiasm".

Your devotion to Saoirse Ronan is contagious.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I'm now catching with the SEGA teaser site and the probably release of Typing of the Dead, was it leaked in the SteamDB or it's just speculation based the PC could be the perfect platform for that kind of game?

It's just speculation based on the nature of the teasers. Nothing related has reared its head in the registry at this stage.

Your devotion to Saoirse Ronan is contagious.

All according to plan. :p
Hmm, not sure if I really enjoy Blood of the Werewolf quite yet. Feels like some segments ask for too much precision in a game where the controls aren't very precise. And don't bother playing the game with a Xbox 360 controller analog. Deadzone is shit.

At least the trading card will probably pay for the game.


I'm now catching with the SEGA teaser site and the probably release of Typing of the Dead, was it leaked in the SteamDB or it's just speculation based the PC could be the perfect platform for that kind of game?

Your devotion to Saoirse Ronan is contagious.

It was released to PC years ago 120 000 sales is more than it probaly deserver now. It was decent but not realy that special
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