STEAM 2013 Announcements & Updates VII: Known bug with library game count.

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Does anyone have some impressions for Beatbuddy? That game launched during August's Indiepocalypse and seemed to be totally overlooked. I like the art style in the trailer, reminds me a little bit of Fly'n, another underappreciated platformer I really enjoyed this year.
Been playing Deadly Premonition, it's totally awesome. If you didn't get it because bad port whatever, you are missing out.

That's about it. Played Spelunky about 15 minutes too, was fun. Currently trying to play DP, Spelunky, FEZ, Papers Please AND Condamned and I have like 30 minutes of time to play anything daily. Feels bad man.


Does anyone have some impressions for Beatbuddy? That game launched during August's Indiepocalypse and seemed to be totally overlooked. I like the art style in the trailer, reminds me a little bit of Fly'n, another underappreciated platformer I really enjoyed this year.

Try the demo. I liked that enough to buy it but haven't played much further (you keep the progress from the demo).
I feel bad for Shelter being in such a mediocre bundle so soon, but honestly, the game is kind of meh,

Interesting artstyle and idea, thoroughly mediocre execution.

The game feels more like a demonstration of interesting gameplay concepts that can be expanded, not like a full experience.


Possibly posted already, but Gamefly have a new promotion going. Buy any selected Sega game (min £1.49) and get Hell yeah for free. Could be even cheaper if the GFDNOV20UK code works on this, not tried yet. Edit: It does, yippee!


Dat feeling when you're looking up the games given away and when you get back they're gone.

Playing Riddick Dark Athena and it's pretty good so far. Was kinda pissed at Iron Lord until I found out that the only way to beat him on hard is to counter really. I wonder if I'll ever get a gun in this game though ;_;


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Thanks JaseC

I couldn't participate because I'm a lurker though.

dat feel ;-;

I'm sure the Forge DLC will still be there when you hit five posts. :p

Thanks JaseC!
Thank you so much for CK!
Like clockwork, many thanks JaseC.
Thanks for M&B JaseC.
Thx for Rune. This and Shelter were the only game in the bundle I was interested in and I have the feeling I'll get S. cheaper soon.
hhholy shit. I won something? Thanks man.

No worries. :)


Possibly posted already, but Gamefly have a new promotion going. Buy any selected Sega game (min £1.49) and get Hell yeah for free. Could be even cheaper if the GFDNOV20UK code works on this, not tried yet. Edit: It does, yippee!

It says "Save up to 75%!" but everything on there is -25% or even -24%. Guessing it'll update in a bit.


Majesty 2 Collection | Steam Key: B0DN8-VQWYN-ZFKQ3
Forge Starter Pack | Steam Key: BPY3Q-KEDIM-P6DVW
Crusader Kings Complete | Steam Key: 28594-0A3E5-DLPGG
Knights & Merchants | Steam Key: GNHX8-LIGC7-9MPB5
Rune Classic | Steam Key: 4TQFJ-AJMGN-0NYKM


Axel Hertz
Shelter may possibly be in the Be Mine X bundle too, from what I can see in the chat.

Damn, and I want it too, but I already have all of those games.... :(

Edit: Knights & Merchants | Steam Key: GNHX8-LIGC7-9MPB5

And now I have all the games in that pack indeed... Except Shelter.... Dammit..

Thanks dude.. :D


Ouch. Lily looking through is only 2 hours, and seems to end rather abruptly.
The new kickstarter game curse? Game comes out, but is incomplete?
is waking mars a good game or jank? its on my wishlist prob from a metroidvania list or something. i tried playing the valley without wind games last week after thinking they were good in the same veign as well, but holy shit, they feel like they were made by someone in high school, promptly deleted both.

Well I enjoyed it very much but whether our tastes are congruent or not I couldn't say. It's certainly not a jank fest; there was only one time I got irritated with the game but that may have been due to me forgetting something/not paying proper attention rather than the game's fault. It is certainly better put together than VWW from what little I played of it.

From what I knew of the game before I played it I thought it was just a straight forward Metroidvania game but the story and how it was told really charmed me. Given I am usually in the "Get thee behind me story you spawn of the Devil" type gamers I would say that that is a good sign :).

Also, the game mechanic or creating life rather than KILL!!! KILL!!! KILL!!! was a refreshing change of pace from so many games together with the balancing of the different species within the biosphere made for a good game experience for me.

If this sounds like fun for you then I think the current price is worth a punt. If you enjoy it anything like I did you won't regret it. Or you could just wait until it turns up in a ModBot giveaway again as it occasionally does :p.


Ouch. Lily looking through is only 2 hours, and seems to end rather abruptly.
The new kickstarter game curse? Game comes out, but is incomplete?

Did it get funded via Kickstarter? Dark Matter didn't reach its funding goal, so not sure it's a good comparison.


It says "Save up to 75%!" but everything on there is -25% or even -24%. Guessing it'll update in a bit.

Lol jeez, so it is. I assumed the general "up to 75%" meaning only a few would be but nope, upon further inspection none of them are beyond 25%. Could indeed be better waiting for a bit for the prices to be correctly applied.


Damn, and I want it too, but I already have all of those games.... :(

If it really is in the new Be Mine bundle I can hook you up with a spare key, since I got mine from this bundle.

Ouch. Lily looking through is only 2 hours, and seems to end rather abruptly.
The new kickstarter game curse? Game comes out, but is incomplete?

Man, and it was so promising, loved the demo :/


Thanks, Gbraga! Got Rune and Majesty. Now I only need Hoard, Crusader Kings and Knight & Merchants from the bundle. Im out of money.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge

Shelter is the game I never knew I wanted so much. Great bundle for that alone.

I'd recommend checking out Frogatto and Friends on the indiegamestand (pay what you want and vote on greenlight 2D platforming SNES style.

Fun looking platformer. I made sure to vote.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Groupees Be Mine X

  • Call of Juarez
  • Last Knight
  • Electronic Super Joy
  • Shelter
  • Face Noir
  • Finding Teddy
  • Legends of Dawn

Crap, beat :p


I'm doing a presentation tomorrow, I could verify that steam have 892 compatible games with MAC OS and 361 with Linux. How many games are compatible with Windows, does anybody knows?

Thank you very much! =)


I'm doing a presentation tomorrow, I could verify that steam have 892 compatible games with MAC OS and 361 with Linux. How many games are compatible with Windows, does anybody knows?

Thank you very much! =)

Every single game on Steam is compatible with Windows so.. That many?


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I'm doing a presentation tomorrow, I could verify that steam have 892 compatible games with MAC OS and 361 with Linux. How many games are compatible with Windows, does anybody knows?

Thank you very much! =)

2309 games, apparently.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Yep. Be Mine X game list:

Electronic Super Joy,
Last Knight,
Call of Juarez,
Legends of Dawn,
Face Noir,
Finding Teddy

Nice. I'll buy it for Face Noir, Last Knight and Legends of Dawn, as well as a potential Steam key for Finding Teddy.

Edit: Oh, Teddy's been greenlit? That would explain why I couldn't upvote the game despite the lack of a congratulatory banner.

Thanks a lot for Forge JaseC :)

No worries. :)


Axel Hertz
There you go:
I'm guessing you didn't redeem the one from the other bundle, right?

I can't buy the Groupees X yet... :D

Since I already got the other game from you that I didn't have, I'll let this one go. That and the fact that I'll buy the Bundle X.


I'm guessing you didn't redeem the one from the other bundle, right?

I can't buy the Groupees X yet... :D

Since I already got the other game from you that I didn't have, I'll let this one go. That and the fact that I'll buy the Bundle X.

It's not showing up for me as well, I guess it's still not live.

I love Groupees <3


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Man, I love reading your posts, if only because I always learn new words.

I'm looking forward to using "shibboleth" in a sentence, hopefully in a context that makes sense :p

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