I'll agree with op and go with AC4. Such an improvement over AC3.
I have Killzone, NBA 2K, Res0gun and Contrast.
Shockingly? My favourite so far is Contrast. I'm sure the visuals could be done on PS3, and the controls are a bit floaty. But it has a ton of charm, is really inventive, and is just fun to play. I've been at it for hours now, I don't really want to put it down.
I definitely think reviewers were too harsh on it. Fortunately it's on PS+, so it'll find its cult following.
The system is less than 24 hours old.
How soon until we get a LTTP: PS4???
I say around Christmas.
What does LTTP means?
Killzone multiplayer and RESOGUN online co-op are fantastic
What does LTTP means?
I think it actually means late to the party.What does LTTP means?
Resogun and Battlefield 4
What does LTTP means?
Hands down Battlefield 4. Once I saw the visuals and how it performed I was like "this is next gen".