STEAM 2013 Announcements & Updates VIII - Don't ask when the sales are starting.

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Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Thank you xelios for Samantha Swift & the Golden Touch!

Thanks for the impressions.
I've been meaning to jump on this game for quite some time and forgot it was even on Steam. Back when it was releasing I would always gander at it especially in the game mags. If it hits a sale price come the winter sale i'll pick it up. I did want to ask did the PC port have controller support or was the M&KB stuff fine....also a bit OT but have you went back to play Extermination or RLH on PS2 yet? Just asking since i'd like to hear your impressions on those.

I used M&KB is what I used and it worked fine (keep in mind I think Resident Evil 5+6 have fine M&KB controls), but I believe the game has controller support, but you need to input it once the game is launched. Going to controls allows a 'second control figuration' and it reads as if it'd be responsive to controller input, but I'd have to test it to find out myself. I also should mention the two flaws I recall with the port, which may or may not be important based on who asked, is that this game has no windowed mode and that sometimes there's a strange start-up crash (which you can fix by going to the game's files and deleting res.bin, it's some weird resolution issue that deleting that file will fix). One thing I also might want to toy around with when I check controller settings might be the fact that the game has its source files open and easily accessible, so it would be really easy to change things like enemy and weapon damage output and other things in theory, want to play around and see if it's as easy as it looks.

I own both, but have not played Extermination yet, but have played some RLH previously. Extermination, having not played it, I am aware if a Resident Evil clone mixed with elements of The Thing which is infamously known for its terrible voice acting. RLH, from what I played, shows its age, and reminds me of the era of the late 90s/early 2000s 'gritty' action horror that existed. Not action-horror as we know it today, but the more tough-as-nails and grissly type that was popular around that time.

However, something that makes RLH notable is that it has an actually pretty interesting story with some pretty decent acting. I don't want to give away too much, but the Dead Space series definitely took some inspiration from this title (the story has some REALLY similar elements, the setting and some of the backstory is suspiciously similar, and some of the monsters in this game were almost carbon-copied for Dead Space, as in they look the same, function the same, and some even share the same names). I also think that one of the plot twists of the game is a mixture of being laughably stupidly entertaining but also disturbing and actually fairly unnerving.


Bought Castle of Illusion and the game is all blurry to me. It even affects the Steam overlay. Anyone knows a fix for this?


ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 3 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below that corresponds to the key you want (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering).

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you won a game from ModBot in the last day, you are not eligible for this giveaway.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

HIB #3 -- MB-E2470619A87BFD8A - Taken by FiveElementNinja
Alan Wake's American Nightmare -- MB-CEC2B002B7743052 - Taken by poopninjamvc3mk
Dead Space -- MB-87C4A14052FB3A0B - Taken by Gamerloid


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
If he has an account in the queue right now, please PM me with the info and I will try to help him out.

I'll talk to him next time he's on and see if he has one pending now or if he ever even signed up with a proper e-mail. Thanks!

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Just another small gift of giving, and all of that.

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 6 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below that corresponds to the key you want (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering).

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:


Resident Evil Revelations -- MB-E4EC3BEF19C2DA32 - Taken by okayfrog. 63 entrants total.


Just Cause 2 -- MB-89967E5C35D66217 - Taken by bloke. 5 entrants total.


Killing Floor -- MB-E44526BC326BED76 - Taken by denx. 3 entrants total.


POSTAL 2 -- MB-F7B6C6B5E6CF081A - Taken by Razorskin. 4 entrants total.


Sonic Racing Transformed -- MB-F57B8A591F3D8053 - Taken by FiveElementNinja. 24 entrants total.


Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City -- MB-52E2D44BEE8C658F - Taken by Nabs. 17 entrants total.


One entry per person, oh boy~
Wow nice giveaway Dusk Golem!

That I know of, but my friend 7extonly who I believe has signed up for GAF but was having difficulty with a proper e-mail is level 194.

JaseC seeing 7extonly's Steam profile would be like walking in his bedroom to see someone else banging Saoirse Ronan on his own bed : (

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Thanks for HIB #3. The key had already been used but it's all good. Appreciate it anyway.

I may be mistaken about this, but because of the new 'claim' feature on Humble Bundle, if you claim the URL, it should be added to your Humble Account, and you should at least be able to download the DRM-free versions. Not on Steam unfortunately, though.


Thank you very much NG28 for Dead Space!

I get 2-3 booster packs per week on average when there are no major sales, so it's not crazy or anything. I also still have 90+ games I need to idle for cards for them to be eligible for booster packs though, and I've been trying to do that before the sales since more people are crafting badges during sales, which = more boosters.

As far as getting that high level, it's just crafting lots of badges. For most people I'd say it's not worth leveling much, maybe to 20-30 to get a few showcases. The amount you spend and the opportunity loss from using cards you could have sold far outweighs any money coming in from getting more boosters at a higher level. I doubt I will ever level past 120 as it just takes too many badges to get a level now.

I thought you would've received more booster packs at your level a week. Guess I'll just stop at level 50 just to double my chances of getting some. I wonder how long it'll take to make all the money back. lol

Thanks for the info. Hopefully when you idle those 90 games you'll get a lot more packs to sell.
I may be mistaken about this, but because of the new 'claim' feature on Humble Bundle, if you claim the URL, it should be added to your Humble Account, and you should at least be able to download the DRM-free versions. Not on Steam unfortunately, though.

Yeah but this was a Steam key and when I entered it into Steam it said it was already claimed. What you're talking about applies to newer humble bundles after they changed it to the new redeem system. No worries though, it's not a big deal.
Go go.

ModBot said:
Press the quote button to the left of this PM, select the quoted text, copy, and paste in the thread. You can remove these lines from the version you paste.

Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 21 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below that corresponds to the key you want (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering).

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

Machinarium -- MB-0480EBAFE9A59F30 - Taken by HalfwayOrb
Swords and Soldiers HD -- MB-5FA6E8408DD024B9 - Taken by DeadlyVirus
Humble Android #2 -- MB-F1748639899ABFBB - Taken by Gez
Humble Indie Bundle #1 -- MB-FE4BACA73DE0C659 - Taken by gabrielt16
Cogs -- MB-4BD40DDF7DAA4DB6 - Taken by Kagemusha
Crayon Physics, Aquaria -- MB-590A95407A3F2515 - Taken by DXLelouch153
Avadon Black Fortress -- MB-8DEAFF74413FBAC6 - Taken by Tolerance
Super Meat Boy, Lone Survivor, Braid -- MB-66C3113CB1F65984 - Taken by Tellaerin
Humble Indie Bundle #3 -- MB-726F311D2430D856 - Taken by FiveElementNinja
Cortex Command -- MB-111C97C300382891 - Taken by CrunchyFrog
Eufloria -- MB-B9DC143A24DC9055 - Taken by XShagrath
Cortex Command #2 -- MB-F90C9647761EFFFB - Taken by FauX
Splice -- MB-27626301510E30AF - Taken by Vecks
SpaceChem -- MB-C2876F516DF0CB3E - Taken by Saty
Humble Android #1 -- MB-7719590FBA1AF95D - Taken by Kirosia
Zen Bound 2 -- MB-67EA2629D923D78F - Taken by wetflame
Gish -- MB-417DF16C9478BCE6 - Taken by grindamasta

Superbrothers -- MB-AABBCC9E04ABBAB0 - Taken by MarcoZombieCannon
Humble Indie Bundle #2 -- MB-43757341CF801869 - Taken by SonicXtreme
Crayon Physics -- MB-82A460B62DB7C6E3 - Taken by rainking187
Waking Mars -- MB-E6396BF6944736CA - Taken by jwtsonga
ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below containing the key.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

Hacker Evolution Duality -- MB-FE590ADD036CFC31 - Taken by Faabulous

Last one from Indie Gala.


Man, so much generosity going around. You'd think people were clearing out keys for a certain sale or something.

Is there any pertinent Steam related news from the past week? My internet has been out since Monday, and I don't have time here to read the entire thread. Roommate mentioned something about mandatory steam wallet, but that's about it.


Man, so much generosity going around. You'd think people were clearing out keys for a certain sale or something.

Is there any pertinent Steam related news from the past week? My internet has been out since Monday, and I don't have time here to read the entire thread. Roommate mentioned something about mandatory steam wallet, but that's about it.
There've been updates on in-home streaming, but those have just been FAQ-type updates.

AFAIK, the only thing wallet is mandatory for is buying stuff in the MannCo store (and I'd presume through whatever the Dota-equivalent is).


There've been updates on in-home streaming, but those have just been FAQ-type updates.

AFAIK, the only thing wallet is mandatory for is buying stuff in the MannCo store (and I'd presume through whatever the Dota-equivalent is).

Thank you for the update. Didn't think Valve would lose their minds like that.
Good to know I haven't missed too much.


In a year that has been full of forgettable, boring games I think AC4 might just take the crown at the last leg of the race. For a game that supposedly redeemed the series it's really no better than 3 and has every problem the series has had since 2. There is almost no point in doing any of the incredible amount of things that are on the map, at least none that I've been able to find yet. I'm honestly struggling to stay awake while playing this. I'm finding that I pause every 10-20 minutes just to go on my PC so I can wake myself up.

Card Boy

In a year that has been full of forgettable, boring games I think AC4 might just take the crown at the last leg of the race. For a game that supposedly redeemed the series it's really no better than 3 and has every problem the series has had since 2. There is almost no point in doing any of the incredible amount of things that are on the map, at least none that I've been able to find yet. I'm honestly struggling to stay awake while playing this. I'm finding that I pause every 10-20 minutes just to go on my PC so I can wake myself up.

Lets face it there has never being a game you liked. You probably don't even like Deus Ex: Human Revolution either.
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