STEAM 2013 Announcements & Updates VIII - Don't ask when the sales are starting.

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Things heating up once more.


Fuck off


Dammit, anyone buy any spare humblebundle keys from the last humblebundle? Wanted to grab the bundle for the moba lotr game and the imposters pack.
Might be interested in buying 'em off of ya, or trading whatever Steam items I have for them.


So how does Modbot work anyway? At first I thought it was just a mod but I've seen it post before. Someone explain plox.

Modbot is Legion. He is all and everyone (who happens to be a mod). He also does giveaways to quell the angered masses during times of conflict, i.e. console wars.


I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
I took a game from JaseC not to play it, but merely to add it to my inventory for the simple pleasure of owning it.


Dammit, anyone buy any spare humblebundle keys from the last humblebundle? Wanted to grab the bundle for the moba lotr game and the imposters pack.
Might be interested in buying 'em off of ya, or trading whatever Steam items I have for them.

Askin' again. :(


OMG, what is going on today with all the giveaways? Is it some holiday I don't know about? I'm a late the party, but thanks JaseC. I managed to get Samantha Swift.


Please don't flame me here, I'm not trying to backseat moderate or anything but this probably is going to be an unpopular opinion but; I'm starting to think these giveaways need their own threads.

Don't get me wrong, I think they are marvelous, there's a ton of very generous people here and it's a damn fine example of why PC / Steam gaming is the best, but I feel like the purpose of this thread, annoucements and updates is starting to get lost a bit. While it's still a thread dedicated to important information, updates, new games, sales, games removed but recently these giveaways are becoming more and more prevalent and have almost started superceding its purpose. I get the impression that modbot was set up to simplify the process, to have less people derailing the thread with trade shoutouts and the inevitable empty replies "there's a thread for that *link"" but it seems to have simply ended up replacing it.

Every giveaway that pops up spawns at least 3 "empty posts" , the inital "great giveaway" posts from numerous people, then the "thanks for game X!" followed by the "well done, hope you enjoy it". This massive JaseC giveaway of 200+ games will inevitably spawn 200+ posts alone, that's 2+ pages of relatively unimportant posts to parse through in order to see if any actual important news has shown up (not a dig at JaseC btw, just an example, the giveaway is god tier and I salute you sir)

Anyways, my point here is just that trading threads are set up to pool these kinds of things, I think it's starting to reach a critical point where these steam giveaways need their own thread to breathe effectively. These steam threads already move fast enough without these countless giveaways pumping up the post counts even faster.

I hope this comes across as simply a reasonable concern and doesn't sound like me going "omg i want this changed now" which isn't the case, I know many people have different expections from these threads now and these giveaways certainly build a stronger community. If I'm off base and everyone is happy with how things are I'm fine with that, but I figured I might as well just bring it up anyways.
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