STEAM 2013 Announcements & Updates VIII - Don't ask when the sales are starting.

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Please don't flame me here, I'm not trying to backseat moderate or anything but this probably is going to be an unpopular opinion but; I'm starting to think these giveaways need their own threads.

Don't get me wrong, I think they are marvelous, there's a ton of very generous people here and it's a damn fine example of why PC / Steam gaming is the best, but I feel like the purpose of this thread, annoucements and updates is starting to get lost a bit. While it's still a thread dedicated to important information, updates, new games, sales, games removed but recently these giveaways are becoming more and more prevalent and have almost started superceding its purpose. I get the impression that modbot was set up to simplify the process, to have less people derailing the thread with trade shoutouts and the inevitable empty replies "there's a thread for that *link"" but it seems to have simply ended up replacing it.

Every giveaway that pops up spawns at least 3 "empty posts" , the inital "great giveaway" posts from numerous people, then the "thanks for game X!" followed by the "well done, hope you enjoy it". This massive JaseC giveaway of 200+ games will inevitably spawn 200+ posts alone, that's 2+ pages of relatively unimportant posts to parse through in order to see if any actual important news has shown up (not a dig at JaseC btw, just an example, the giveaway is god tier and I salute you sir)

Anyways, my point here is just that trading threads are set up to pool these kinds of things, I think it's starting to reach a critical point where these steam giveaways need their own thread to breathe effectively. These steam threads already move fast enough without these countless giveaways pumping up the post counts even faster.

I hope this comes across as simply a reasonable concern and doesn't sound like me going "omg i want this changed now" which isn't the case, I know many people have different expections from these threads now and these giveaways certainly build a stronger community. If I'm off base and everyone is happy with how things are I'm fine with that, but I figured I might as well just bring it up anyways.

I completely agree. I appreciate the giveaways even though I don't ever enter them but every time someone does one, which is very frequently, it spawns a dozen posts (at least) of people saying awesome giveaway. It's pure clutter.


Yeah, I completely agree. I read this and it makes me feel like a heartless monster for even suggesting it in the first place but you are right in that removing them from this thread will probably damage the community spirit of it all which is something I would not desire.

But maybe there's a comprimise without having to resort to pushing them into their own lifeless thread. I agree 200+ giveaways are pretty rare thus far but there's new indie bundles practically every day now, multiple mini giveaways are on nearly every page, each one spawning at least 3 of the mentioned "courtesy" (informationless was the wrong word) back and forth posts, and those really start to add up.

I feel these giveaways help keep the Steam thread active and inspire discussions that wouldn't take place otherwise, as well as fostering a sense of community. As others have already mentioned, people discover new games through these giveaways that they wouldn't have tried otherwise. And after playing those games, they often end up coming back here to talk about them.

I can understand you being concerned about the signal-to-noise ratio in the thread, but can you think of any significant news or discussions that have been "drowned out" by giveaway- and raffle-related posts? If that has ever happened, I can't recall it offhand. (About the only thing I can think of are people not responding to posts that should be in the trading thread, and I think that's less a matter of those posts being lost in the shuffle and more that they're deliberately ignored. The alternative being to post, "Hey, this is the wrong place for that" for the umpteenth time.)

Ultimately, I think keeping everything consolidated in a single thread adds to SteamGAF more than it detracts, occasional crazy giveaways and all.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Yeah, I completely agree. I read this and it makes me feel like a heartless monster for even suggesting it in the first place but you are right in that removing them from this thread will probably damage the community spirit of it all which is something I would not desire.

But maybe there's a comprimise without having to resort to pushing them into their own lifeless thread. I agree 200+ giveaways are pretty rare thus far but there's new indie bundles practically every day now, multiple mini giveaways are on nearly every page, each one spawning at least 3 of the mentioned "courtesy" (informationless was the wrong word) back and forth posts, and those really start to add up.

Nothing heartless about your thoughts, just lacking insight on the other point of view perhaps. Still merit in what you said then and now.

I admit to not even really thinking about it in the past, but I think from now on when I am next able to share some titles, I'll be sure to ask for a thank you via PM (if at all) via the PMTHANKS rule. That will help out won't it?

Wait, are you saying Razor is a good game? I never bothered grabbing it when I had the chance despite liking shooters.

It's good in the way that it's not a bad game in anyway and can easily be enjoyed like any competent shoot-em-up without being amazing.

It won't amaze you with visuals or design, it has an issue with the fact it's not always apparent where on enemy ships you need to attack, and failure means restarting from the beginning each time. It also doesn't really excel well in either picking the right weapon for the right enemy or the joy in developing enough skill to avoid bullet hell deaths, just sitting somewhere as okay on both ends.

Quite honestly, it's a good game in the way it's something one would play a few times over the course of months at an arcade and enjoy paying a little for a bit of a competent shooter when there wasn't an amazing title around. At $2.49 and something I've played a handful of times not to become great at, but just to play for a bit, every now and then for however long I last as though I had limited pence to spend at the arcade, I consider it a good game. Well, at least until they put Ikaruga in at which point I may never go back.

Mind you, I recognise I am the minority and many do consider it a bad game, the Bad Rats of shoot-em-ups in fact according to some of the Steam Community.

Of course, hope you enjoy it. If you happen to have the time and will, Raid Mode is quite a bit of fun I will also add, only as I know people sometimes skimp out on the extra modes, though unfortunately most of Raid Mode doesn't unlock until you've completed the campaign.

Hope you like decoys.

How is Raid Mode for the HD port? I did so love it on the 3DS and hope someday they make a full, extended and improved, version of it for a full game. I'm just not sure if I would play it again just because of improved graphics and the amount of people to play with as a partner wouldn't change for me.


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
I completely agree. I appreciate the giveaways even though I don't ever enter them but every time someone does one, which is very frequently, it spawns a dozen posts (at least) of people saying awesome giveaway. It's pure clutter.

When I do big giveaways I always include the "PMTHANKS" rule, which asks people not to clutter the thread and instead to PM the giver with thanks.

Maybe Stump can make this rule make its message at the very top of the post in red highlight. I guess that still wouldn't force people to use it (or read it), though.


We don't have "get out of jail free" cards, but if we did, she'd have one.
each one spawning at least 3 of the mentioned "courtesy" (informationless was the wrong word) back and forth posts, and those really start to add up.
This I'm with you on. Making a post in the thread saying "thanks for the chance"...while the thought is appreciated, it's really not necessary. This may sound a little callous at first, but think about it; if the person didn't assume the denizens of this thread would appreciate the opportunity, they wouldn't bother giving the games away here. They'd go to SteamGifts or hand the codes out to friends or something.

Those who really can't stand PMs or who can't determine the identity of an anonymous benefactor or who just really feel compelled to post might consider combining any single-line "thank you" or "wow, so game, much generous" posts with the next more-Steam/game-related post they're gonna make.
When I do big giveaways I always include the "PMTHANKS" rule, which asks people not to clutter the thread and instead to PM the giver with thanks.

Maybe Stump can make this rule make its message at the very top of the post in red highlight. I guess that still wouldn't force people to use it (or read it), though.
I think that's the best way.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
How is Raid Mode for the HD port? I did so love it on the 3DS and hope someday they make a full, extended and improved, version of it for a full game. I'm just not sure if I would play it again just because of improved graphics and the amount of people to play with as a partner wouldn't change for me.

It's good, but I'm not sure there's enough there to really justify replaying it unless there was some aspect about it that was added to the HD version that really appeals to you. They added some new characters and costumes to Raid Mode (as well as an added ability to use unlocked Raid Mode costumes in the campaign mode for all characters), and they've added new weapons and the like. Of course it looks prettier, but the stages themselves haven't changed -too- much. The main change is that some stages enemy spawns have changed, and the couple new enemies in the game are in the Raid Mode as well. There is also a new boss in Raid Mode on the Ghost Ship, but it's a redone final boss who just looks different, has a few new moves, and a lot more health and damage output.

The only other thing I can think of is that they've adjusted a few 'rules' of it, the most notable is that accuracy is no longer important (as it was on 3DS), to get the Tri-Reward, it is no longer being lower level, killing all enemies, and accuracy, it is being lower level, killing all enemies, and taking no damage. There's other changes to it as well, but mostly slight things like that.

I will say that I have come to really enjoy playing as Ooze Rachel as she plays a bit differently than other characters (but she's DLC), but really, not overhauled unfortunately and the stages are still more or less the same (just with some additions/changes).


maybe tomorrow it rains
Damn. Lots of giveaways. I don't think I'll be entering any, though It would be greedy. I have too much shit to play already.

Bad Rats seems alright. Prettier than expected, but the gameplay is about what you'd expect from the genre.


So how's the eXceed bullet games? The only Hell Bullet game I've played is the Touhou series, and I'm very fond of it. I just don't know the quality of other games in its genre.


Nothing heartless about your thoughts, just lacking insight on the other point of view perhaps. Still merit in what you said then and now.

I admit to not even really thinking about it in the past, but I think from now on when I am next able to share some titles, I'll be sure to ask for a thank you via PM (if at all) via the PMTHANKS rule. That will help out won't it?

A question about modbot, I'll admit I'm not 100% on exactly how it works, but I've read up on how you claim from a giveaway, i.e., by pming modbot with the code for the game you wish to enter for. (I've never actually entered for a giveaway yet myself)

I noticed in the animated gif demonstration for modbot useage that you are able to input a title for your pm to modbot, I assume that the text here is irrelavent and can be anything you want? ("send a PM to ModBot with any subject line") <- as seen in many giveaways.

Would it be possible for modbot to be configured to use this title/subject field as a "if user wins a giveaway, update post with this text". This way when the game gets struck off the giveaway list and the giveaway post is auto updated with "taken by user X", it can also be used to display their message of gratitude.

The reason I suggest this is simply because I do recognise that the gratitude of winners is just as much part of the community spirit as the giveaways themselves so it would be a complete shame to hide that behind the invisible wall of pm's. If modbot can autoupdate the message of gratitude into the original giveaway post it saves the thread getting inflated while keeping it public facing.

I hope this makes sense.
So how's the eXceed bullet games? The only Hell Bullet game I've played is the Touhou series, and I'm very fond of it. I just don't know the quality of other games in its genre.

1st is no good, 2nd is the most interesting (to me) with the light and dark mechanic. 3 is the most polished but I got little out of it.

So basically 2 and 3 are well worth a go while we wait for other shooters like Ikaruga.


Wait, are you saying Razor is a good game? I never bothered grabbing it when I had the chance despite liking shooters.

Razor2's a bit of an odd bird, really. Looking at the screenshots, you'd probably imagine it plays like a classic Japanese-developed shmup, something in the Raystorm vein, with the 3D graphics and the angled top-down perspective. It actually feels like more of a Euroshmup - gameplay feels kind of "loose", lots of bullet spam (particularly during boss battles, and not the "bullet hell" type of bullet spam), your ship has a life bar (well, shield bar) to compensate for the gratuitous bullet spam, etc.

That said, it's... surprisingly inoffensive. The game's biggest sin is blandness. It just sort of sits there and says, "Oh, hey. I'm a shooter. Bleh." It's something to mess around with if you're bored and have nothing better to do. There are definitely shmups more worthy of your time on Steam, though - I'd recommend eXceed 3rd, Jamestown, and Sine Mora first (Ether Vapor Remaster and Satazius are pretty respectable, too.)
To celebrate the latest DLC The Sons of Abraham, as well as the free update to 2.0, here's a free copy of Crusader Kings 2!

Oh and Jasec's mad giveaway helped remind me about this, haha.

Good luck to all that enter! :D
ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below containing the key.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you won a game from ModBot in the last week, you are not eligible for this giveaway.
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 24 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

Crusader Kings II -- MB-5B2B8A4C2613F70A - Taken by Declarius. 19 entrants total.



1st is no good, 2nd is the most interesting (to me) with the light and dark mechanic. 3 is the most polished but I got little out of it.

So basically 2 and 3 are well worth a go while we wait for other shooters like Ikaruga.
Thanks, I'll just purchase the whole pack during a sale.

I do wonder when Ikaruga will come to Steam. I know they struggled with the English Contract, but I'm not sure what else is keeping them.
That... actually looks really good.
Yeah, it's a shorter arcade score attack type of game. But it's plenty fun with pretty cool music from Savant/Aleksander Vinter. They're planning on adding more stuff to it, but the base package is already pretty sweet. Price point is spot on, so there's really no reason not to give it a shoot (if the price stays the same on Steam).

It's from the same guys developing Owlboy and Vikings on trampolines, so you know it will look awesome.
Here goes fellow Gaffers.

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 4 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below that corresponds to the key you want (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering).

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

Deponia -- MB-CC957FDEBFCF7E80 - Taken by Madrugador
Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes -- MB-49CF2F87C22700E2 - Taken by Hooligaani
The Whispered World -- MB-C347CA3554397FA0 - Taken by bronson
A new Beginning Final Cut -- MB-D3217A2CA5608B89 - Taken by VaeVictis
i'm streaming some more dark souls; can't talk over it atm, but i'm playing a faith build near the beginning and avoiding the overpowered weapons, just using common ones. man, it's hard to be a cleric before you learn any decent spells!

also thanks bigwinnerx for humble indie bundle 2!


So with the arrival of my new PC which is small enough to sit next to my ps4 and hook into my pc, the endless possibilities of steam, origin, and generations of game emulation on my tv have suddenly made me numb to it all. I have no idea what to do first. Damn


So with the arrival of my new PC which is small enough to sit next to my ps4 and hook into my pc, the endless possibilities of steam, origin, and generations of game emulation on my tv have suddenly made me numb to it all. I have no idea what to do first. Damn

Just sit tight for now. Winter Autumn Sale is coming.


All these giveaways kinda make me wish I didn't already own nearly every game I want.

That's going to be the "worst" part of this upcoming sale. Balancing the low funds I'll have to spend with the fact that I already own 90% of the stuff I would have bought on said sales.


Finally got rid of my 360 this afternoon. Should have sold it years ago, but I honestly forgot I had it since I had no desire to play.

Had my hands on the PS4 controller while I was in Best Buy. Felt amazing and I'm tempted to pick it up for the new PS3 and PC play.
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