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NPD Sales Results for November 2013 [Up3: Zelda, Pokemon, Mario, 3DS, Wii U]


41 > 38
One thing Nintendo needs to do as it starts ramping up for the next system is to figure out how to get the virtual console filled out. If the next system doesn't launch with the ability to buy every game they've made from the NES through the Wii, then they will have missed a massive opportunity for hype generation.
Funny how many automatically answered "Microsoft" in that thread about "Who is in worse shape, Nintendo or Microsoft".

MS is going to be losing a lot more marketshare than Nintendo (relative to recent months trends). Wii U has been in doom status for a while now.

Holy sh** at Dreamcast/Wii U comparison. Nintendo is finished.

We're about to see what Super Saiyan Panic Mode 2 Nintendo can do. Next E3 is going to be interesting.

meh, even this meme is old now. It wasn't funny last time and it won't be funny next time.

Cygnus X-1

Mario fatigue (NSMBU, NSLU, SM3DW, next is Mario Kart)
Inferior hardware, the equivalent of which (PS3, Xbox 360) is selling for $175-200
Lack of major 3rd party multiplatform titles
Lack of major 3rd party exclusive titles
A mandatory peripheral that no one really cares about
Wii / Wii U brand confusion
Dramatically changing market trends (see the top 10 selling titles)

Those are the major reasons I can come up with off the top of my head. Why is Nintendo making these terrible decisions? Conservative management. It's the same problem that killed off many major Japanese corporations in the 90's or brought them to their knees.

Yeah, good point. Nintendo's only positive factor is their large amount of cash and zero debts. It's the only reason that can make them stop, sit and reason on what to do at this point without being worried to go bankruptcy.


People saying Nintendo should go third party don't understand, what drives a lot of Nintendo success is using it's own consoles to drive sales and sell it's games.

Nintendo makes massive profits when it's consoles do well and people buy it's games, but without the consoles, they have to compete with other devs, they can't be the position they're in without console sales.

Without console sales profits, their investments into studios drops, their growth as a company slows, and inevitably, their quality will drop. Just look at Sega. There isn't anything special in the water at Nintendo. They're just rich and hire the best devs and have good R&D.

Of course games like Zelda, Mario, Metroid and the rest of their IP's will sell like hotcakes, but it wouldn't go on forever. They'd rather leave the home console space, focus on mobile/handheld/play through television, than go third party.
The only interesting trend is that multiplatform games sold better on PS4. That's more indicative of a trend.

Doesn't it make sense that a significant portion of early-adopters would buy both systems and thus, end up not buying third-party games on Xbox One that they already got on PS4?


Yep! This is the best attitude to take with any system that is lagging behind in sales. There will be gems, and you will be glad you had the system in the first place to purchase them. Which is why I can see the bright future of quality gaming on Wii U, just not the bright future of sales. You take the good with the bad.

Or you can take my view that the writing is on the wall and I'll be able to pick one up with a a game for $100 in a year or two.

Why spend 2X + change for that now? Propping up Nintendo's terrible decisions, marketing, and vision isn't in the cards for me.

They gambled on a trying to make another Wii and failed. I'll buy in on their mistake when they dump it for round 2. The software isn't going anywhere.


In a way it's hard to feel sorry for nintendo after the sheer incompetence of 90% of their decisions regarding the wii u, their 3ds software has helped keep it steady in a difficult market but the wii u is just shambles, what's the point of even making software for it when a 94 metacritic game does such poor numbers?


If there is anything Nintendo should be slammed for, it is chasing after their own past/legacy rather than trying to push forward which actually feels sadly out of character for them. 3DS and Wii U have great software, but Nintendo's output on both is primarily sequels from well established IP. The hardware design for both also plays it safe by sticking closely to the DS and Wii rather than going in an entirely different direction.

I think if Nintendo wants any hope of success in either market, they need to have a new vision of the company's future and innovate heavily in both their hardware and game design. Sadly, Nintendo's painfully slow reactions in a fast paced market will prove the next few years to be painful.


shouldn't they be braggin? old Sony did.

They made a psblog entry with a video thanking the fans. They bragged but did it in a classy way this time around imho.

ps: new sony >>>>>>>>>> old sony management wise...at least when it comes to home consoles lol
The low price of the Gamecube is what made it possible to reach 21 million units sold. Without that, it would have flopped long before and much worse.

Remember: not saying that Wii U suddenly will start selling like crazy. I'm stating that the improvement will be such that at least GC numbers could be possible. At this point the key is not how to make a turnaround. That's not possible anymore. It's how to squeeze as much money as possible from that failure.

Oh, I misunderstood what you meant then. Yes, I agree that they will aim for profitability, but wouldn't that go against your plan? They just did a price cut and they're still losing money on the hardware.
But sure, this thing will reach gamecube numbers AT BEST.


I can see this as being an analogy to the phone market:

1. Microsoft is like Apple. They are the relative newcomer but were able to change things up with new technology (good touchscreens, good Online tech) to become the best overall. However, loss of the best talent (Steve Jobs, J Allard) has found them in a downward decline from overall complete dominance to a more competitive role. Sitll doing amazingly well, they do need to find a way to outdo the rapidly rising competition from others who have been in the game longer.

2. Sony is like Samsung. Taking a huge stumble a while ago when competition suddenly got massive, they have been able to get themselves back on top of the market through sheer will. Though they have not eclipsed the competition completely (and probably won't for a while) they are on a high rise to success.

3. Nintendo is like HTC. Coming from early successes to huge domination in the years after new competition showed up, the old number one started to catch up to them and now both the old number one and the old number two are completely crushing them, leaving them to call in total last resorts. As one last resort failed spectacularly, leaving them in a precarious position, another was a moderate success, but still failed to help them to success, leaving them unsure where to go as their CEO goes back on his promise that their products would do well or else.


i don't really see another Xperia play as being viable. Sony makes nice hardware, but Samsung and Apple will obliterate them before they have a chance to become a serious player. lawsuits, marketing, pick your poison. They can't really compete on that level, and the Sony name doesn't really mean much in the smartphone arena.

Offering "playstation" as a PSN like streaming platform across all tablets and smartphones including iOS is the way to go if they want to compete with mobile, and Apple and Samsung will be invested in their success that way, rather than trying to crush them out of self interest.

Wasn't thinking Xperia play, as that really was just a phone with buttons but no decent dedicated software. I mean a multi-os android phone that's capable of acting like a dedicated handheld with exclusive games(So there is no hardware difference between devices weighing software down). This device could also work like a better vita to stream games. Granted, the phone environment of putting up new hardware annually works counter to this.

The Xperia line isn't doing badly in Japan either, they even topped Apple for a bit.


Posting my thoughts from another thread:

There are two key points here:
Point 1: HD development costs a hell of a lot more than Gamecube development did, and if they don't have the install base to make a profit on the software then their business is unsustainable, and they won't continue sinking costs into such software for the next 3 years. They are going to have to swallow a poison pill, and they should swallow it as soon as possible.

Point 2: With 4 home consoles selling well, and 1 selling poorly, retail will have a major decision to make about whether it keeps stocking the Wii U. If even one major chain pulls the Wii U, the internet will be all over it, and no one will bite on a dead system. At that stage the rest of the dominoes fall and the decision to kill it has been made for Nintendo. At least in this scenario Nintendo saves face. 'We didn't kill it, it was murdered by evil retail.'

It's over for the Wii U. I really believe that. What is it tracking towards? 9-12 million? I think it might live again in a rebranded console, as the Gamecube did with the Wii. That might be their best hope now.


Or you can take my view that the writing is on the wall and I'll be able to pick one up with a a game for $100 in a year or two.

Why spend 2X + change for that now? Propping up Nintendo's terrible decisions, marketing, and vision isn't in the cards for me.

They gambled on a trying to make another Wii and failed. I'll buy in on their mistake when they dump it for round 2. The software isn't going anywhere.

You're talking from a smart perspective, as one who hasn't bought one. But I will tell you that I was thinking the same thing until 3D World came out. The game made me buy the system. It's a system seller.
I remember that E3 the Wii U was announced. There was so much hype for a true next gen system from Nintendo. GAF hype was awesome. Then we got the WiiU.

without third parties this is what happens.

It's a fact of life now.


I'm hearing PS3 did 424k.

If that's true, it's not too bad. The bundles that were on sale were nowhere near as cheap as the 360 bundles this BF.

I remember that E3 the Wii U was announced. There was so much hype for a true next gen system from Nintendo. GAF hype was awesome. Then we got the WiiU.

without third parties this is what happens.

It's a fact of life now.

Whaa? I remember Wii U was met with a resounding "That's it?" here.


One thing Nintendo needs to do as it starts ramping up for the next system is to figure out how to get the virtual console filled out. If the next system doesn't launch with the ability to buy every game they've made from the NES through the Wii, then they will have missed a massive opportunity for hype generation.

I pointed it out on other thread too but remember Sony started development PS4 at 2006. I'm sure Nintendo is doing something already, not that they will show the new console anytime soon.


Unconfirmed Member
Not surprised Wii U sales were shit. I'm still sad about it. The console has offered me way more interesting software so far than anything on the PS4/Bone, and I assume that'll last through next year. My only concern about it selling like shit is what it will do to Nintendo. If they survive, I don't really care. I do feel like the major publishers and Sony/Microsoft don't care about my demo at all though. I mean, whatever, I'll still have old games to play, but it's sad. Gaming's been a part of my life for 27 years.
Wii U doing bad is sad. Don't worry fellow Wii U Gaffers, I am looking forward to 2014 gameswise, with what has already released and what is coming in 2014 I feel the investment is pretty much justified. I don't have too much time to game so I have plenty to play for a while.

Even as bad as it is Nintendo will ride the Wii U at least for 3 years, next year MK and SSB + what is an imminent price drop will help the Wii U stay near GC numbers.


3DS numbers are disappointing, what with Pokemon + new hardware that was $99. Up YoY of course, but I imagine they were expecting more.
Mario fatigue (NSMBU, NSLU, SM3DW, next is Mario Kart)
Inferior hardware, the equivalent of which (PS3, Xbox 360) is selling for $175-200
Lack of major 3rd party multiplatform titles
Lack of major 3rd party exclusive titles
A mandatory peripheral that no one really cares about
Wii / Wii U brand confusion
Dramatically changing market trends (see the top 10 selling titles)

Those are the major reasons I can come up with off the top of my head. Why is Nintendo making these terrible decisions? Conservative management. It's the same problem that killed off many major Japanese corporations in the 90's or brought them to their knees.
from the grave!
Where's Peterboy?

Got all uppity with me last night for calling doubt on MS's claim that they sold '2million' XB1's to customers because they have a history of spin and obfuscation with such matters.

And bang, here we have it again today - apparently steady sales numbers over a short period beats total sales. Who are you fucking kidding.
Thought dead rising 3 or killzone sf would make the top ten, bummer one of them didn't

didn't expect Ryse, Forza or Knack to make it, just those two since they were the big exclusive ones.

also thought 3DS was gonna sell a ton, i saw a lot of people buying them on black friday, weird.
Nintendo hardware sales in November:

2002	1.62m
2003	1.94m
2004	1.95m
2005	1.46m
2006	2.11m
2007	2.51m
2008	3.61m
2009	2.96m
2010	2.78m
2011	2.01m
2012	1.76m
2013	0.99m + DS + WII


DS + Wii need to have sold over 460k combined to prevent this from being the worst Nintendo November since 2002.

Brought to you by "Nintendo is Doomed".

Sweet Jesus and all the disciples, that's awful. Hell, 2011 to now is disastrous enough, considering that the WiiU wasn't even out yet and the 3DS was just launched.

Between the shrinking handheld market, the Wii's sales collapse, and the WiiU's sub-Gamecube performance throughout the year, Nintendo just seems to be besieged on all fronts.
Disappointing Wii U sales.

I've resigned myself to owning and supporting my modern day Dreamcast.

I'm trying to find a console that sold worse than the DC but better than the 3D0, but coming up empty.

So far even the Turbografx-16 AND Master System look like they'll outsell the WiiU.

The closest i can come to a console putting up WiiU numbers without being killed outright is the Atari 7800 (3.77 million in NA).
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